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Posts posted by Khutan

  1. Erco;

    Thank oyu for yyour succinct analysis of the contemporary influences of farang in a modern, yet pragmatic Thai Culture. I am sure everyone in the forum has enjoyed your summary and happy to answer your question.

    There is another few issues if one is "girding their loins" in preparation of the Sin Sod.

    This would have a direct influence on the empirical value of the lady in question. Lets move on.....

    How many boyfriends has the lady had before she met her current partner.

    Is she a virgin.

    If she is not a virgin how many of her ex-boyfriends did she have sex with.

    Has she ever had an abortion

    Has she ever had a venerial disease

    Is her university from a mainstream university

    Is it a bachelors degree of a masters degree

    There are so many questions to consider.

    One other issue, rather than having the parents "selling a new car", which my wife knocked me off my feet with is and to quote her "The significance of the amount relates to it being a lucky number, not always a large number".

    Hey Admin, I was thinking of doing a weighting spreadsheet and making it into a webpage, so people can calculate their own Sin Sod. Are you willing to host it. I am willing to give you all the intellectual capital. :o

  2. Estrella;

    I hope the suggestion to kill or poison them, that were given by somebody above, were not serious
    I just gave information, my opinion I also gave when I said.....
    I actually like the Soi dogs near my apartment. They all sleep in the carpark, and keep an eye over the cars.
  3. SBK;

    I must be missing my wife stuck in Sydney... But I have agreed with you twice in one day. I endorse what you say

    I don't see that wanting a house or car is being materialistic, and I don't think it is just Thai women, either. Ask the men and they will say the same things, wanting to better ones lifestyle is human nature. Its a rare bird who prefers to live in poverty.

    But there is nothing wrong in my mind to want to make your own life and yourr family's life a bit better. There is a wonderful IT Industry W@nk word/term "Continuos Improvement", little steps, always improving.

    I think the real issue is how ruthless you are in getting these things and the size of the improvement steps...

  4. Umm, unless you have full Tx/Rx from the sattelite, you will still be bound by sending your requests via terrestrial ISP and on the noisy line.

    I have the same problem in and I am very interested in how you go.

  5. I actually like the Soi dogs near my apartment. They all sleep in the carpark, and keep an eye over the cars. During the day they all seem to go away and fight and sleep.

    If you really need to get rid of them, order some 10/80-20 over the internet from an Australian rural supplies place. Its the Dingo and wild dog bait :D .That stuff is very attractive to dogs, and kills them very quickly. You must make sure you don't leave any around after your efforts, if a child or a small adult eats the stuff, it will kill them as well. :o

  6. Oh yes;

    LBFM, ok, that one is funny when you have spent some time in the Armes Services and you are sitting in a bar etc etc.

    You are dead right though LBFM is a term for Philippino's. I find it funny my ex calls my mife an LBFM, just shows how ignorant she is.

    BUT the other term which we used was "LYCR" anyone remember it - it was generally aimed at the Chinese or people of Chinese extraction, and it was "Little Yellow Cash Register"

  7. Wolf5370;

    I could not agree with you more.

    The best one for me was my ex told me whe wanted a new 4-wheel-drive or SUV. It was about $65000 AUD. I told her no, apart from some of her over-indulged friends owning one, I could not agree with it. I was away in Japan one week and hey presto there is a new 4WD in the garage, and most of my stuff is cleared out. I was less than impressed and told her so, she sulked and sulked. I was even mess impressed when I discovered she had signed me up for a loan to buy the thing without m knowledge. How did she do this ??? Whe used a very old power of attourney.

    The funny thing is she wanted her car in the divorce settlement.....

    My current wife has complete access to all of my money, and we make prudent money decisions. I have been in Australia for a week (only two more to go) and she has the bank accounts, the company stuff, and so far she has spent 5000 baht in a week, why well she needed some food and also wanted to get me some new shirts.....

    You tell me the difference.

    As far as I am concerned its a culture thing, Particularly Australian women are brought up from birth with all these expectations that every man owes them something. You can see them in Cafe's and bars and other gathering places, generally they are overweight with an equal attitude, and yes when you listen to the drivel coming from their mouth; Sorry SBK, I agree with alot of what you gave said in this thread.... but this emphasises my point...

    And yes, we do talk about you! Not as much as you think but enough
    and in Sydney it seems to be how much they are stinging hubby/partner to get some new trinket, or the usual "Man" jokes, or commenting on how pathetic so and so is.

    I know my Thai wife will not talk badly of me. I also know a good number of genuine Thai women who also would never talk badly of their partners - after all it reflects on them.

  8. Problem is the strips are so expensive. Half the time you go to a chemist and they may even have a display and they don't know what you are talking about.

    The ones for the Accu-Check active are about 500 baht for 25 strips, in Australia I can get them for $15- for 100.

    So I am stocking up now since I am forced to be in Australia.

  9. geeit;

    go and have fun and enjoy, just don't be silly.

    Think about buying the girls drinks, go slow, when you go fresh into a bar order a beer for yourself but give yourself 5 - 10 minutes before you buy a lady drink. Only buy drinks for the girls you think are nice. So if a bar-girl comes straight to you and says "Buy me dwink" maybe she is after a quick score.

  10. Ajax;

    I am in Sydney today and will be for about a week or so. Apart from a work requirement, the main reason I am here is because my Passport is going to expire soon.

    I am married to a Thai National, and I went ot the consulate yesterday and providing I can produce a new Passport, then they seem quite relaxed about the "O" visa.

    You must have your Marraige Certificate, and a copy of your wife's ID Card at a minimum.

    I will tell you on Monday how I went, and give you an update. :o

  11. I think one of the things can be termed as "Cultural compatability". It is obvious conclusion that a succinct opinions are being taken to "Devalue" Thai people and their culture or make them like commidities. I say to my wife regularly "where do I get two of you from?" She loved to hear that not because I want two of her like one to cook and one to clean but more that she makes me so so happy.

    As far as "Going back to the rice paddies and getting another one", this to me says two things, there is alot of cultural compatability and the attitude and way of life of the people who live in the villages where they till the soil for their daily toil is complimentary to many men from the west. I am still amazed how there is so little difference in many things I really enjoy when I am holiday in Australia - let alone doing this for a living.

    I also get great pleasures fom some of the simplicity of village life. My wife's grandmother loves taking care of me, (oh no someone will call me a misogynist for saying that) and in return I get great enjoyment from helping grand-mum like taking her to the shops and the temple etc. Therefore I have married my wife, but I also have a very nice lifestyle change.

    Secondly, it is not uncommon to find women in Bangkok with some unusual attitudes and work practices. I don't think there is any point expanding on that, we all know what I am talking about.

    Just a little more thought.

  12. I was always happy being married to my farang wife, until we divorced. I thought it poor form to "Play up" on business trips - its the trust thing, and I would not have liked her doing that. But we divorced etc etc.

    Now a few years later, I am married to a Thai lady. The dynamics of the relationship are different, and to me I enjoy the difference.

    No matter what ever happens, I am never going back to a farang woman.

    What are other people's opinions who have partnered both a Thai lady and a Farang Lady?

  13. SBK,

    You should be more careful what you say. People may misinterpret what you are saying.

    Labeling people as a misogynist without any real knowledge of them, never having met them, or even spoken to them is at least arrogant. When you add to this the consescending tone of your posts in this thread, can lead people to the conclusion you are a bully.

    Maybe from what you write someone could label you a feminist nazi, and suggest you go back to your comrades in the comune to pick the lice out of each other's volumes of body hair.

    But for someone to do that would not be polite. :o

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