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Posts posted by StreetCowboy

  1. Pitch inspection at 3.45 GMT to see if the Challenge Cup tie - Stanley Rangers v Edinburgh Eagles - goes ahead; I don't think I'll stay up for that (the inspection).

    Hoping for live coverage (score updates anyway) on Twitter tomorrow... if its postponed again the suspense will kill me (not literally - you should all be so lucky!) and then on Sunday Warrington v London, as a welcome alternative to Scotland in the Millenium Stadium... If its on, I'll probably watch the latter from behind the sofa, with the Wire commentary on the wireless.


    I suspect both may be off judging from the fuzz on my telly today.

    Its just that it hasn't shaved. A quick skim with a Mach 3 and it'll be fine. Referee says Lee Moor Road ground fit to play, so its all on for 1.30 this afternoon.

    Live! Score updates on twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/edineagles. Maybe.


  2. It's also about not asking questions to which the other person may be obliged to lie.

    They will either feel bad about lying, or feel bad that you don't trust them, and you will probably suspect that they are lying because their bad feelings make it difficult for them to answer. And anyway, regardless of the answer, the problem is the lack of trust.

    Like so many things, its a catch-22; if you need to ask, it's probably too late, no matter what the answer would have been.


    Example: Who broke that plate?

    You: Who broke that plate? I'm not angry, I just want to know.

    Them: (why do you want to know? I'm sorry, but I don't want to lose face that I broke the plate through my clumsiness or stupidity or whatever) No answer.

    You: Was it you (them) or you (other them)

    Them: Don't know

    Other them: (Wasn't me, but don't want to get anyone else into trouble) Don't know.

    I expect Thai people are just like that as well. So there was no point in asking the question, it just made everyone feel bad.

    Unless you're a politician, in which case the objective is to make the other person feel bad, so that they behave badly, and look bad. But most of us have more productive things to do with our lives.


  3. PS. No offence, but I don't do religion. I'm pretty sure if God was involved he'd not let children suffer. etc etc

    I'd rather not try to guess what God would or would not do, if he existed.

    Let's face it, if he only exists in your own head, it could still be enough to stop you drinking. If you were willing to do your part of it.

    If alcohol's not doing you any harm apart from helping you get to sleep, then why would you want to stop?

    Maybe getting to sleep is not the problem, anyway, Maybe the problem is not waking up well-rested the next day.

    I decided to get help when I discovered I couldn't stop on my own. I would wake up with a hang-over after a binge, decide that I'd not go out again for the rest of the weekend, and then find myself in front of the TV with a pint in my hand in the pub watrching the rugby by the middle of the afternoon.


  4. ...

    So, remind us all... What was the source of your information for the summary in post #320


    "The Thai pulled a knife. He dropped it. The Farang picked it up and stabbed the Thai.

    Why would two big scrappers take a knife? Two Thai whooped those guys. 5555555

    The Farngs paid big money."

    (blank lines deleted).



    Similarly, Smedly, you might want to remind us of the source of your information.

  5. Pitch inspection at 3.45 GMT to see if the Challenge Cup tie - Stanley Rangers v Edinburgh Eagles - goes ahead; I don't think I'll stay up for that (the inspection).

    Hoping for live coverage (score updates anyway) on Twitter tomorrow... if its postponed again the suspense will kill me (not literally - you should all be so lucky!) and then on Sunday Warrington v London, as a welcome alternative to Scotland in the Millenium Stadium... If its on, I'll probably watch the latter from behind the sofa, with the Wire commentary on the wireless.


  6. If I had a million dollars? I would wonder where the rest went coffee1.gif

    So where is the last million going to be spent wanke_r?

    Surely some of it in Thailand. If we are talking about having only a million, Thailand would be an excellent choice. Now anything above 10m is a different story. - <deleted>

    I think if I had a million, I might have options other than wan_king. I could go to any city in China...


  7. Although not knowing the exact details, a decent cosmetic surgeon would have little problem in reducing the visual impact. So go make an appointment and see what they have to say.

    I think that's him in the avatar. You might recall his previous thread about the challenges he was facing with a woman who seemed less interested in his handsome facade than the substance and means behind it.

    Suffice to say, a challenge to any knife-wielding cosmeticist... though some of like a challenge, as the factor managing my flat told me...


  8. Sometimes its easier to work round a problem than fight it.

    Overcome your vanity and face life armed with nothing but your wit and charming personality. And, ideally, a fat wallet.

    Or become a recluse, and hide behind your computer.


    EDIT: Or just stand sideways, with your most pleasing aspect forward

  9. I had generously assumed that the service charge was a way of passing some variable costs on to the staff, reducing the risk to the restaurant owner.

    If the place is quiet, the staff don't get much; if its busy, they get more. Similarly, from the staff's point of view, they are getting rewarded if they work hard.

    I would like to be told on the menu what I was going to be charged prior to ordering, though, and also it would make it a lot easier divvying the cost of the meal up afterwards, when you're eating with English people.


  10. This thread obviously hasn’t been a success.

    Next time I will have to include, sex, nudity, swearing and lashings of un-necessary violence.

    OFFS! There's enough swearing without you starting.


    Keep your clothes on, please!


  11. It's a breath of fresh air reading about people without the disease of alcoholism- changing drinking patterns for the better.

    Hearing about this stuff in action motivates me every time. So I had oatmeal & fresh blueberries this morning and green tea last night.

    (no booze for me of course, I have issues...blink.png )

    Oh eff off you gloating B___

    (in jest)

    Too many of us get wrapped up in our own problems. In my opinion, there are many people like me but not alcoholics who suffer from drinking too much and could benefit from some of the advice on this forum

    or who may be nascent alcoholics who, with our support and a few good binges, could reach the same depths as the rest of us

    AA tries to make out that alcoholics are different from the rest of you (as does the Ku Klux Klan) and I am not sure thast is necessarily helpful. We are not different, bar from our insatiable thirst; and others suffer fron thirst too...


    Not sure about using the KKK in a comparison with AA.


    Its another anonymous organisation that tries to make out that we are different from other people.

    Unlike the KKK, AA seeks to blend into society but changing and improving the spiritual character of its members, and helping them to be more tolerant and understanding of others.


  12. No one is in favour of death and dangerous behaviour at Songkran, it's a loaded question

    A loaded question indeed. wai.gif

    A redundant question as well. The laws are already in place. It is illegal to ride a motorbike drunk without a helmet. It is illegal to throw things at passing motorcycles. I don't think anyone has died from being sprayed with a hose, though it may be irritating. If the question had been phrased "Should the law be enforced?" "Should laws be suspended during Songkran - All? Selected? Only those that are inconvenient to me?" then the debate may have been more constructive.


  13. Yeah, I suppose these older guys should spend every waking hour indoors in front of a computer judging others on an anonymous internet forum, instead they're out running around with young women having a good time.

    How stupid they are.....

    Exactly. They're old enough to realise what they're doing and what its all about.

    Yes, others find it embarrassing - but that's not their problem. As long as they're happy and don't make the mistake of thinking others are envious, rather than just embarrassed.

    I'm more envious than embarassed. I'm jealous, just imagining it...


  14. I can solve the "dripping" question...


    I know a few others but will give you all an opportunity first.

    If it burns at the tip you should see a doctor

    If it burns at the tip, your girlfriend may have been eating som tom before she commenced to eat ' you.'

    Did you ask for peesairt (special)?

    I asked for pizza, thinking it was the healthy option, till the bloke dropped it in the frier!

    For a while, I thought the doctor said 'cadillac'; then I realised he was a scrap merchant....


  15. The big problem with Songkran is the drunk driving, not the water fights. Banning the squirtguns and water bucket trucks will make grumpy old farts drier but people will still be dieing in huge numbers.

    Agree completely. Note also that the number of accidents and deaths around other holiday periods (that don't involve water) are very similar on a per-day basis. It's the drunk driving, combined with mass move of people visting relatives / their home province that causes the horrific numbers.

    Precisely the point I have made in two posts but is conveniently ignored by those who seem to think that chucking ice is the cause of most of the deaths.

    if you're going to legislate against Songkran, why don't you legislate against New Year celebrations as well, as that holiday also produces a huge number of deaths - THROUGH DRUNK DRIVING - NOT BECAUSE OF WATER THROWING!

    And while you're about banning festivals that cause unnecessary injuries and deaths, how about banning 'bonfire night' in the UK as that usually kills or maims a fair number of people, or how about Chinese New Year? Fireworks are deadly as the Suphan Buri residents discovered a few weeks ago.

    As for the cops making money at Sonkran road blocks - on the whole, this is the one time that they do not accept bribes and are usually very diligent about locking up drunks.

    My point was that the statistics we are offered do not distinguish the fatalities through our own stupidity from those due to other people's stupidity, If the latter is relatively small, and Thais are not unhappy with the carnage, then we have no choice but ot live with it. If noyt, then perhaps we should be trrying to draw to their attention the cost and inconvenience,


    Anyway, I'm safe at home with a skinful in the fridge, so if I need to, ...

    I am fortunate that the loss of a few more thais will not affect me, and no-one I know rides a motorcycle, to the best of my knowldege. Therefore, whether anyone listens to my opinion or not is irrelevant to me, but may be distressing to doctors in A & E. TIT.


    • Like 1
  16. "They" is the cornerstone of bigotry, as "just" is the measure of ignorance.

    Why don't they just let us live in peace here?


    So what point are you trying to make to further this thread?

    Who is trying to stop you living in peace here?

    My point was that the word 'just' in a sentence is a brief way of saying "I don't understand the complexities of it, and would like to treat it in a simplistic and ignorant fashion" as in "if you don;t like it, why don't you just leave?"; "why don't they just let us stay here" - "they" being the whole of Thailand, officialdom, bureaucracy, clulture, neighbours et al, and "us" being 'me personally, but not Nigerians or Burmese or sex tourists or people importing cheap goods or backpackers or ...'. Unfortunately, its not so simple...

    There are a set of rules that we can abide me, and that might be inconvenient and expensive for some of us, but those rules are intended to allow in certain desirable people and keep out undesirable people, If I fall foul of them, then perhaps it would be easier for me to improve myself than to change the whole of Thailand.


    you way way overreaching the intelligence of the board in general.

    did you really think "they" would be able to understand you even after you had explained yourself?

    your cup must truly be half full.

    Why don't they just top it up?


    Edit: to be honest, my cup runneth over

  17. Seeing that True wasn't going to have it, I also watched this morning via NFL Gamepass. I was shocked and dismayed to see that the stream quality was excellent throughout the game. Had a slight glitch once in the second quarter for about 3-5secs, otherwise maintained a surprisingly high-quality stream. I thought it was going to be just barely watch-able here in Thailand, but it looked just as good as anything I get on True. I am so buying this next season. And it was actually a pretty good game too, good luck all around.

    I paid for the world cup sevens over the internet in 2009, but the quality for the finals was dreadful; turned out the finals were on Star Sports or Australia Network, though, so all was well...


  18. "They" is the cornerstone of bigotry, as "just" is the measure of ignorance.

    Why don't they just let us live in peace here?


    So what point are you trying to make to further this thread?

    Who is trying to stop you living in peace here?

    My point was that the word 'just' in a sentence is a brief way of saying "I don't understand the complexities of it, and would like to treat it in a simplistic and ignorant fashion" as in "if you don;t like it, why don't you just leave?"; "why don't they just let us stay here" - "they" being the whole of Thailand, officialdom, bureaucracy, clulture, neighbours et al, and "us" being 'me personally, but not Nigerians or Burmese or sex tourists or people importing cheap goods or backpackers or ...'. Unfortunately, its not so simple...

    There are a set of rules that we can abide me, and that might be inconvenient and expensive for some of us, but those rules are intended to allow in certain desirable people and keep out undesirable people, If I fall foul of them, then perhaps it would be easier for me to improve myself than to change the whole of Thailand.


  19. The point is that it's standard procedure for pretty much every popular tourist destination in the world. That is, they want you to visit but don't want you to stay. I doubt any of these places will come out and say that.

    I don't really agree with that. Each country has its own culture and attitude about foreigners. Some countries are more xenophobic than others. When I was looking into Mexico for example as a retirement destination that's not the feeling I got either from the nationals there or talking to expats about their experiences.

    Though that was before you arrived...

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