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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. If you look at the 2017 constution it tells you who is on the committies to elect the next senators and guess what its army generals No civilians or politicians. The senators Should Not have an opinion there are there to serve the will of the people but that will not happen they are there to serve themselves, Power in Thailand isn't given, it is taken. If Pita and the Pro-Democracy side want to govern, they need to start fighting back, and quickly. Political power is an ephemeral thing as it is rarely measured, The vast majority of time, political power exists simply because people think you have it. Conversely, if people don't think you have it, you don't have it. MFP won a mandate to reform. Pheu Thai also won a mandate to reform. If they don't deliver, they are toast.
  2. Ha Ha you are funny because of your lack of understanding so according to you there is No coalition where do you get this from
  3. Off is the same as Deet (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) or metofluthrin Deet is getting banned in the US due to side effects
  4. You must dream of Thaksin becuase i have not seen a post with out you bring him up the goverment already knows how to conduct secret ballots
  5. Why do all the news papers call it a coalition because according to you there is no coalition as it has not been voted for
  6. He is doing what is expected of him as 2nd in comand of the coalition. that will be some grilling of pita i bet !!! wish it could be on tv
  7. Do you have a crystal ball how can you say that "there will be a Compromise" you should say There MIGHT be a compromise, unless you know something the rest dont know
  8. i am not giving you anything so just go away told you not claiming anything just the facts
  9. he might have. but they still had a choice good or bad that is my point Thai's are apathetic they voted for. this the outcome is the possibility of a crippled and unstable civilian government dictated to by a band of unelected elites. Under the 2017 Constitution, Thailand’s political future does not look promising.
  10. A more repressive constitution ???? i am afraid the only on i can think of is 2017, The 2017 Constitution limits the next government’s ability to formulate its own policy, as it has already provided a list of preferred policy choices. Chapters on the Duty of the State and the Basic Policy Guidelines address a wide range of topics, from religion to national security, from education to environment, from Thai traditional medicine to satellite frequency. Formerly, these used to be policy guidelines with no legal authority. Now these government duties are enforceable in the courts. this is just an example of repressive constitution. A new government will navigate the roadblocks put in front it by the 2017 Constitution. After a year-long barrage of propaganda, the outcome is the possibility of a crippled and unstable civilian government dictated to by a band of unelected elites. Under the 2017 Constitution, Thailand’s political future does not look promising. there has been 20 constitution this is happing now and the Thai's voted this in
  11. no google your own reseach, have give you plenty of clues get off ur laze backside i am not making any claim just stating facts
  12. I really understand what you are saying, but i were Thai and i had the same choice i would NOT vote a previous one is better as none of them hobble thailand as the junta one and i dont think thailand would be in the mess as it is I totally agree the thai people should have had there input but again good or bad they had a choice
  13. yes i know this i can google 40 %of the people did not vote they made a choice if the rest did Not vote !!! it called Passive resistance but this did not happen therefore i have no sympathy they voted this in by choice
  14. dont need your help thanks The government had previously made a new constitution a prerequisite for a general election, but Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said a vote would go ahead in mid-2017, even if it had to be held under an old constitution.' I've told you this before. Prayuth threatened to use an old constitution if the 2017 one did not pass He didn't specify which one but as a junta leader he would obviously choose one benefitting an authoritarian government. i agree with this The people had no choice (dont agree, why did they go vote they had a choice )
  15. The generals having finally managed to convince the majority of Thais to overlook the democratic activists who opposed its “democratic” roadmap. there were people opposed to the 2017 draft so i would say illegal or not people where debating it oh !! is another junta seizing power in the future 2114 you say ???
  16. its like leading a dog to water do you need me to show you how to use google trying to help you
  17. do you know how to google because iam look at the article right now you want another clue By Pracha Hariraksapitak
  18. the point is the thai's had a choice, they where lead like sheep, Thais voted in favour of the junta-backed constitution draft that would later would become the 2017 Constitution.The referendum marked a victory for the National Council of Peace and Order the generals having finally managed to convince the majority of Thais to overlook the democratic activists who opposed its “democratic” roadmap. so dont tell me It was forbidden to criticise, how may constution have been witten 20 constitutions since the overthrow, does not take long to rewirte a charter or constitution Payut said Thailand will hold a general election in 2017 even if a draft constitution does not pass a referendum this year, so dont say they had no choice
  19. Can not see the point of the election if 250 senators can stop the leader of the winning party for being PM, that is not democratic and goes against the people further more i would say its treason.
  20. Big Loss of Face for him !! Can not get what he wants
  21. see you picked note worthy newspaper full of bull taking about bull so is your post the people did have a choice accept this 2017 constution or revert back to a old constution you need to do research before you spout bull
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