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  1. EVME have an app - if you download you can check their prices. If you rent for a year you'll get a better deal, although doubt you'll get something as cheap as you're paying now. I've just had a look and they're quoting the following for 12 month rentals : BYD Dolphin Standard Range - 23,799 per month MG EP - 26,099 per month MG ES - 32,099 per month MG4 - 33,699 per month BYD Atto 3 - 37,799 per month Tesla M3 Standard - 43,599 per month
  2. Yeah that's sadly the case these days isn't it. Thankfully as a family we're OK in that respect, so it's just about making sure we choose the best option.
  3. Yes that's a very good shout and something my wife and I have talked about. My wife gets on with them very well, better than I do in fact! She's like a daughter to them and vice versa, she'd 100% continue to care for them if something happened to me. Something happenibv to both of us though is rightly something we'd need to think about and have a plan b in place for.
  4. Ah ok understood. I hope you're able to make things work as best you can.
  5. Good to know thanks. Don't think they want to drive here so no worries on that front. Out of interest why do your friends not get their medical care here ? Is it really that much cheaper in Turkey ?
  6. Ouch! That's insane. Did you investigate the option of bringing them here?
  7. They're early 80s and reasonably healthy. However, in the past year you can see things changing. Good luck with your move back to Oz. Having your wife to help out must be really good for you. Perhaps I'll send Mrs Melp back to look after them if we can't make this work 😀
  8. Yeah I've seen these places, they do look good don't they, certainly better than some of the horrible care homes back in the UK! Our preference would be to have them with us, but good to know there's always that option should situation dictate.
  9. This is a great idea, not sure why I didn't think of it! I may well suggest this to them - thanks for the idea...
  10. Has anyone ever brought their elderly parents over to LOS to look after them once they get to an age where they start to struggle on their own. If so I'd be really interested to hear how you/they handled the move? We're getting to that point with my parents back in the UK. Going back to the UK to care for them is not an option, and I'd really rather they didn't end up in a carehome in the UK. Ive no other family in the UK, so that leaves us with the only option of bringing them here. They've no underlying health issues, other than old age, and are both fairly adventurous and have indicated they'd be willing to come and live with us. We'd then employ maids, nurses, carers etc as necessary and based upon their health. They could afford to self insure for any health care issues, so there's no real worry there. Immigration would be a pain, but I've been through it many times, so can set it up for them. They've no issues meeting the retirement visa requirements I think. Unless there is an issue if they need some form of insurance which maybe be difficult to get? I appreciate this is a bit of a broad question, but I'm really just looking to hear people's experiences if you've done something similar. Many thanks in advance 🙏
  11. Tesla realising that perhaps their recent price increase may not have been the best strategy after all....
  12. Managed to sort this now, so please ignore the question!
  13. I did not ! I have, however, done that now and low and behold it's there! So many thanks... Thanks also for pre-emptively answering my next question of "how do I turn on the wireless charging" !
  14. I bought a new phone yesterday. I've always been a bit tight when it comes buying phones, so just buy the cheapest that will allow me to make calls and download the odd app. Anyway I've got the Samsung A05s, just setting it up now and when I try to install the BYD app, it says the app is not compatible with this device ? I thought once these apps were compatible with Android then they'd work on any Android device, I had no problems using it on my previous cheapo Nokia that I'm replacing. Anybody got any ideas ?
  15. I'm unable to turn this on, don't have an option anywhere within settings and AVAS is not on the swipe down from the top menu. Like you, I'm a bit sad to not be able to sound like a spaceship whilst cruising thru the moobaan, I'd been hoping to feel all futuristic and all that!
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