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Everything posted by rbkk

  1. Genuine question: How long is a Covid-19 vaccine/booster "Valid" for travel? I'm off next week for a short trip and I've had 4 in total but the last booster was about 9 months ago. Do I now need a "Top-up?"
  2. I see this as a diversionary tactic to deflect attention away from the patient who was,sadly, dead on arrival.
  3. Were his next of kin informed before the release of his identity?
  4. Why is the captain not under arrest? When there was a fire in a disco and the fire exits were locked the owner was locked up. Not having enough life jackets for the souls on board is captaincy 101; failed.
  5. To be filed in the fake news folder along with the news this morning that all 106 crew members are safe after the sinking of the RTNS and being brain dead isn't the same as dead.
  6. It's a whole racket that's been going on for years now. I personally knew of 5 Africans that were paid 18,000 baht a month but each of their work contracts with the schools were for 28,000 baht a month.
  7. They seem to have money in their sights and not the criminals.
  8. Is Thailand ever going to get the latest version of vaccines that potentially have a better success rate than the original formulae?
  9. Illegal Chinese police stations have been uncovered on foreign soil in many countries. For some reason they seem harder to find in Thailand....
  10. As it was games purchased my bet is on a sibling. 2 weeks ago in the parallel soi to me a mother had 100,000 baht vanish from her Kasikorn a/c. On visiting the bank the money was found to have been transfered to her son's a/c without her knowledge.
  11. Thailand's average IQ is....cough, cough...far higher than that.
  12. Am I allowed to say the NE is full of cults? ????
  13. Where are the 2nd generation vaccines?
  14. Any chance of a receipt, officer?
  15. AIS chose to lose the Formula 1 by not buying the rights and now they have chosen not to buy the rights for the World Cup 2022. A distinct pattern.
  16. Nothing to do with the APEC leaders then. That's good to know.
  17. Alex Albon @ Buriram! https://www.google.com/search?q=buri+ram+circuit+formula+1&rlz=1C1APWK_enTH879TH879&oq=buri+ram+circuit+formula+1&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i10i160.15665j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:2debe9cf,vid:9snwArc3MSQ
  18. I gave up with Thai sports commentaries sounding like they are broadcasting from a toilet years ago. I can highly recommend https://getflix.com/ . BBC iPlayer and the new ITVX have been working perfectly for the matches so far. There is even a free 14-day trial, no CCard details needed. Easy to set up.
  19. He looks bamboozled, shafted and perplexed.
  20. What has Thailand agreed to that makes it enough to solicit a mask-free handshake from China? Something's changed from the handshake rebuff the other day.
  21. That's what happens to fence sitters.
  22. Unlikely to be just the one leader with Covid-19. "Superspreaders" comes to mind.
  23. Wrong. There are actually 4 tiers. None of them mention anything about a yellow book or pink card. They are: 1. a Thai person, 2. A farang from neighbouring country, 3. A farang working on a Non Im B, and 4. a farang tourist or expat. Sorry to read you got out of bed this morning on the wrong side! I used my Yellow book to register (easily) and receive treatment (ongoing clinic +free Covid-19 vaccines x4) at my local hospital. I have never had a Non Imm B visa. I do have a Non Imm O which allows you to work if you chose (Group 3). Group 4 is for retirees not expats, you sir are wrong. Taken from your link..... "The fourth group consists of tourists and retirees." https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/dual-pricing-foreigners-legal-thai-public-hospitals/
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