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Everything posted by rbkk

  1. Quick, before the MFP get here.....
  2. I'd be very concerned about wind speeds up there during a storm. Particularly in high-sided vehicles.
  3. It's the Chinks in their armour that cause all the problems.
  4. I am all for new techy things. If you choose to follow idiots, yes your wasting your life. If you choose on the other hand with care I can see this as the fastest way to connect with events in real-time. Fantastic; if it can work and be "Friendly."
  5. I qualified as an audio engineer in the 1980's. I produce music now. To keep trim I go to the gym! https://www.soundgym.co/
  6. The music volume is often enough to awaken the dead.
  7. The immigration officers are a highly dangerous breed. It must be that.
  8. How can you keep your teachers' license after admitting to assauting a 5 year old student? She should not be able to walk away from this and join another school. It's refreshing to see the name of the school, for all to see, plastered across the wall!
  9. Bullying is not gender specific and is endemic. Daily news stories of murders, knifings and now overdoses. It makes for very sad reading. Not a word I've seen from the Dept. of Education. Perhaps they missed all the bad publicity whilst there heads were stuck.......(A) up their ar*es. (B) in the sand. (C) glued to TikTok.
  10. So therefore the poor have funding available and the rest don't require it because they have the means to pay for the fees themselves without Government assistance. Money/defaulting is not the issue as I see it. Failure is a factor. Edit: The lending criteria for Student Loans were eased recently to encompass more of the population.
  11. That must be very hard to do with the "Buy Now, Pay Later" scheme available to most Thais! https://www.studentloan.or.th/en/home
  12. I disagree. To prove my point; Kasetsart University (Largest in Thailand) awarded 12,945 undergraduate degrees but admitted 16,403 new undergraduate students (78.9%). A 20+% 'Failure rate.' Kasetsart University in Thailand - US News Best Global Universities
  13. Why deny it was your birthday party when some significant other has gone to the trouble of messaging you on the plate? "Happy Birthday to My Pt the Chadchart"
  14. Having a second look you could well be correct. Also odd is this...... Quote from linked article: "They are old photos from last May, taken during a birthday party for one of our friends." If you look at the writing on the plate (Twist your head!) It says Happy Birthday and his name (Chadchart) right in front of him. It's his birthday cake. An odd thing to forget.
  15. Sad. Another case of bullying to blame. Schools have become dangerous places. Two M2 student murders due to bullying, in different schools, in the last month. How can the homeroom teachers let things get to this stage without earlier intervention?
  16. Last month there was a M2 student death in a Srisaket school. In both cases bullying was too blame. In both these cases the weapons were knives. Bullying at schools is a sadly common occurance. What i find sadder is the teacher negligence in not caring and turning a blind eye., particularly from the home room teachers of these victims. Both of these deaths were preventable.
  17. Exactly! Prior to this, Thai Airways had an International Safety Rating of 5/7. Clearly this should now be downgraded further after this latest incident.
  18. If she did they'd be well off by now!
  19. Rose-tinted glasses have helped me better deal with the general way of life here in Thailand.
  20. I was given the plastic stool once and the row in front got a wooden plank so 2 extra passengers could be sqeezed in! This used to quite normal. Thankfully there are new micro busses on that upgraded route now.
  21. Ask the classmates what went on. You'll likely get more truth than from any adults/teachers. Also, have they got older overnight? Today they are grade 10 students (Mathyom 4)?
  22. The teachers should have been aware of this and need to show what actions they took, if any, to stop this from happening/escalating. Saying there were 'Hero's' after this tragedy is reactive not proactive and comes across as disingenuous.
  23. My experience in Thailand is that M1 and M2 (Yrs 7/8) where the hormones are raging is where the aggression is most prevalent. Prefects (Older kids) would be an excellent idea to take the time pressure of the teachers but does it count as unpaid labour or educating future leaders?
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