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Posts posted by Khutan

  1. Well well, out of the closet you all come.....

    I have removed the rest of this post, I just realised what group it was in.....

    Sandy; ummmm, this is sensitive but.....

    I called myself "bi-curious". After i knew what it was like, my curiousity was gone. But dont get me wrong, i still check girls out

    Do you have any photos, I am sure I can sell them for 95% commission

  2. There are two teachers at Chiang Mai University who have taught there for well over 10 years.

    They are a married British couple, and neither has a degree. They are also here as Missionaries for the Jehovah's Witnesses, but don't get a salary from the JWs and never proselytize at school, under any circumstances.

    Praise be to Jevovar or whoever, my doors are in Bangkok and Surin...... So when the Baan is "a-Rockin - they won't come knocking...." :o

  3. Sounds fishy to mee. An elephant costs more than 100,000 Baht.

    I was wrong, at the time of the negotiation it was $3600- Aus, Sorry, I missed a zero with the conversion, it should have been 100,000.

    That money is paid after the year.

    Since she has 40 Rai of land, (yes its not alot) but I have seen too much of Jackie Chan on Cable, so I thought it would be nice to give something back.

    Another point is my Daughter goes to "Pony Club" in Australia, with all the self-effacing self-opinionated..... I would just love to see an elephant at Pony Club..... The rules do say if a member cannot get a horse, other animals would be sufficient.

    I think they were talking about Donkeys and mules....... It would be worth the $$$$ and the hassle just to see a good mahutan show them a thing or two in the dressage. Mind you, showjumping may be a problem..... :o

  4. A couple of things :

    E is not generally not made in a quality controlled lab where there is strict control over dosage rates, absobtion rates etc etc. From what I understand it is made in someone's garage or kitchen. So yes its fun to take so they say, but I will say no.

    Michael Alan Connell will probably changing his name to Chicken......

  5. On one of my many trips to Surin, we were relaxing on some lake or water way near the boarder. A Mahutan turned up with his elephants and had this really cute baby.

    We started chatting and discovered my wife could buy the elephant for 10,000 Baht after one year etc etc.

    Since we have a bit of land and the Mahutan comes cheap, maybe an elephant may be better than a Buffalo to till the fields etc.

    I also thought since there was such a cultural and religous imprtance the elephant may not get as sick as a buffalo.

    In years to come it might be fun for the kids to have rides etc when they holiday from Australia.......

    What do you think

  6. I thought you guys were a freindly bunch....

    not even one reply..even a negative one would be something lol.

    Well on the overwealming amount of response, it might be back to the VCD's and the mink glove.... :o

  7. At the end of the day the notion of having a degree means you have done some sort of learning the average punter hasn't.

    Yes there is considerable bias towards people with degrees.

    Consider also there are schools that will organise things for you if you don't have a degree...... Look for the ads call them and tell them you don't have a degree and can they help.

    The other ting is there are g good number of people in the english schools who have saved to them alot of money for a chance at getting a start in life, or are from poor families who are trying the best for their children..... Do you think it is fair to them to be giving them a second-rate education, only for your own personal gain ?

  8. Sandy;

    Sad to say that women here are looked at differently if they smoke - its like an oddity - up in Bang Na you will see smoking Monks and in my wife's village the monk smokes, they make excuses but don't like it.

    I was doing some work years ago with the Consul (Australian) and with people in prison. The men get the wonderful "Roll up" thinngs, but at that time - "Wonmen in Thailand Don't smoke" This presented some interesting issues - ###### you are on death row for transportation and ###### a smoke may well sooth your nerves.........

    Me I don't care, I smoke - my wife is on my back constantly to give up - I have to clean my teeth and all that before we get romantic.

    My company - we only hire smokers. We have a few tricks to weed out the non-smokers in the interview process. Honestly when we have morning and afternoon tea and smoke breaks, we still get good work and creative work done. The other side of the brain works. Of course there is a non-smoking policy actually in the office, but when we all pile out at 10:30 and have a smoke its good fun. :o

  9. Ok;

    I have lived here a few years and the last Jabs and Anti - Malarial treatment I had was in 1992......

    There are no reported cases of Dengue, Typhoid, mmm wouldn't bother, Malaria, well yes and no. But please remember there has been genuine cases of Malaria reported and diagnosed 100km north of Sydney.

    The big thing is Malaria, get some mosquito repellant with DEET, there are many brands, Look on the Label you wil see DEET. I cannot remember the scienific name for it -I havn't bought the stuff for years.

    I would worry more about eating food that is too spicy and getting the "Trots" or drinking too much alcohol. Oh yes, don't forget your Condoms.

    From what I can see.most medical ailments here are self inflicted. :o

  10. Ok;

    I changed the post and removed the brand name.....

    INSTINCT;; Yea I would think it would if she has a bad yeast infection.

    Ya know what a WHOPPER WITH CHEESE is??

    Thats a fat girl with a yeast infection 

    I sort of agree, but poor Pommy Steve has never seen any symptoms, and generally unless you have some super virilant strain Candida or a yeast infection doesn't develop within a day or two - if you know what I mean. Typically, ladies from this part of the world rely on the "Hand Spray" to relieve the symptoms and may leave it up to a month or so before seeking treatment.

    If you think I am wrong, ask your partner if she wants to go to the hospital and have a Pap Smear or a Pelvic Examination........ They will wait a long time.

    I don't know, myself, I would brush it off, after all we are in the tropics, BUT, how does poor Pommy Steve broach the topic with his partner ?????


  11. Well, what do you think of this?

    I was having a beer last night with my friend Pommy Steve. His partner has gone home to Chang Rai to take care of her sick Mother (maybe a sick Buffalo as well).

    He comes and goes from England. Anyway, he was telling me that he was cleaning the House, and just happened to be looking inside the G/F's bag.

    His trouble was he found one used and one half used packets of ***Multinational Brand *** Vaginal Tablets. MMM he thought, of course she has had a yeast infection, and hasn't been feeling too well. All the stress of the sick mother etc.

    He must have been worried, as he had the fact sheet with him, which says that this medication is for Yeast Infections (Of course how they occur is another question) but it is also used as a treatment for the good old Trick or Trichomonas..... Isn't that the most common Sexually Transmitted Disease ????

    I reasurred Steve that her overall health condition was obviously low from her missing him etc etc etc and she got a "Yeast Infection"........

    So of course she has been a good girl........ Hasn't she? :o

  12. My new home is going fine, but some thing s I found a bit strange was you don't pay a one-up all inclusive price. you pay the builder to build and the materials are seperate.

    Whilst they are building the resposibility for the materials is with the owner.

    Some things are included, others aren't

    If you want stuff to a particular specification well you generally pay extra.

    has anyone else had similar experiances ???

  13. Tongdee:

    I have been visiting Land of Smile for 20 years. Many young Thai Girls have told me they prefer older men because they are more mature than young men. Less macho stupidity. Not reckless with life limb & $$.Thai girls mature faster than theyre male counterparts and are much more mature than 20ish folung boys most of whom are little more than children in the growing up mode. Older men are more stable emotionally & financially

    I could not agree more, and the same with Mrs Mattnich, who is leaning over my shoulder.

    She is 20 years younger than me and many times better looking. She cannot stand young men for the reasons you have said. But that is her opinion, and what would a 20 odd year old Thai girl know :o

  14. I wanted to take my wife to Australia for 6 months to a year. I actually at the time was in Australia and sopke to Immigration in canberra, they were really helpful, and ne person actually helped me word the Stat Dec and have it witnessed. I got a letter from Immigration telling me my resposibilities, put together a documentation package and got on the plane.

    Basically, forget anything for more than 3 months for the forst visit. The "discretionary" powers of those C#NT$ is unbelievable....... I am not going to bore you with the details, but they don't care what Canberra says, or even the threat of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for not acting correctly in terms of the act(s).

    After we came back I needed to go to Australia for 3 days for Christmas. Three days and I was told that she has had her holiday and maybe next year mght be better. I tried explaining I wanted my WIFE to come and visit my children and we had to be back in Surin for the 28th. I produced the marraige certificate only to be told by some peice of shit that I needed a translation she could not read it, even though she was a Thai......

    Of course the Consul was on holiday and well I ended up going alone. It was the same with my January trip to get my passport.

    The people at the Australian Embassy are the most concieted and arrogant peices of shit I have seen in a long time. They make me ashamed to be an Australian

  15. Yes the purveyors of misery.

    They deserve all they get. I was approached by some people I know to help "transport" Thai" ladies to Hong Kong. it was $1000- AUD and expenses.

    Personally, I would rather eat from the rubbish bins in the soi before I took any of their money.

  16. You expose people feelings to a public, and covering their face with their legs spread out does not take away the fact that you are still exposing them.

    Stuff like this can be considered in "The Public Interest".... Therefore equity would tell us the privacy of the people being quoted is secondary to the interests of the public...... :o

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