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Everything posted by JimGant

  1. Indeed. Hopefully some of these 80,000 new agents will get training in the "saving clause" and how it trumps the exclusivity clauses found in tax treaties.
  2. That link provided by Gamb00ler, above, would also apply to your private pension, at least per the tax treaty language. Why not check this tax dude out -- he just might use his "exclusive taxation right of Thailand" interpretation to save you a bundle in both Thai and US taxes.....
  3. Not if it's exempted by tax treaty, like government pensions.
  4. Hmmm. I used the same form I used for CY 2019 in CYs 2020 and 2021. Didn't see any differences, plus, as all my accounts remained the same, all's I had to do was change the reporting year and the dollar figures. I'm sure online reporting is easy, but saved PDF is easier, in my opinion.
  5. Actually, Ron Howard is a master at making us feel good about mankind. Remember "Apollo 13?" That we know the ending is irrelevant; how we got to that ending is the substance of the movie. In today's world, it's rare to see mankind in a decent light.
  6. And another scenario, where you get less than 90 days. I renewed online my 90 day report on Aug 5; my visa extension expires 12 Sep. My approved 90 day was only until 12 Sep, ie, 37 days. Maybe because I filled in the field where they ask for extension expiration date. This in not a required field -- and not sure why I filled it in..... Anyway, suggest you don't.
  7. For sure. You already have a US bank account, from which you've made transfers to Thailand. So, you've got the infrastructure set up, so why not just have your SS check direct deposited. And you mentioned you want to keep your SS payments in dollars, which certainly occurs with this method. Why complicate matters....?
  8. Yes, nothing "illegal or irregular" if you meet the financials, ie, 800k in the bank, or 65k/Mo income to Thailand (the agent in this situation is just greasing the skids to make the extension process stress free, not financial free). But if you don't meet these, then you're in violation of the Police Order dictating its requirement. So, yes, you'd be illegal -- but maybe not irregular, considering the numbers apparently going this route, as it's apperently simple to hire an agent with an inside to Immigration. And, yes, it is corruption. But not the kind that negatively affects a country's well being. In fact, it helps productivity, by slashing red tape that's, on the surface, counter productive -- and adding to the income of Immigration officers, without the need for additional tax dollars. And, of course, you the payer farang gets a service worth the price. So, Imm officers are happier, you're happier, the agent's happy with his thriving business -- what's the downside? So, I won't get 'holier than thou' with the OP's history. But, having said all that, if the financial requirements become thwarted by too many farangs, because they really don't have the required means -- and they walk around unwashed, and their lawns go uncut----- well, then, I reserve the right to have these illegal agents put out of business for making corruption no longer productive.
  9. Actually, there's a lot of confusion/misinformation about when the 40/400 insurance requirement gets replaced. The TGIA website mentions "Sept 1." but that's not an official site. But, there are a couple of government publications out there that mention "Oct 1" as the date the 40/400 gets replaced with the US 100k/or Thai 3M baht. The first one is actually a Police Order written Dec 27, 2021, that directs the implementation of the 3M baht/100k $ insurance requirement on Oct 1st 2022 -- and reminds that up until then, the 40/400 remains in effect. So, why are we shouting heads up for Sept 1st -- and not for Oct 1st? The second mentions a "draft" Police decree that will replace the 40/400 requirement with 100k$/3M baht requirement -- on OCT 1st. I can't find a date on this health department article, but maybe it was written before the Dec 27, 2021 Police Order, and is why it is labelled "draft." Anyway, I went to CM Imm today to renew my OA retirement extension, that expires 12 Sept 2022. And had no problems/discussion on why my LMG policy reflected 40/400. So, I really think all those with expiring OA extensions in Sept are still cleared for a 40/400 policy. But for expirations in Oct -- maybe the RTP Order, shown above, stands by itself in implementing the new insurance requirement, i.e., no Immigration Bureau Order needed (but I'll defer to UbonJoe on how these two agencies play footsie on these matters.....). So, for age 77 renewal, I paid 16,900 for the 40/400 -- not 68,500 for the 100k $ version. Will wait a couple of months to ponder next year's goat rope. RTP-Order-No.654-2564-1.pdf Guideline_on_Non-Immigrant_O-A_Visa-2.pdf
  10. Ah, will break out my last Napa Valley product and recline, with glass in hand, to enjoy an interesting sounding movie. Movie probably has nothing to do with this, but as I remember, France lost all its vineyards to a severe winter, and then had to import seedlings from Napa Valley. Thus, I guess you could say, a superb French red probably has Napa Valley to thank for. Of course, you'd never hear a Frenchman admit this -- just as he would never say the French army sucked in WWII. Funny folks, them frogs.
  11. Rimping has a California section, and they do carry some Napa Valley brands. These, I was educated a few years back, are, on average, the best of California wines. So, every two weeks or so, I pluck a Napa Valley bottle of Cab (vintner's name unknown to me) for about 2000 baht. Yes, ridiculous, but it sure makes that barbecued steak taste good -- just no comparison to any other country's premium wines, at least that I've found. And cost? Christ, I oversaved in my younger years, denying myself some pleasures that only youth would appreciate. Thus, my overstuffed estate will largely go to worthless nephews and nieces (unless I can find a soi dog foundry). So, anything I can deny my nephew thru a bottle of superb wine, is a plus. Plus, after draining a fine Napa Valley product, I go to Netflix and watch "Sideways," the Paul Giamatti flick of wandering thru California wine country, where we watch his wine knowledge click into a fine story. Yes, no Paul Giamatti after drinking most of the worthless <deleted> here. Thank goodness for the California section of Rimping. Yes, it still feels weird to spend so much for a bottle of wine, especially after my tightwad youth. But, at age 77, and well established, I'd be stupid not to... Cheers.
  12. Why? What side were Switzerland and Sweden on in WWII? No, Thailand is ideally situated to remain neutral for any problems between China and the US.
  13. Uh, Thailand was not big on Communism, being involved in fighting an indigenous group of in-country commies -- and watching neighbors Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam turn red. So, joining the US in its fight against the commies wasn't a hard decision, particularly when Communism was so antithetical to the Monarchy. Certainly, more honorable than the Dutch in WWI, who watched the world burn down around them without taking up arms.
  14. It's got a curmudgeon filter on it.... ????
  15. Well, in my example, my military pension and Social Security could be demonstrated with paperwork generated at each of these agencies. However, my "self annuitized" IRA might not be so easily identified as a "personal income" stream -- but its necessary inclusion on my 1040 tax return, added to my military pension and Social Security, would definitely show it as an element of my "adjusted gross income," which, if more than $80,000, should be sufficient proof. Now, if I "self annuitized" my Roth IRA, I'd have no tax trail to show, since it's not taxable. That could be trickier to identify to Thai authorities.
  16. From an earlier post by Mudman, I'm surprised this has not received more discussion. First, this 100,000 USD can be in your home country bank (earlier speculation was that it needed to be in a Thai bank -- WRONG). For me, this would be no big problem, as my savings account in the US has most of the risk free end of my retirement portfolio (until CD rates return to normalcy, but I suspect a rope of your CD accounts would be as acceptable as a savings account). Anyway, my Tricare health insurance covers me totally, so if Thailand doesn't want to honor it, then this option would work nicely to meet Thai requirements. Just hope someone realizes this option should also extend to those of us currently squirming under the OA health insurance requirement..... Oh, I've met the 80k $ "personal income" requirement the last two years, as I cashed in some non Roth IRA assets (self annuitized) in order to buy some large sticker items (in addition to my Air Force pension and Social Security). Taxable item, so my tax return would show an adjustable gross income above 80k $ (they've gotta be looking only at gross, as net would be too squirrely, what with alimony, car loans, gambling debts, in addition to taxes). So, would drawing down your IRA (provable on tax return), or drawing down your savings account; having an annual gift from Aunt Martha, whatever (not provable on tax return) be somehow provable and acceptable to Thai authorities....? Hmmmm.
  17. I guess when I first qualified for Tricare, age 22 as a 2nd Lt, cataracts were not a preexisting condition. But, Tricare allows all preexisting conditions -- whatever you have when accepted into the military.
  18. My confusion. When Pinot said he had left it blank, I thought we were talking about arrival date, not TM6 data -- since, yes, there is no TM6 block to fill out on the online reporting.
  19. If I understood Thai, getting hearing aids might be helpful. But I don't, so old age hearing loss serves to block out the cacophany of a language, whose tonal nature amplifies the drawback of hearing loss. Meanwhile, I use a headset to listen to my English broadcasts, and to listen to my favorite music. Conversation with English speakers just requires getting closer, with the occassional 'Say What!' Large English speaking get togethers are completely verboten, as the din of noise blanks out all hearing. No big loss -- but small dinner parties are still doable (which, I guess, would be a good scenario to try these new hearing devices.....)
  20. Hmmm. I'm using the new online website, at least the address I'm using matches the one you posted in the 90 day thread. https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login And here's a partial of what I get on my PC after logging on:
  21. It is, and it's a mandatory field (red asterisk), unlike the block that asks when your current extension ends.
  22. Yeah, I renewed my 90 day on Aug 6 with the online system. But it was good only up to my extension expiration date of 12 Sept 2022, i.e., I only got 36 days, not 90 days. I've always gotten 90 days in the past, when that 90 days encompassed my 12 Sept extension expiration. But in the past few years I did it manually at Promenada. Maybe if I hadn't filled in the extension expiration date on the online application..... And I didn't need to, as it's not a red asterisk required block. Oh well.
  23. Were you within the 15 day update window -- or was 90 day update due several weeks or months in the future?
  24. Had mine done at Bangkok Hospital, Dr Prawit. A day in-between before doing the second one. Had the multifocal lenses -- and I'm happy: Far vision is 20/30 and near vision for computers, reading books, etc is great -- just need glasses for threading a needle. Glasses could not bring things far away to 20/20 -- but easy to live with 20/30. Bangkok Hospital billed my insurance, Tricare, directly. Each eye was approximately $3,900. Now, Tricare follows Medicare guidance, which says they'll only pay for single focus, not multifocus, lens. However, they paid the total bill, probably because the $3900 bill here was still cheaper than the allowed rate for single focus lens in the States. Whatever. I actually paid nothing, no co-pay, because we had reached Tricare's catastrophic cap of $3000 out-of-pocket earlier in the year. All those years in the Air Force, half in Hawaii, have really paid off with Tricare. Thank you for your service? You bet. The Japanese never reattacked during my guard duty on the Hickam Golf Course. ????
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