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Posts posted by oneday

  1. Did the parked truck have any lights on I wonder?facepalm.gif

    The truck was almost certainly parked in the motorbike lane forcing motorbikes to go around it. Night time makes it doubly dangerous.

    There were probably no lights at all on the truck and possibly no reflectors on it either or any reflectors it may have had were covered with dirt. I'd venture to say the truck was parked in such a way as to be difficult to spot. So many people here just give no thought or consideration as to how what they are doing could be deadly dangerous for someone else.


  2. This should be really quite simple.

    Is it a flaperon from a 777? I getting that the answer to this is "yes".

    How many 777's are missing. I'm also thinking from previous statements in the news the answer to this is ONE known missing 777. Pretty darn impossible to believe there is an unknown 777 missing.

    Not difficult to draw a 100% conclusion even if something doesn't quite match something they are expecting. There "splitting hairs" and causing undo anguish for the passenger's families.

  3. I recently needed to make a call to the National Visa Center in America. I knew I'd be on-hold for a very long time and it wasn't a toll-free number. I searched the internet looking for a way to call for free and found two ways, one of which is frankly unbelievable.

    One way I found is using some voice aspect/function of GMAIL through Chat on your GMAIL account, but the voice or calling part of Chat doesn't seem to work in Thailand yet.

    The other method was an APP called MagicAPP.

    1. The APP is free.

    2. The phone calls are totally FREE

    3. You can call ANY number in the US or Canada from any country in the world (I use it even for Toll-free numbers because it's so much easier than Skype)

    4. The connections I've had are as clear as if I were in the US

    5. It is available for Android and iOS.

    6. It allows you to make a phone call from your phone 100% exactly like making any other phone call in Thailand.

    7. If you store the number in your contacts this APP has access to your contacts just like your phone does.

    It's from the same people that came up with MagicJack many years ago.

    Any VOIP app requires a good internet connection wether that be 3G or WIFI, I have tried most of them and find Skype holds the clearest call quality, especially from a windows 8.1 phone.

    Out of interest, when you call the US, what does your number show up as?

    Also can you call the UK on this app?


    For me this beats Skype for ease of use and it's free when calling any normal land based line other than a toll free number. This is not true for Skype. It's only free with Skype when calling toll-free numbers or another computing device using Skype.

    Don't know what the number is that shows up.

    Sorry, it only works for the US and Canada.

  4. China is like a very slick and savvy con-artist. They will tell you everything you want to hear, they will make it seem like all your dreams will come true if you will only follow them down the "yellow brick road"...then when the sting comes you will find you have lost everything.

    Good luck Thailand.

  5. I recently needed to make a call to the National Visa Center in America. I knew I'd be on-hold for a very long time and it wasn't a toll-free number. I searched the internet looking for a way to call for free and found two ways, one of which is frankly unbelievable.

    One way I found is using some voice aspect/function of GMAIL through Chat on your GMAIL account, but the voice or calling part of Chat doesn't seem to work in Thailand yet.

    The other method was an APP called MagicAPP.

    1. The APP is free.

    2. The phone calls are totally FREE

    3. You can call ANY number in the US or Canada from any country in the world (I use it even for Toll-free numbers because it's so much easier than Skype)

    4. The connections I've had are as clear as if I were in the US

    5. It is available for Android and iOS.

    6. It allows you to make a phone call from your phone 100% exactly like making any other phone call in Thailand.

    7. If you store the number in your contacts this APP has access to your contacts just like your phone does.

    It's from the same people that came up with MagicJack many years ago.

  6. Most notably, Missouri made no change to its law on when police can use deadly force, even though it apparently doesn't comply with a 1985 U.S. Supreme Court ruling barring deadly force against unarmed fleeing suspects who pose no serious danger.

    So in Missouri it is OK to shoot and kill an unarmed fleeing suspect. Disgustingly warped and degenerate people must live in Missouri..

  7. Yes, that's right...it's everybody else's fault except for Thailand. Thailand is just misunderstood.

    Is there politics involved...of course there is...there is with every country in the world, including Thailand, but the TIP contained a lot of facts that are very difficult to dispute and almost everything Thailand has done positive with regard to trafficking came after the cut-off for this year's TIP report. I seriously suspect that next year Thailand will be upgraded as long as they hold the course and continue to aggressively search for traffickers, arrest them, prosecute them and jail them.

  8. You need a "residence certificate" from immigration. I do not have these, but I understand a work permit and almost certainly a yellow house-book, if you have one, will work in place of the "residence certificate". They need something that shows or proves you live in Thailand.

    You do not have to go to the LTO, you can go to any P.R.B. (pronounced Paw Raw Baw) office and they can also handle all this for you for a small commission. These offices are everywhere. If you have the Green book on the bike then the person in the Paw Raw Baw office will know exactly where all the signatures go and they will take rubbings of the vehicle number off the bike. They know everything that is to be done. They do it everyday.

    If the Paw Raw Baw person can't find the vehicle number for the rubbing then go to a local bike shop they sells your brand bike and they will know exactly where the number is and take the rubbing for you. Bring the rubbing back to the P.R.B. person. Our local lady couldn't find it on our PCX so I drove a few feet down the road and got the Honda mechanic to do it.

  9. "...because of the government’s efforts to crackdown on trafficking networks since the May 2014 coup that brought Gen. Prayuth into power..."

    Incredibly stupid for anyone to make a statement like this since the TIP report's cut-off date was at the end of March this year and there was zero trafficking crackdown until the mass graves were found on May 1st of this year. It had to be thrown in their faces before anything was done. Next year may see Thailand upgraded, but I hope not if they send the PhuketWan journalists to jail.

  10. "The latest report only applies to the government's actions prior to March, so efforts after the third month will be counted in next year's report, not this year," she said.

    These reporters and the government are not paying enough attention to this statement. Everyone knows Thailand didn't really start to do anything different until the migrant mass graves were found on May 1st of this year. That was after the cut-off date for this report. In addition to that, and it's very heartening to see this in the report, Thailand continues with their insane prosecution of the two journalists from the PhuketWan newspaper. That alone is reason enough to keep them at Tier 3.

  11. R.I.P young lady.

    The real sad part is if this had been a Thai driver on the bike, he would have been fined 1000 baht and sent on his way and that includes Thais who drive recklessly and kill innocent falang walking on a sidewalk.

    This poor young man wakes from a coma to huge medical bills and to the news his fiance was killed in the accident. The family of the young lady pays for all damages, but Thailand still wants to prosecute him.

    That is heartless vengeance in it's purest form.

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