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Posts posted by Mitker

  1. 5 hours ago, overherebc said:


    Have you been watching UK news lately? Hundreds, yes, hundreds of flight cancelled due to industrial action.

    Sure, I've seen that.

    (And to be clear I would also add that I'm certainly not a fan of the company and mostly of his boss who shows a highly despicable mentality)


    But the fact is that during the last decades, it's thanks to its profitability that the company has been continuously able to cannibalize the air transport in Europe (there the main reason I fly with them: they're now the only left on many destinations)


    They're going into trouble now (it's recent) for the disdain with which they treat their staff (for a long time indeed). The same old arrogance of its boss


    But my point is that economically, they've made a awful lot of money all along the years

    Notwithstanding the fact that they had to follow the European regulations in term of wages and social security benefits that I suspect are much higher than here. Fuel is not cheaper there neither.


    But even so they charge 1/2 price of Thai low cost airlines and I don't think they would have to double that to treat correctly their staff while remaining profitable. So there's something missing in the equation.

  2. I fly domestic here at more than double the price for similar low cost (Ryanair) fares in Europe

    wages are far lower here (pilots, crew, maintenance, ground services..)

    regulations are sure quite stricter in the West

    Ryanair is a very profitable and expanding company while Air Asia, Nok Air... lose money


    Can somebody explain me?



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  3. 2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    I have 2 tanks for collecting rain water for the past 8 years....use for everything except drinking. Never occurred to me to filter it....why would one need to?

    I filter it again debris (dead insects, lizards or snails, leaves residues..)

  4. 5 hours ago, rozand said:

    i let it rain a bit first to clean out any particles, than catch it from my shades, filter it through a cotton cloth and that is it. I use that, i am still alive thank you, and great for making coffee and bread.

    Same for me for several years. Only that I don't drink it.


    Tank is 5M higher and despite filtering the pressure is sufficient for shower (including heater mechanical switch) and laundry machine valve.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    Yes thats right, probably another 3-4 today then the massive task of replenishing all the tanks, tanks for the guys going in and out replenishing the tanks, bringing out empties etc. I imagine 100s of tanks and 100s of 3 hour return trips to replenish all the tanks again.

    I imagine a substantial number of these tanks are positioned/swapped in sections large enough so that the empty ones don't have to evacuated now

    It would be a useless risk

    Air tanks are an easy supply and I guess they just bring in the full ones and leave the empty ones for after the monsoon

    (but sure some sections may require moving the used ones further to clear the way)

  6. 1 minute ago, ginjag said:

    EMERGENCY   evacuation because of drastic oxygen levels falling,   This morning I could not believe my eyes when it stated that they had a lack of full tanks of oxygen so it delayed the rest of the rescue.    May I ask who is the organiser of ordering enough full oxygen tanks ???     They should have been in place with more than  enough needed a week ago.  Now no news today yet.  WHY ???     have the kids oxygen enough in the cave   ??

    do you have a link to the source of this info?

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, digger70 said:

    Why not make a capsule with oxygen on board put the person to sleep and push/pull the capsule from one flooded area to an other ,one doesn't have to go All the way at ones,,,, Just a thought,,,,

    Given the very narrow and curved sections they have to go through, the size and rigidity of such a capsule would make it simply impossible to maneuver.

    And if we're talking about a flexible one, then we get close to the full mask + some protective gears (head, elbow, knees...)

    But getting them drugged and slowly escorted to the exit with the help of the flow seems a realistic option, even if not risk-free


    Hearing about the first infections and thinking about the mental trauma, the 4 months confinement looks like last option (without the other risks mentioned above)

  8. 4 hours ago, moe666 said:

    At least they are not building in San Kamphang the home of Thaksin and his clan. For years the story was that the new airport would be built on his land. It is not needed now but by the time it is complete everyone will be crying for it

    Banthi district is directly adjacent to San Kamphaeng.

    Even if the projected airport land isn't strictly on San Kamphaeng, it would automatically increase the land value of the surrounding areas (making them more attractive to transport, tourism and logistics-related activities and housing; while destroying original quality of life of course).


    I think Taksin is actually quite pleased with the planned move

  9. 14 hours ago, Anythingleft? said:

    More than likely just wants his percentage for the gains..
    Another highlight of how entrenched the corruption is here. The buying of positions is not even the main story, its the use of a main name and more than likely more to do with people who should know better losing face for falling for this...

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

    Buying positions is indeed - and by far - the biggest part of the story and it goes totally unnoticed


    While it exposes the systematic corruption of the system, it is just mentioned as a mere circumstantial fact

    It should lead to a huge uproar but all we see is a deafening silence


    Deeply disturbing even if, sadly, nobody's surprised anymore

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  10. 7 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    RIP to the red truck, assaulted by idiots. 

    There's an easy way to finance a new one:

    get the battery maker build a promotion campaign based on that picture of what was once a blue bike with its rear light still on after the impact

    return the value of such a brand building campaign to the pick-up owner


    I'm slightly cynical here but that's what morbid stupidity putting other people lives at risk inspires me

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