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Posts posted by Mitker

  1. Hello,


    We regularly have some printer toners/ink cartridges to get rid of.

    I've been searching for a way to dispose of them a more sustainable way than just inflating the local landfill or turning them into toxic smoke.


    The only places accepting (or even buying) them my searches returned were located in Bangkok:



    (Canon.co.th proudly promotes virtuous recycling on its website but only offers a dead link to anyone interested in actual collecting locations)


    Does anyone know about a proper recycling channel in Chiang Mai?



  2. When the trust the public puts on the produce safety is - and rightly so - at its lowest, trumpeting about hosting an international organic expo in Thailand is simply pointless.. except if the aim is just to artificially change perceptions without fixing the main underlying issue


    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    Looking at the photos, it appears there are some small plastic cones that have been placed in the spaces between the larger concrete-filled orange blocks, allowing motorcyclists to move the small cones themselves and perform a U-turn


    Unless I've missed something obvious, if the highways department placed all the concrete-filled blocks end-to-end - with no spaces between them, it would make it a lot more difficult to move them.


    not sure there's any concrete-filled stuff here


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    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Beatriz said:

    A friend of mine built a home-made water heater but it is not solar panel system. He just made use of the energy from the sun. He had these water pipes all painted black to absorb heat and these pipes run up and down like the car (old car system)cooling system. He also install mirrors that will reflect the sun light onto those pipes. Of course on raining day ( long hours of rain) then no hot water.

    Well, he get hot water during the day and warm water at night. In the morning the water is not cold just normal room temperature. I quite like the idea.

    Anyone seen this kind of home-made water heating system?

    I put up and used such a system for several years.

    Great and as cheap as you can get: just a PE pipe on the roof and a basic plastic storage water tank of 100L with insulation wrapped around (still warm in the morning): no pump or any mechanical/electrical stuff since the tank was slightly higher than the pipe: natural flow when heating (sun) and still when not. All DIY.

    Why don't I use it anymore? The trees around the house grew until covering the roof, something I wanted since my air con can now fully retire.

    I should move the system a little apart of the house

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, rwill said:

    what about a wind turbine?


    Except in the South, Thailand is rather poor in wind. At least regular wind.

    (I don't know OP's location)


    A monthly storm doesn't help


    EPA also first refused to connect us unless we'd pay for a transformer that wouldn't be our property (their infrastructure)

    We refused of course and lived on a generator during 2 years until - without advance notice - we saw them putting the line and connect us

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, joskeshake said:

    For him no problem for safe driving, with his Rolls Royce and privat driver.

    I had the opportunity to have a talk with him and several times with officials of the consular service

    It has always been a relax chat with open and friendly people

    Zero attitude

    The opposite of what your post suggests

  7. 3 hours ago, madmitch said:

    The Judge hasn't stated that there was no corruption involved, just that the person suing wasn't in a position to do so. An interested party, I assume, could be a competitor in the bid for the contract but I'd guess they've been paid off anyway.  

    When corruption involves any official entity of a country (like AOT), every citizen is an affected party due to the public funds being somewhat diverted but also due to the public system being undermined in its missions and integrity.

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