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Posts posted by Mitker

  1. 10 hours ago, webfact said:

    A subsequent investigation concluded that that Thinnakorn had previously been involved in illegal activities and been subject to warnings and disciplinary punishment. 


    Paisal said Thinnakorn would face severer punishment than a civilian would because his crimes were carried out in his capacity as a police officer.

    Maybe double warnings and double disciplinary punishment this time?



    On a more serious note: how can a structure that's supposed to enforce law even consider for a fraction of second to maintain among its ranks a convicted criminal??

    That's truly beyond me

  2. I've been stung once


    They obviously like to build nests inside our factory: 3 so far - 2 still to get rid of, but we coexist somehow peacefully so far and their nests are indeed beautiful

    By reading the other posts, I guess I've been lucky

    It hurt like a wasp would but what I remember is how I saw them truly aim at you like a missile: no landing, just crashing dart first. Impressive.

    A Thai worker immediately asked me if I was feeling some dizziness or else; obviously they know the symptoms allergic people would feel.

    He just squeezed the area to expel the venom and within a couple of hours it was all memory. Just a mark on my arm lasting like a week or so.

  3. 10 hours ago, lvr181 said:

    Not wanting to sound ignorant :unsure: but where is the 'value' in the hornets nest?

    I've been told that Thai people are looking for them for 2 reasons:

    1) they enjoy the larvae as a delicacy

    2) they would hang the empty nest in their entrance since it supposedly brings good luck (at least that's what they say in Chiang Mai)


    and since the offer is limited, price is rather high

  4. 9 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    She has wasted 10 years of her life on this. Can't help thinking she would have lived a happier 10 years if she had let it go.

    Still, I wish her well.

    She didn't "waste" 10 years of her life.

    She dedicated 10 years of her life for a cause that she rightly considered was an injustice and abuse not to be tolerated.

    She fought a battle everyone of us will benefit to some extend while bearing herself the costs and the risks

    People like her would have felt awfully miserable all these 10 years if opted to "let it go"


    Thailand badly needs more people like her to improve

    She has all my respect and gratitude

  5. 6 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

    Why do guys always go after the man sleeping with their wife?

    The man is doing no wrong, the wife is committing adultery... shoot her.

    Because in his irrational mind, he was getting rid of the problem and would keep the wife.

    While by shooting the wife, he would stay with the guy. Maybe he was not so interested in him even if as young as his wife..

  6. I'm always baffled by these land issues


    - chanotes bear their loads of signature (officials); how is it they can't solve the issue of genuineness between two documents in a matter of minutes

    - I guess the land departments keeps its own records.. same conclusion as above: cleared within minutes

    - how can a land that has a status of "protected forest" have a market value of 100MTHB/rai? birdwatchers clubs?

  7. Thailand proudly succeeds in leading the most read articles of the week on the international news section of "La Libre" website (one of the 2 leading Belgian newspapers in french; and definitely not a tabloid)

    But authorities may be disappointed to discover that the topics are:

    nr 1: the "suicide" of Elise Dallemagne on Koh Tao and the many former "definitely non-suspicious" deaths cases,

    nr 2: the scandal of organized underage sex abuse in Mae Hong Son

    Maybe not exactly the coverage TAT is looking for

    But, now, not everybody puts tourists dollars as a top priority when looking at serious issues

    The carpet approach doesn't reach abroad

    most popular of the week.jpg

  8. I'm just wondering (technical question):


    Ok. What goes up must go done; agreed.

    But at what speed?

    A bullet from a vertical gunshot is propelled at high speed by the cartridge powder explosion. It then progressively loose its ascending speed due to gravity and air friction until it stops at a certain height and starts its descend in a free fall only.

    The 2 former forces will now work in opposite direction, with the air resistance increasing with speed until both are balanced at a speed that will depend on the bullet aerodynamics.


    Any idea of what that speed would be?

    I'm just surprised that it would be sufficient to kill somebody on the spot


    sorry if this question comes too early before the happy hour... ;)


  9. 7 hours ago, Artben said:

    A simple answer is any air cleaner will help as long as you are inside.  How much it helps is another story.  Air filters come in 2 basic flavors.  Mechanical and Electronic.

    Mechanical filters have to be changed regularly and of those a HEPA filter is the best.  The problem is they are expensive.  Electronic air cleaners have a higher first cost but  generally do a better job as they remove smaller particles.  Which ever you choose be sure it is rated for the cubic feet (or cubic meters) of your home and you MUST keep the doors and windows closed, the AC on 24 hours a day and the AC fan set to constant run.  If you're not willing to do that, save your money. 

    What is the need to keep the AC running to clean the air?

    This is the air filter job. And it has a fan running already to circulate the air.


    I have several Sharp working during the nasty season. Good job, quite silent and still no need for filter replacement after several years

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