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Posts posted by StreetCowboy

  1. Superleague Grand Final - anyone, anywhere?

    The last quarter-finals are this coming weekend, so I guess the final will be a fiortnight later...

    St Helens and Leeds are through to the Semis, with Warrington and Wigan playing Huddersfield and Hull KR respectively this coming weekend...


  2. I think if you'd wanted civil discussion you would have not phrased your question in such prejorative terms, nor taken such extreme examples.

    For such a well-establised member of the forum to initiate a troll topic like this is quite surprising and disappointing.

    Anyway, light blue touch paper and retire to a safe distance.


    I'm a little bit disappointed that my post was expurgated without even a perfunctory "offensive and inflammatory obscenities deleted" or equivalent. Anyway, by way of retribution I will offer the remainder of the joke, bar the deleted punch line (now that is spite for you)

    Once upon a time, the brother of the Master of Quick Wit and Ready Repartee went to the circus. A clown, as part of his act, approached said brother, and said "Ah, sir, Are you the Back End of an Ass?"

    "No. I am not"

    "So then, are you the front end of an Ass"

    "No. I am not"

    "So then you are No End of an Ass" and the crowd guffawed.

    'Oh if only my brother was here', thought the brother of the Master of Quick Wit and Ready Repartee. 'He has just the quip for any occasion'.

    And that evening he explained what had happened. The Master of Quick Wit and Ready Repartee empathised with his brother, and resolved to sort out the impudent clown. The next day, he sat in exactly the same seat.

    'Oho', thought the clown 'a glutton for punishment'

    "Ah, sir, Are you the Back End of an Ass?"

    "No. I am not"

    "So then, are you the front end of an Ass"

    "No. I am not"

    "So then you are No End of an Ass"

    And the Master replied ...

    and sadly, the punch line has been deleted from the earlier post.

    A turn of phrase suitable for any occasion, no matter how provocative or incendiary.


  3. what started out as a kind of funny threat has once again been taken by people taking themseves too serious

    Right on the money. :lol:

    As an Irish lad being brought up in Australia I had every Irish joke known to man thrown at me. Did it worry me? Am I sensitive? Do I jump up and down when someone says some generalised comment about the Irish or Aussies? No.

    One of the best things in life is to be able to laugh at yourself. Unfortunately we can't joke and have fun like we used to in the fear of being castigated by the pc brigade.

    Backpacking businesses in Australia has become a booming trade, certainly a different class of backpacker than in my day, these days they seem to have money.

    In my not so worldly experience I have noted the Scots to be a little thrifty with their money.

    I now await the antiscotty labelling....:ph34r:

    I'd give you a Rep point if I thought I could afford it


  4. Before I get accused of being prejudiced, I am NOT! I was a backpacker, at age 47, for around 4 years. Did it full time for 2 years all around the world...several times, actually. I don't care if they are jewish or not...they were from Israel. And GENERALLY speaking, are a bit tight...and do love to negotiate. Exact opposite of Americans....

    Not all backpackers are young and broke. I met many, many, many older (and wealthier) travelers cruising around with nothing but a backpack. Checking into a Hilton with me. No, I didn't always stay at a Hilton...but didn't stay at hostels on a regular basis either...but did have a backpack. Sure raised eyebrows at that $400 a night Marriott in Moscow when I checked in.

    some Americans can be tight as well.

    one of them came into my restaurant with his wife and kid ate food an drank water only for him to kick off with me because he said he ordered 3 waters meaning three glasses of water NOT three bottles so he will not be paying the 35 baht for one of the waters!!

    I just said OK, whats the point in arguing with these people. his wife and kid looked scared of him as well.poor feckers. hope he is reading this coz he knows who I mean.

    I would hate to have to deal with the public


  5. The only thing vaguely funny about this thread is how some people are "sensitively" avoiding the word Jew. For heaven's sake, if you want to stereotype in the manner of "all Jews are tight" then just do it and wear your true colours for all to see. Israeli just doesn't sound right

    Its just another by product of the Pc world (gone mad) in which we now live.

    New age speak so as not to offend a certain percentage of minorities with a chip on their shoulder, an axe to grind or a cross to bear.

    Dreamt up by, usually white middle class liberal academics on a guilt trip, with no input from the said minorities themselves.

    The same academics who have altered the we are now forced to speak, an example would be,

    my partner and I, no longer appropriate to use the world boyfriend or girlfriend because someone somewhere my be offended.

    Why not just say all Jocks or all Yorkshire men are tight.

    Are all Jocks and Yorkshire men tight? And you can't use boyfriend/girlfriend anymore? Well, thanks for those pearls of wisdom, the things I learn from this forum.

    As for PC world gone mad, I know exactly how you feel. Why, just the other day I felt like burning the Koran but the bloody "white middle class liberal academics on a guilt trip" told me I should forget it. :unsure:

    I guess they say "Israeli" because that's the passport that they carry and that's the army that they served in. I don't know if Israeli backpackers are typical of Jews or not; nor what proportion of said backpackers are Jews - nor what proportion of the Israeli armed services are Jews.

    There's not much burning in a Koran, and I can't see the point of burning one, except to radicalise otherwise moderate devout muslims and encourage acts of terrorism.


  6. It's a British tradition, I like it and think it works. But only with friends.

    I think it stems from the absence of table service and credit in British pubs.

    I think also that under Common Law, a drunk person person cannot enter into a legally enforceable contract (though purchase of food and drink may be an exception to this), and therefore it is in the publican's interests to get cash for each round of drinks as they are served.


  7. I think if you'd wanted civil discussion you would have not phrased your question in such prejorative terms, nor taken such extreme examples.

    For such a well-establised member of the forum to initiate a troll topic like this is quite surprising and disappointing.

    Anyway, light blue touch paper and retire to a safe distance.


    • Like 2
  8. ...

    I can assure you, im probably a lot more wealthy than you, no need for you to humiliate yourself

    What a great example to us all.

    I shall remember this quote for as long as - well whenever - as proof that money is a poor indicator of value


    I suppose we are both lucky that we grew up in a society where stupidity is no grounds for disenfranchisement, and arrogance no grounds for execution

  9. Did anybody ses the program on TV in the Uk," I am Slave", Girls bought and sold like pigs or dogs , not my words, words of a young Thai girl lied to, To come to Britain to work as maids, so its not just In the middle east. They take there Visa and passport off them , tell them that they will have problems with the local police , and by the way it has cost £30,000, now you will have to sell your body to pay off the debit.

    These TV programmes would do more good if they were shown on Thai TV.

    Also, providing information on the consequences of illegal immigration (personal axe to grind) -

    By analogy - does anyone remember the fil "Dr Stangelove" - what good is a deterrent if people don't know about it?

    But this is not an immigration thread...

    People in the villages see the lucky ones that go with an honest agent, and they come back with tales of wealth and plenty - the ones that end up bonded for years and impoverished don't come back to the village - maybe a loss of face thing as well... and so the potential victims never see the possible pitfalls ...

    The same thing happens with Chinese, and I assume pretty much every other poor nationality - the Bangladeshi labourers in Dubai, for example. Deceived and bonded into labour in slave conditions for a pittance by unscrupulous villains working together in both countries - the bedrock of DUbai's success....



  10. 8>< snip nested quotes deleted ><8

    Sorry, but I still don't get it, even closing my eyes and just hearing myself say the lines out loud. :huh:

    All right, try this as an alternative punch line - "because she had bad breath"

    Does that help?


    Edit: nested quotes deleted to maintain some humerous humorous suspense

    and again to avoid looking like an illiterate half-wit

    oh house maid,,, now i get it

    I suppose its funnier if you've been drinking....



    that didn't really help either, did it?

  11. I don't think we can generalise too much from one case; but certainly, immigration agents such as this, and the snakeheads who operate the other side of the fine line, are out and out villains. I know some Thai and Chinese massage ladies who enjoy some degree of freedom - out drinking from time to time, or go for meal. But need to be available to work very long hours.

    Seems like the OP's lady got ripped off by a heartless villainous con-merchant.

    I suppose it emphasises the importance of trust and good judgement in selecting your friends - and also cynicism and reticence in parting with money...

    I'll see if I can actually find out anything helpful...


  12. if he asks a woman on a date & then doesn't turn up then that makes him accountable.

    Maybe he suffered a tragic accident en route.

    Maybe a tragic accident that, for one reason or another, he felt unable to explain.

    I suggest that you assume he soiled himself en route in the taxi, and feel grateful that he never showed up.

    He is maybe having trouble adjusting to the food or the water...


  13. Awww, Patsy, so sad to hear. Well, just so you know, I would never stand you up. ;)

    I might lie you down, though! :D

    In the end it probably all works out. An American traveling shoe salesman? Hmmmm. I would have been suspicious. :unsure:

    Never criticise a man till you've walked a mile in his shoes...


    How's the cat?

  14. 8>< snip nested quotes deleted ><8

    Sorry, but I still don't get it, even closing my eyes and just hearing myself say the lines out loud. :huh:

    All right, try this as an alternative punch line - "because she had bad breath"

    Does that help?


    Edit: nested quotes deleted to maintain some humerous humorous suspense

    and again to avoid looking like an illiterate half-wit

  15. FlowerMan,

    I think you're gonna be my new Hero, if only for the Nickname....Is it a bird, id it a plane, no its Flowerman !!! laugh.gif

    You won't last long, but it'll be a laugh while you're here, miserable lot here mate. smile.gif

    Speak for yourself...

    and me; thanks


    I always wonder about people who put their date of birth in their username; you must be ages with my dear old late Grandmother

  16. Thanks for all the replies and advice .

    Now starting day 5 without a drop. I did pop into a former local bar last night for 10 minutes, had a bottle of water and left. It was pretty early in the evening, and I just wanted to say a sober hello and goodbye to the staff, who have been pretty tolerable of me in the past. I've been keeping busy, and have to admit that I havent yet had a craving for a beer, although sleeping is really difficult at the moment. Yesterday I was up at 7am, and went to bed at 11pm last night. I woke up at 2am for about an hour, then woke again at 5am. This has been pretty much the norm for 3 nights now. Anyone else suffer with this and have advice of how to get a better nights sleep ? I've been exercising trying to knacker myself out, but no luck yet. My head feels like its spinning when I try to sleep.

    Thanks again.

    I guess that's your first week done now, then.

    The first week is not as hard as the last week, so you're as well putting that off for as long as possible...

    Keep busy, enjoy life


  17. Wicked!

    I´ve got fans wanting to join our crazy weekend.

    Streetcowboy tell Carrefour to order them extra beer jugs!

    140 baht beer jugs it will be.:partytime2:

    OK. YOu'll need to organise your own dancing girls. I'll ask Stefan if he can bring along a couple of poles for the dancing...

    (the old ones are the best) - on which topic there's a polish girl works at the food court on Soi 7, but she's too young to drink.

    Which reminds me - I need a shoe shine as well as a haircut...


  18. What about those who will constantly call your post a troll when in fact its not, Now i understand there are many people who start threads that are stupid just to start a fight, but some people have real questions that most dont beleive so all you can write is "TROLL" its very annoying, ive seen some good questions and stories and see from the same poster in comments that he or she is a troll, it makes no sence, if you dont like or beleive what they are saying, they keep your mouth closed and leave, you dont have to join in the conversation , no one is forcing you to join, read it, and decied if its real, if you think its not, then leave the topic and read another

    Troll !! rolleyes.gif

    Ever notice that any thread about Idiots brings out all the Idiots ? crazy.gif

    HERE I AM!

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