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Posts posted by BugJackBaron

  1. My post concerned this topic and its changes.

    You seem most upset by the change 2 years ago that restricted doing border runs and getting 30 day entries. I have never understood why people were doing that when tourist visas were a better option even then. Before the border with Cambodia opened up and those easy runs were not possible people were going to Penang for visas. At one time the Burma border runs also were also not an option. To Laos it was only the bridge in Nong Kai to cross by land unless you got a visa in Bangkok. At that time even having a multiple entry visa meant a long trip by land.

    Yes there were changes made to the requirements to those getting extensions. For the marriage/child extensions it made it better for some but not others. There is a grandfather clause of sorts that still lacks some calrification as to how immigration is going to use it for those hurt by it.

    For those on retirement extensions it made it better for first time applicants.

    I just don't see any trend of the goverment trying to run all the farangs out. They just want them to get visas if they want to stay for a long period of time instead of making a dash to the border.

    The reason I did it in the 4 tourist visits I made during my backpacking vacations from 2004-2007 was simple:flexibility and convenience. Why should I get a 3 month  single entrty visa(my vacation was 2 1/2 months)  when I may find that I want to stay in neighboring Laos Or Cambodia for a while?(as I did) Would that not waste money? Best not to have to think about these things when you are a backpacker or on a vacation from the oil riggs. Who wants the hastle?  Sure for a six month stay a proper visa isthe way to go IF you are sure you want to stay that long...(I know about multiple-entry visa but that is another hastle)

  2. The 30 day visa waiver has turned in to a 30 month visa waiver in some cases. It's for package tourists, eg, a family of 4, or a single guy taking a vacation. There's already an extension facility.

    If somebody wants to stay longer then they can get tourist visas on a rolling basis - it's cheaper too.

    It gets messy when the rules become oblique, and one rule for this person one rule for that: so 1 - 30 day stamp on arrival when coming from home country would be better.

    Will the new rule harm tourism? Yes a little I think, because Thailand is associated with freedom- one more nail in the coffin maybe.

    Look at it this way: the 90 days in 6 months rule has been DROPPED.

    Obviously the whole thing wasn't working.

    It took about one year for them to discover this and change it but in a manner to "save face".

    I predict in another year it will quietly be extended again to 30 days when they discover

    this fiddling is doing more damage to Thailand's economy than good.

  3. I am going to play optimist here - the 15 day rule just masks the good news that

    the 90 day within 6 month rule has been voided.

     This took about 1 year. 

    And I am going to predict here that whithin another year we will be back to 1 month

    endless border runs. Why? Because the two week policy will do nothing to stop the "undesireables" here -

    they will live illegally(as many already were doing) or get double entry visas in Vientienne.

     It will also make Thailand less competitive with its neighbors such as Cambodia or Laos.

    And yes Thailand will need those backpacker dollars in the coming year.

     After a year they can say they have swept out the riff-raff and are adapting again to encourage tourism.

    Doing it this way will also save face.

  4. the food there is a crime against humanity

    Wow someone here (besides me) with taste.


    And for the life of me I can't understand why Phucket and Chiang Mai

    are about the only places in Thailand(maybe Ko sa moi, not enough experience there)

    that have Western standard Deli places...even Bangkok has fallen short in recent years..

    (you should see the overpriced junk in Siam Paragon food court)

  5. Beefeaters has raised their price to 250 baht, still a good deal to make your own tacos. Have BBQ ribs and chicken, too. Montien Friday seafood buffet pretty good for about 700 (they make up for it with high drink prices, not included), also Casa Pascal Sunday Brunch is very good. Sunday carvery at Shenanigans a good deal for 450. The Lek and Apex suck.

      Casa PAscal is too expensive. Sheninigan's is OK the first time but its overpriced for the quality.

    Flanigan's(sp?) , the other Irish bar, does the dinner better.

    I really believe there is a niche to be filled in the "reasonably priced and delicious" bracket of

    about 300 to 400 baht.. for dinner and 100 to 200 for breakfast buffets..

  6. Wow. Can anyone say "please do not feed the trolls"? (Thai or Western!)

    But troll feeding can be fun so....Are there are some things that are dearer here than at home?

    Let's examine..

    Food: even western food.. Breakfast for 60 to 120 baht...roughly 2 to 5 bucks..

    I don't know what a "greasy spoon" breakfast in Canada would be now(I am told

    Big chains now dominate, sad really) but I would be surpised if it were less than this..

    Well I suppose if you are from Australia ..imported Australian beef will cost more..

    duh. And wine..Yes he may have  point in that imported wines tend to be more expensive...

    As for Thai food being insufficient to feed a healthy guy..what a laugh...sure some street stuff

    is not that great and small..but if you look around you can see some pretty big meals

    from 60 to 120 baht...


     Getting a 1 bedroom apartment in Bangkok(which is almost required IF you need

    a proper kitchen) anywhere close to BTS is usually in the 20,000 baht range.

    So roughly 600 to 900 dollars. In Vancouver I am told 900 is what you must pay

    if u want to be close to downtown...

     But that is Bangkok..if u live even 15 minutes bus ride out of the city

    I am told a house can be rented for between 5000 and 10000 baht

    And in many places in Thailand it is similar.

    I can't imagine anywhere in Canada where you could do that...

     So I say OP has almost no case...

  7. Have to agree with OP. Pure greed. Why is it that we know the names of politicians,

    bankers, ceos etc.. but these twits are allowed to hide behind their anonymity?

    Why is there no honest reporting here?(Pattaya people is little more than a vehicle

    for advertisers)

    I have seen the same thing happen sadly in many parts of the world though.

    It's true Bangkok has Chitlom. But recently the Emporium saw the same nonsense as here.

    Only healthy competition and spreading of awareness can keep any semblance of quality.

    Let's hope the new Central on Beach will give us that :o

    Call me an angry old man....

  8. Can someone tell me why this guy is so popular ? I saw one post some time ago where his prices were on a par with Pattaya Inter etc. Surely he's a one man band in a small clinic with limited equipment ?

    He certainly seems popular but I just wonder why ?

    Well..the fact that  he speaks fluent English, French , German and Thai may be a factor...

    And that he will do "aleternative" treatments like Testosterone for antiaging,..

  9. For the people with short fuses, or those who are normally rude it can be frustrating dealing with shop people who are themselves often embarrassed by their lack of command of the English language. But then I am often puzzled by what some English people say myself!

    So, I think we should all spend one day a week teaching English to the locals when on holiday in LOS. Every little bit helps!

    Long Term expats have an obligation to learn Thai. Too many ugly Westerners here. I have

    noticed this is especially true of Europeans..they seem to think bnecause they have learned

    passable English everyone else must speak it too. I am surprised

    at how many good Americans I have met who have at least

    made a serious effort to learn Thai.

    How many shop keepers in Canada speak German or Japanese? (the two traditional

    big tourist groups in Canada)

  10. A little pricey, but Bob's BBQ on Soi LK Metro puts on a buffet costing 499 baht. Reservations required. Bob's BBQ website

    Have you been to Bangkok recently? or Secrets or Almost every other place in Pattaya on Christmas Day - They make this price look extremely cheap (and thats not to say I agree with it, just a reflection on the cost of turkey in Thailand and the $$$$ signs that appear for a Western holiday meal).

    Well if we are going to play that game...I bet Chiang Mai has something around 300...

    Bangok is a rip off for westerners unless you get off the main drag(Sukamavit)...

  11. Let's face it. Cheap beer and sex isn't likely to attract the gentry of Europe.

    Woa! I'm surprised noone is rising to the bait. Come on troll feeders! Defend

    the city of variety! (or is it the extreme city?)

    OK I will.

    No it is not any worse than any other.

    Someday I will tell the story of how I almost came to

    fisticuffs with an arrogant Serb in Phuket who thought

    he was being cheated out of 20 baht for a silly news flyer

    .....and was giving a bakery owner crap about it...

    a Or the Fem-Nazi I met in ChiangMai who wondered why Thais were

    staring at her nose rings and her..(hint every second word F** and

    well...if thats what hippys have come to..)...

    Sure there is scum here but I also remember how

    many normal and nice people I have seen, even from those with

    a bad rap(like the Russkies)

  12. Which Linux distributions would you recommend? Which do you use and why?

    This question is asked all the time and is impossible to answer without some more info:

    What is your level of computer knowledge?

    How much time are you willing to invest in learning new, cool stuff?

    What hardware will the distro be installed on?

    What will be the main use of the system?

    Anyway, to answer the questions without that info:

    Recommend: Slackware (or Knoppix for newbies or people looking for something to use to fix a borked install of another distro)

    Use: Slackware

    Why: It is the oldest currently maintained distro and therefore has a huge support base of users. Any issue that you will come across has been asked and solved before so anything is possible. Slackware is also the distro that comes closest to traditional Unix systems in terms of configuration and therefore when you can fix something in Slackware you can pretty much fix it in any distro (with a few caveats). The underlying principles of Slackware are simplicity and stability, so they don't try to use cutting edge software but whatever comes down the pipe in the releases is always well tested and very stable. I don't need or use fancy graphical tools to configure a Linux system, I prefer to edit a text file and then let things just work, Slackware gives me all that.

    That said, I am typing this reply on OS X which I think is superior in several ways to any Linux distro as a desktop OS.

    I agree that OS X is superior.Unfortunately the apps for OS X , the one time I had

    a chance to use it(in a PC room in Phuket) are more nagware ridden than windows ones!

    And I heard that linux/X windows support is not so good. Or has it improved

    to the point I can run vlc, or Songbird or Kplayer with no problem?

  13. Sorry if it seems obvious but to newbies it may not be...

    Avoid the tourist traps on Sukamavit road!

    They are in general overpriced and so-so at best.

    Evn the so called high class hotels are overpriced there.

    I had a really excellent meal for no more than 400 baht(with a cocktail)

    near Victory Monument.

    People in the know go there. Anywhere else?

    Thanks for the specific nature of your post. Perhaps, I can be equally specific. Two years ago I had a really crappy meal on Silom but last month I had a really good one on Soi Rumrudee.

    So would you say its best to avoid Silom in general?

    Please be specific! :o

  14. What about a reasonably priced Thanksgiving dinner or buffet in the Sathorn/Silom area? We used to go to Pantip Court in Sathorn 1, but I think they no longer have the buffet. By reasonably priced I suppose around 1000 baht a head.

    Agreed. Too many of these posts must be by rich executive types. Poorer members should

    be able to get turkey dinner even at 600Baht..I remember seeing something like that in Chang Mai.

    Stop the rip-offs!


    600 Baht, hillarious. Perhaps if Big John's is still open on Ekkamai, try there.

    Failing that, message me after the day and I will see what leftovers I can scrape together for you for say 300 baht a plate!

    Do they even raise turkeys in this country? If they don't (as I suspect) means they are imported from Australia or USA I would guess.

    As these heavy bastards are likely airfreighted as opposed to coming via the slow boat, it all adds to the cost.

    Gobble gobble.

    Joke of the day - How do you make a dead turkey float? A scoup of ice-cream and a scoup of dead turkey.

    Well I only said a turkey dinner and not a buffet so as

    pointed out this is quite doable..... Sure things are imported

    but tell me why the price is marked up 100 percent more than

    westernized countries that also import..For example , in Korea

    the average wage (including foreigners) is roughly 60,000 baht (2000 bucks but now unclear with

    the financial crisis) and a turkey dinner is also roughly

    1200 Baht..Turkey is imported there too.

    Here the average wage is half that ,at least for farng. Unless you are a rich executive type! :D

    And still we have to pay 1200 baht?

    I maintain greedy rip-offs at work!

    PS: save your scraps , I'm headed to the silver dollar bar..

  15. What about a reasonably priced Thanksgiving dinner or buffet in the Sathorn/Silom area? We used to go to Pantip Court in Sathorn 1, but I think they no longer have the buffet. By reasonably priced I suppose around 1000 baht a head.

    Agreed. Too many of these posts must be by rich executive types. Poorer members should

    be able to get turkey dinner even at 600Baht..I remember seeing something like that in Chang Mai.

    Stop the rip-offs!

  16. Does anyone here know what Korean expats are paying for private tutors in Bangkok?

    I have solid credentials and experience with that market and would like to know what's possible in Thailand (if top teachers can charge the same as they would in Seoul or how much discount is expected).

    I understand from this forum that normal rates for tutoring English in Bangkok float between 500 and 1500/hr. Any info on whether Koreans are also paying these rates or closer to what the price is in Korea?

    Dude the average rate in Korea when I left(9 months ago) was 30,000/won per hour or about

    1000 baht

  17. The last bus from Ekamai to Patters leaves at midnight I believe.

    You sure 'bout that?

    I love it when people question you but present NOTHING to support a contrary view! :o

    I didn't offer a contrary view. I asked for evidence to back up your statement. Nobody in his right mind is going to show up at Ekamai at 12:00 on the chance that you MIGHT be right.

    Be careful for what you wish for. I think that may be true but be aware that TWO bus companies 

    operate froM ekami. One  is a "seat reserved " bus that goes directly to Pattay and takes about two hours.

    The other you may have seen as u approach the ekami terminal: it may have stopped in front of you and shouted "where you go?" Pattay? "get on". Yep. That's teh milk run line that goes through miniburi, khahi,

    Chonburi, Siracha, and every little town in between Bangkok and Patters. And yes they do drive slow as they search  for enough passengers to fill their seats - and aile. Well everyone should take it once. Builds


      I gaurantee that this Milk run bus  is the bus you will find leaving at midnight.That mayor may not be OK.

    The last "normal bus" for Pattaya leaves around 10 PM. 

  18. Pattaya definitely down and hurting now but the solution as always with the Thais is put the prices up to compensate.

    I get sick of hearing this nonsense. I live here and haven't noticed much in the way of price increases at all apart from some supermarket items. There's just too much competition in all businesses for them to survive by putting up prices and the Thais are smart enough to realise this.

    I've said this before, and I'll say it again. Pattaya offers great value for money.

    I can't believe people whinge about prices here.


    is not so good if it's Western food you are after.

    Just shows that you haven't been here very long...

    I've been here 20 years and he is right, "Pattaya offers great value for money." Most prices have not gone up that much - at least for for someone who eats out and does not cook.

    I lived in Patters almost 9 months before I had to find a real job :o and move to Bangkok.

    I would tend to agree that in general Pattaya offers very good money for the value.

    For food, Soi Bucow(Sp!)  is the place for cheap charlie reasonable eats. Restaurants on the beach

    roads, (especially in Jomtien) will leave you broke and/or with a stomachache.

     Comparitive point: Phuket is the best place I have found for overall quality of Western food,

    especially bakery products but has other problems like far apart beaches and rip-off taxis.

    (laos is also very good, but no beach!)

     Acommodation. Livingh in View Talay , you can get a kitchen apartment a short walk from the beach at 8000-9000 baht a month.

    or less than 300 US bucks. I shudder to think about what 300 would get you in Vancouver these days.

    Even in Bangkok you wont find that anywhere close to the city centre. And I certainly can't be in the countryside for a nice motorbike ride in Bangkok within 5 minutes of my home.

  19. A friend (Thai) needs to get from the Police box at Dontarn Beach, Jomtien to the Dolphin roundabout in North Pattaya and back every week day. New to town she has no idea how the songtaows run or what the fares are. Can anyone advise please? Just out of curiosity, but not wishing to stir up the old double pricing debate, what would it cost for a farang? Thanks

    Anywhere in Jomtien to Pattaya up to Central Rd is 10B. Any farther than that and the baht buses expect 20B (example: BigC).

    For your friend to get back to Jomtien she should take a baht bus from N Pattaya intersection going along beach rd. Once the baht bus reaches S. Pattaya intersection at 2nd rd simply change to the Jomtien baht bus in front of the school. This means paying 10B two times.

    Really? I could have sworn I've seen Thais go as far as North road and only pay 10 Baht.

    Past North road then it gets to 20...

    But again this should be clearly marked BEFORE the jouney starts.

    I have had Taxi drivers stop and tell me that going from Pattaya past the Jomtien Central road is

    20 and that is the proper thing to do. Not give a figure of teh day when the passenger disembarks...

  20. It might depend on where you are coming from in Jomtien. Coming from inner Jomtien, I have NEVER had even ONE comment paying 10 baht if getting off before Pattaya Klang and I have been riding this for years now. I can easily believe if you picked up the bus from further out Jomtien as a farang, you would sometimes find 10 baht not acceptable. Experienced people know never speak to the driver unless you want to make it a chartered taxi.

    Well you were luckier than me. I took it from Jomtien Complex which is about as inner as it gets.

    Going to Naklua or past I am happy to pay 20. It is also what they will ask for

    if you go from Pattay to Jomtien much past that middle road(where the Police box is).

    A good efficient cheap bus system would solve these problems as well as help the traffic

    congestion caused by all those empty taxis..

  21. [

    Oh geez! It is not what is "fair"; the question is what is the fare ?

    A problem I have found is that not being able to read Thai, I have no idea how far they are going. Some have gone to Pattaya Tai and said that was as far as they were going but still wanted 20. I was not happy but my wife said, "Oh let it go". It's not the amount of the money, it's just getting scre*ed that's irritating.

    I've solved my problem and bought a car :o

    For me I was glad to rent a motorcycle for many reasons , one being the unpleasant

    baht-taxi experience.

    Going FROM south and 2nd to Jomtien is ALWAYS 10 baht.

    Going the other way is usually 10 baht but seems to depend on the whim of the driver and

    whether or not the customers are mostly farangs.

    I have always felt ambivilant about paying 20 unless there was agreement before the trip.

    Sure it's only 10 baht but whats next, 30? Usually I say I will check with the tourist police (phone 1155)

    if they ask 20 and they always leave at that point.

    Clearly marked fare zones inside the baht taxi would be a step in the right direction.

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