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Everything posted by mahtin

  1. Magnetic snout seeks steel trough for long relationship.
  2. Mr. Kidd: If God had wanted man to fly, Mr. Wint... Diamonds Are Forever. 1971.
  3. It has been a bad few days for the Thai army. Right. 8 years of it.
  4. Now Mr. Wu, he's got a naughty eye that flickers You ought to see it wobble when he's ironing ladies blouses "Chinese Laundry Blues" was Formby's signature tune, and the first of his "Mr Wu" songs ...the song was initially called "Chinese Blues," and its hero is a lovesick Chinese laundry worker in Limehouse, a dockside area of London which had a large Chinese population at this time. https://www.songfacts.com/facts/george-formby/chinese-laundry-blues
  5. Next door sells beer, ice and sundries. Missus will abstain for 3 months, fortunately no problem with me not. "The same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?" Miss Sophie replies "The same procedure as every year, James".
  6. Big Food makes you sick, Big Pharma keeps you sick. Just say No.
  7. Sorry, forgot about this thread. Yes, got the bootloader unlocked finally, and now rooted and running a nice bloat-free Treble based Android 11 . ( https://ombob.my.id/redmi-9a-9at-dandelion-custom-rom-android-11-update-using-caos-gsi-custom-aosp-os/ , which can be flashed with FASTBOOTD mode.) No working custom recovery though.
  8. And how about organ grinders? Monkey work coconut honourable profession.
  9. Elephant, buffalo, sundry other beasts of burden being overlooked too. K9 law enforcement? The list is long.
  10. Do you have a website? Allergic to social media on phones. Don't want to PM or speak to anybody. Passport renewal next year. Far from Pattaya.
  11. Not much hacking involved here. Phishing, yeah.
  12. Need to validate my Xiaomi phone for Xiaomi, which involves them sending an SMS from China. It doesn't arrive, so can't enter the OTP. Previously had the same problem, not receiving SMS from Germany. Could this be resolved by changing anything, maybe different plan, like Mao Mao? Have 200 Baht validity, about to expire in 2 days. Mao Mao extends validity? Otherwise, received a new prepaid True SIM with the phone. Could put some money in that. Xiaomi's procedure requires mobile data active and wifi off, apparently.
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