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Posts posted by mizztraveller

  1. 43 minutes ago, nickmondo said:

    dont care if they smile or not, its still a damn site better than the crap that is the UK....

    i fly back to Thailand this week, and cant wait.......2 months in the UK is more than enough for me.

    just sort out the exchange rate against the pound.........and all will be well......

    I don't think Thailand can be blamed for the exchange rate against the pound.  You can blame Brexit for that - the exchange rate has dropped over 20% against all currencies and I think the worst is yet to come.

  2. You can hardly blame him for resigning after what happened to Jo Cox. It only needs one mentally ill remainer to get close to him. He had already increased his personal protection, so can understand wanting to get back to a normal life.

    Personally, I think the country owes him a debt of thanks for his part in bringing the whole EU farce to a head.

    Quite....what had become very apparant over this whole Brexit thing is the so called "remainers" are anti-democracic facists and as fanactical in their beliefs akin to the national socalists in 1930s Germany

    Wow! Just <deleted> wow.

  3. Maybe she couldnt get insured or she wouldnt be covered if she left her home town ( due to better care & facilities ) an ins company policy )

    Just had that happen in Auss

    If it was a pre-existing condition then the insurance would not cover.

    Insurance companies will insure existing medical conditions if you state them. The price of the insurance would be adjusted accordingly of course. There are insurance companies that act specifically for medical conditions such as cancer and heart problems.

    "Roamer" said that his Insurance Company would not increase if there are existing conditions.

    "There are many insurance companies out there that cover existing illnesses, in fact many conditions are covered with no increase in premiums if declared."

    I chose "Roamer" as my Insurance broker.

    Only waiting for his answer now.

    Who or what is Roamer? Google knows only Roamer the watchmaker.
  4. Maybe she couldnt get insured or she wouldnt be covered if she left her home town ( due to better care & facilities ) an ins company policy )

    Just had that happen in Auss

    If it was a pre-existing condition then the insurance would not cover.

    Insurance companies will insure existing medical conditions if you state them. The price of the insurance would be adjusted accordingly of course. There are insurance companies that act specifically for medical conditions such as cancer and heart problems.

  5. I am allergic to MSG but there are many more who have no side effects from MSG. It is a standard ingredient in any Thai food and quite common in real Chinese food. Don't quite see why you think you can change the world. If you have scientific proof of the harm MSG can do people then I might sit up and listen but otherwise you are just wasting your time.

    If you're allergic to MSG you need to ask for no soy sauce or fish sauce either as MSG is contained in both of these.

  6. We went to Koh Lanta for the first time last November and absolutely loved it - our favourite island to date. We found it very quiet which was great. As walkers rather than drivers when in Thailand, we found the walking pleasurable. The pavements were wide, not cluttered with motorbikes, trees or advertising boards and generally well paved.

    I'm really surprised that people are saying it's expensive. We expected it to be but to be fair, except for coffees we found no real difference from Chiang Mai prices, where we travelled onto next. The closest place to our hotel served the likes of pad thai for 50 baht and the portions were big. We had a seafood meal on the pier at Saladan and it was very cheap and very good.

    We stayed at the Maya Koh Lanta Resort in Klong Dao and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. It's situated right on the beach and has a great pool which is ideal if you're taking a child. The beach is gently shelving which again makes it perfect for kids. The furthest south you go, the steeper the shelving in the sea.

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  7. What I don't get is why people are stupid enough to let their kids come backpacking in this hovel in the 1st place..... Helllloooo read a newspaper or is there world wide media ban on reporting about Thailand's death toll of forieners?....

    Have you ever tried to tell a 21 year old not to do something? She's likely graduated university and saved the money for her trip and is a fully grown adult. She can read newspapers herself and be aware of the dangers and whilst her parents can advise her they have no power to stop her.
  8. I see CCTV cameras appearing in a few places in the Chang Clan area (outside River Market and on the Pantip crossroads). What do you think the purpose is? Will anyone actually be monitoring them?

  9. When I buy orchids in the UK they'll last around 7-10 days on a vase yet when I buy them in CM the petals are falling off after a day. A friend was a flower buyer for a major UK supermarket and she said the reason is that when bought for the export market they're put into cold storage as soon as they're picked.

  10. To be honest I don't remember the name of the dentist but I had a root canal filling and a crown fitted at Elite after breaking a tooth and would highly recommend. A tall, skinny guy with glasses, early 30's (though looked younger but then maybe because I'm getting older!)

  11. I went to YANHEE Hospital, over the bridge in Bangkok

    to see a nutritionist i see every 6 months for a check up.

    I saw a different doctor this time who produced a list of

    foods i should never eat, at the top of the list was my all

    time favourite ''mango and sticky rice'' i fell off my chair,

    my reason for living was over.

    One serving contains 817 calories. See link.


    Who eats that much sticky rice when they eat a serving of mango and sticky rice? That "recipe" for sticky rice is enough to feed four people!

    The recipe says for 4 persons and it's 817 for each serving. I wish I could say I'll never eat it again but I know I'd be lying!

  12. Kewpie , Best foods , Remia , Heinz and Makro house brand Aro are all good.

    Seen the Molly brand at Rimping Mahidon today but only thousand island salad cream, think the mayonnaise was out of stock because there was a price tag on the shelf.

    I am surprised do, that you not make your own mayo Gonzo.

    Mayonnaise cans serve several different functions.

    If I'm going to be eating something where mayo is used more as a 'dip' and so more noticeable, I'll make my own. It's really pretty easy.

    But if it's being used more as a 'sealer' to 'waterproof' bread from sauces on a sandwich's wet ingredients, or as a binder in a tuna or crab salad where the flavor isn't so noticeable, I'll use Kewpie just because it's so convenient.

    I wonder if others do the same?

    I think the problem is that there is one word - mayonnaise - to describe 2 very different products. The original, French mayonnaise is more of a sauce. The American style mayonnaise is more of a spread. They can both be delicious or not, depending on what they contain.

    And I think the Kewpie with no sugar added is the best I've found. At least it has the highest egg content.

    Sorry to be a pedant but mayonnaise originated in Mahon, Menorca which is Spain.
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