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Posts posted by BugJackBaron

  1. Another alternative to firefox is Chrome(called chromium in linux) from Google. Fast and simple.

    If you really love firefox but don't need those extensions(a bad extension can cause cpu spiking) try firefox 4 beta in the repos, It's faster than 3 and

    is not compatible with extensions yet..

  2. As a frequent user of torrent from many many places(free wifi coffee shops rock) in Bangkok and

    Pattaya I can say no blocks at all in the last month.And I have 30GB of files to prove it!

    Remember there are many reasons for no connection

    and that yellow warning sign, including a bad router and torrent connection cut off from

    further upstream. This happens sometimes with piratebay as they are constantly in a war of

    whack-a-mole with the authorities,

    So you've tried downloading a torrent from TOT today have you? What happened days, weeks ago is irrelevant. Read the thread from page 1 and when you get to 13 you'll understand the problem.

    Not sure if it was TOT but I did get a complete movie from Freedom cafe in siam and

    another cafe.

    Let's assume it wasn't TOT say it was True. Woudn't TOT be cutting their own

    throat by limiting/stopping torrent? Don't forget most customers who use torrent are Thai.

    I will try a pub near Soi cowboy tomorrow and see if its OK :)

    Just giving some perspective....


  3. As a frequent user of torrent from many many places(free wifi coffee shops rock) in Bangkok and

    Pattaya I can say no blocks at all in the last month.And I have 30GB of files to prove it!

    Remember there are many reasons for no connection

    and that yellow warning sign, including a bad router and torrent connection cut off from

    further upstream. This happens sometimes with piratebay as they are constantly in a war of

    whack-a-mole with the authorities,

  4. Time to feed the trolls! (trolls are people too)


    (1) XP has a serious bug(you can google it) for those doing a lot of torrenting from wifi spots.

    Basically the registry tells xp it cannot connect to the internet due to maximum connections reached,

    Yes I've tried registry cleaners and they are not relevant. Hacking the registry or reintalling XP are only options

    Windows 7 and Vista have fixed this problem I'm told but I didn't want to reformat my laptop(its my company's)

    So I said, why not give linux another try - I last used it round 2006.

    I installed Ubuntu Lucid lynx and am very happy with it. In addition to no max out problems

    it also lets me control my trackpad - xp doesn't even list it in the hardware and is less

    annoying than xp in quite a few ways. Many windows programs run in linux too.

    It's not perfect as I have had a few problems on wep networks but those usually get sorted out

    with software updates.

  5. The Walking Street Journal was the best :) but sadly has walked away :(

    Pattaya People is the most amusing with its journalistic "standards".

    I think PP and PM both have TV channels but PD doesn't

  6. I live in a university dorm so PB is blocked.

    However, I am a frequent user of free wifi spots around Bangkok

    and as of yesterday I had no problem accessing Piratebay or other p2p sites.

    Don't know what ISP they use but I imagine it isn't 3B

  7. "We" is the school where I work. Currently no openings as the school year has started. Your chances are pretty good.

    Many schools look for a 'white face', not necessarily a native speaker. A number of Europeans have near-native speaking ability and get hired quite easily.

    Some will but almost always at a pay rate lower than that of a native

    or even a Thai English teacher.

  8. Don't want to rain on your parade guys, but Walmart, Target or anyone else replacing Carrefour wouldn't bring much change.

    CF in Thailand looks nothing like those you can find in France or Spain. It's just another Thai supermarket, with 3 full rows of Lays potato chips and barely half a dairy section.

    The only difference with Tesco or Big C is a tiny section of french and international products.

    I am globally very dissatisfied by the supermarkets in Thailand. As some satirical website pointed out some time ago, they manage to offer the same product selection as a 7-eleven on the surface of 2 football fields.

    I guess CF are trying to get some cash out of the stagnating markets (Thailand, Malaysia) to invest in the fast growing ones (China, India...)

    As for the "typical french failure" snarky remarks, I find this a bit ironical, considering Carrefour is in the top 3 retail groups in the world (#1 in size, #2 in revenue and #3 in profit).

    A quick look at wikipedia would show you that, for example, they are installed in China since '95, have more than 150 stores there... I'd say they adapt pretty well.

    Oh, and FYI, BigC is a Thai company operating under a business alliance with Casino Group... another french retailer.

    Agreed. Even the best places in Bangkok for foreign produce, Siam Paragon and Emporium can't match what is in the average Safeway in Canada at

    1/3 the cost.

    On the other hand it is better here than in some asian(*cough* Korea) countries.

    It seems that "globalization" has really just meant a license for multinationals to drop

    what they cant sell in the West over here

    I hear Singapore comes closer to the Western quality..why can't Thailand.?

  9. Yet another "lost in translation" special.

    They stuff it into a bag. The owner demands a body search, to which the crimminals meekly agree! The offenders let this search be performed(even though the door is apparently there for them to walk out), then they leave the shop, even though every jewellery shop I have ever been in, in Old Siam has an electronic lock.

    Can't they find anyone who can write something that is remotely recognizable as the English language to compose these types of reports?

    Seems not. Compared to China -at least parts of it - the English news here is atrocious

    On the plus side it allows you to exrecise your imagination and make your own version of what happened.

  10. Saw the advert for the buffet at Poseidon Restaurant in the Jomtien Complex so thought we would try – sounded a very good menu at 145 Baht. Also, being the same owner as Casa Pascal things looked promising.

    Well sorry to say but a huge disappointment. Apart from items on the menu not being available the basic's were shocking. The eggs, sausages (well that is what it was billed as, but nothing like a sausage) and bacon (another joke) were cooked to order outside but even with no other order took an age then forgot items that were ordered !

    Sorry, back to Caddy Shack or Jameson's for me.

    Nice to have confirmation of my post :)

    Too bad the standards are so low on the Jomtien side

  11. Just eat half of what you used to eat, and you will see the Kg melt away.

    No need for a diet, no need to spend extra money, no gurus, no "enhancers" or "replacements" or what ever. You will even save money on food.

    Eat less and exercise if you did not.

    But also eat healthy and most people do not.

    Nothing wrong with protein. Cut the carbs if u want to lose weight.

    Even my girl knows too much rice makes one fat.

    Hamburger is OK. Lose the fries or eat less of them and less soda.

    Doctors are continually amazed at how well Atkins and paleo diets work.

    Another interesting tidbit is that research has shown exercise alone to be very poor at

    reducing weight.

  12. I think it may depend on who see.

    My experience a year ago(when I was still a tourist).

    I had a new passport and they didn't know if the visa was valid

    I had to phone my embassy and have them explain it

    which sorted the problem out.

    Then I was asked for a "tip"ohmy.gif

    which I paid of course. Wow, a tip for teaching the officer

    the right procedure!

    The good experience was when I wanted documents for a bank account and

    the (different) officer I spoke to told me how to make it simple.

  13. They have one of these in Victory Monument Bangkok. Basically a shake with some healthy ingredients(so they say) like protein powder and chocolate or vanilla flavoring.

    Expensive and may leave you hungry in a couple of hours.

    Bacon and eggs for me!

  14. Or for those who are a bit price conscious, The new Samsung Wave matches close to all the specs and surpasses it in many arias...it has basically the same processor.. (source: engadget) , Wave will also probably be available for about half the price of the new Iphone 4. ( Samsung Wave review i GSMArenaha )

    Yea but I would never use anything Samsung; they are the closest thing to a Macdonald's

    of the electronics industry. Check the forums. More complaints about their shoddy products

    than any other company...

  15. That's easy: poor.


    Unless you

    (1) work for an international school or area full professor at Makidon(sp) University(you won't be teaching English though)

    (2) Have one or two part time jobs on the side - which are fine as long as they last

    (3) Have an extra source of income - like a pension

    English teaching is the bottom of the barrel.

    Cynical or realistic?!

    As for going native - as others have noted, that's fine as long as you don't plan to make regular trips back home -

  16. Wow, so many nasty replies, one of which is certainly breaching forum rules for personal insults.

    If people don't like a subject, why do they bother replying? So easy, click onto some other post.

    For those of us that do like to daydream:


    build a soundshell for concerts on the beach

    halve the baht buses

    put some traffic light controlled pedestrian crossings on the most congested roads

    make second road two way

    close Beach Rd from Central to South Rds after 6pm, and allow outdoor cafes to set up

    build a tramway from Sri Racha, through Naklua to the end of Jomptien

    move the bus station down next to Second Rd

    build a cable car to Buddha Hill

    move the TAT back into town where it'd be of some use

    As said, I'm daydreaming

    The bus station used to be on Second Road, where it is now is an improvement as Second Road is congested enough without all the buses adding to it.

    Second Road also used to be 2 way and it is a big improvement now, again because of congestion.

    Get rid of the Baht Buses altogether and just have a proper taxi service that uses the meters and intorduce a proper bus service.

    Don't allow the big tour buses into town, Beach Road and Soi 12 are too small for them.

    I'm for keeping the Baht buses. Even in Bangkok they are used and Pattaya just doesn't have the geography to justify a bus service. It was tried and failed.

    But please post fares on Baht buses clearly. Second road should stay as it is I agree. As for the bus station, well only newbies use it anyways(or people with very early or very late departures) The smart way is to take one of the many minivans that can be found near walking street.

  17.  My 50 satang. In many  cases it is simply poor value for the money that is

    causing customers to abandon ship.

    This is why Soi Bookhow, with its cheaper prices and sometimes better food, is relatively OK.

    Just Burger in Jomtie is doing OK with its low overhead and more importantly - good food!

    Cut prices? Some have done it - The Huntsman  in Bangkok offers half price hour now on food.

    Yes, and it has a farang manager in one of the highest rental places(landmark hotel) there is.

     In Pattaya no one seems to want to even try that. :)

  18. Oh my god, cafe fish is absolutely revolting and over priced. Dukes rocks just about every dish on the menu. Someone already mentioned chippy on soi 23, that's where you want to go. Scottish judgement? Guess only Scotts would care.

    ha ha ha. My reaction is just the opposite. I find the Duke's massively disappointing on virtually all their menu items.

    I will give it a wide berth.

    I know we have some devotee's - based I guess on their CM shop where maybe the owner has time to monitor what goes on.

    The Emporium Branch is really really second rate.

    I'm sure they'll do fine without my custom.

    Hey I'll back you powderpuff.

    Tried the burger for the second time - bland is the best I can say about it.

    Not going to waste money trying the fish and chips.

    Agree that  quality western food in Bangkok is harder to find than in Phuket

    or Chiang Mai. 

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