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Posts posted by featography

  1. The original spending outlay was Bt7.7 billion, but the Navy agreed to cut the price after vetting by a panel formed by Defence Minister Yuthasak Sasiprapha.

    The "navy agreed to cut the price"? .....Now that raises questions. Another slip of the tongue lets out a bit more of the truth in the pricing of these overpriced projects. Wonder whose share of the loot got cut? :whistling:

    I just hope Germany will get the payment in full before the transfer of hardware, or at least plan on waiting long term for more Thai aircraft to land in the motherland.

  2. Leave poor Yingluck alone, she's doing her best. I sometimes get confused too in amazing Thailand.

    I'm afraid "her best" is not good enough - if a rooky goal keeper was sent on to save a penalty after the goal keeper had been sent off in a Sunday league game and failed, then fair enough. This is not acceptable however for a prime minister of a developed country though!!!

    What is she going to do in the case of a plane highjacking - send in the submarines????:unsure:

    ".......prime minister of a developed country" ?????

  3. The swastika is a religious symbol, from India copied by the nazi's. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika Together with lack of historical knowledge this probably led to the students not being aware of what they were doing.

    I once borrowed "Shindlers List" to a headmaster. He was schocked and showed the movie to his students, so i gave the DVD to him and he wanted to see more movies about the holocast.

    Maybe someone can send a DVD to this school.

    Correction! The swastika is a bastardization of an ancient Buddhist symbol. In most countries, the Budhist symbol has its points turned the opposite direction and the symbol is straight, not turned at a 45 degree as is the swastika.

    This is a prime example of the lack of world history education in the Thai schools coming back to bite them in their a$e$.It really is pathetic in that Nazi were for a white superior race. How would these kids react to knowing they, Asians are supporting a political ideology that would anihalate black, Jewish, Arobic, Asian races??

  4. I've got about a dozen school age kids here on my soi. They are from 5 to 15 years old. Probably half of them are no more "learned" than the day they were born. They call all read and do some math but I doubt they can do much more.

    When they play "school" the teacher carries some sort of weapon and lightly smacks one of the others from time to time. One thing they are good at, particulary the boys, is screaming at each other as that is what they do in class while they do their endless rote learning activities.

    They are good kids and I enjoy them very much.

    Remember we're in Thailand. You really could have worded that sentence better.

    :cheesy: Jing krahp

  5. This happens a lot. A couple of times / year.

    Why do people continue to ride elephants?

    Sit on the beach instead.

    Oh really? I've been living here for 5 yrs and have only read about 2 incidents like this. You want to supply your source establishing that this happens a lot?

    On another note, in my country, the elephant would have been put down, or taken from the owners and put where it will not hurt any other people.

  6. Luckily it is only an ABAC poll. Another agency that loves to make up data that is not there. I bet that Noppadol Kannikais in need of attention. It must be his finest hour. Now we need to see the data, to see how he polled, where he polled, how scientific the respondents were selected or if mister Noppadol simply went into the local slump and polled over there. I bet that the poll is one piece of engineered rubbish.

    Perhaps the poll is, as you suggest ," engineered rubbish" , but it doesn't really matter since the reporting of it is fabricated and manipulated rubbish.

    Obviously Thai follow the old cliche; The facts don't count! Its the message!

  7. The Headline reads - "Phuket taxi cartel grants US Military safe passage"

    I thought to myself - wow - thats very nice of them - what a nice gesture to 'grant' them a safe passage.

    These are US servicemen from just about the most powerful nation on earth, and the Phuket Taxi 'Cartel' was gracious enough to grant them a safe passage

    we bow down before you - oh great tuk tuk drivers!

    NO SHIT! Where else can you go and find such arrogance?

  8. Many of the men and women of the USS Boxer group – about 1,500 sailors and 2,500 Marines from the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit – volunteered to paint a fence and wall at Muang Phuket School today and Wednesday.

    All of them with regular work permit?? :whistling:

    Not needed because they are servicemen/women doing good will work, no more than a passport is needed to land and fight for the freedom of the natives. Get real dude.


    It's official - Yingluck the prime minister

    By The Nation

    The House on Friday cast a roll-call vote to install Yingluck Shinawatra as prime minister.

    Of 496 MPs present, Yingluck received 296 votes. The opposition abstained with 197 votes. Three votes were cast against the nomination.

    Of the 300 coalition votes, four abstained including Yingluck, the House speaker and his two deputies.

    Three Democrat MPs cast their disapproval were Watchara Phetthong, Boonyod Sukthinthai and Attaporn Ponlabutr.

    Yingluck is 44 years and one month old, breaking a world record as the youngest female ever elected the prime minister.


    -- The Nation 2011-08-05

    Anyone want to correct the Nation AGAIN?? Something like,... youngest prime minister , and the first female prime minister in Thai history? Unlike the Nation, I am open to correction if I am incorrect. :D

  10. Good job by the BIB. If only they were this diligent more than 10% of the time there would be a lot less unsolved crimes.

    "We charged them for working without permits, but nothing else because there are no laws against cheating people through phone calls like they did,” Maj Nackaphan said.""

    Oh Really?:boring:

    Amusing Thailand

  11. Lots of museums to see too. The war museum is interesting as it's on of the few places you see the other side of the story so to speak.

    Last time I was there we stayed in Tan Hai Long 4 Hotel


    Very nice rooms but as most places there, no window. Breakfast was very good as well. Not far from many restaurants & bars so it's a good location.

    A surprisingly good city for shopping as well with department stores and excellent markets.

    Enjoy it, I'll be back early next year I think.

    I am still trying to figure out how to reply to posts,so here goes.

    Thank you all for information received so far gentlemen. This post is the only one that mentions a hotel but i am still non the wiser.

    How does the Thai baht stack up against the Vietnamese currency and what sort of prices woulld i be paying for a cheap but reasonable hotel room.

    Room prices are my main concern, because if they are expensive i just won't go and i will find another cheaper destination. When it is all boiled down

    with accomodation, one is only looking for a clean comrtable bed for the night and that is certainly not worth an arm and a leg.

    the wife and I went for TET a year ago last Feb. We stayed at the following hotel for 10 days, and loved the location. The manager, her husband, and staff were awesome hosts. Its a small hotel, but you get that personal touch from them. Price was good, room was clean, well maintained, and we felt right at home there.It was our first trip to Vn, The hotel is within walking distance of many hotspots, more restaurants with far more Farang menus than Thailand has, and all good eating. The taxi's were much better quality vehicles than Thailand has, and the drivers were a far higher caliber. We felt like we were being chaufeured? rather than just fares. When we go back, we will stay at this place again.

    Saigon Sports 2, Ho Chi Minh City

    82 Le Lai Str – Ben Thanh Ward, Dist1


  12. " while Parin won the logo competition with a Thai kinnaree: a female angel-like figure representing feminine beauty and grace"

    One hopes that Khun Parin's doesnt have bare boobies incorparated in the design....:whistling:

    "Suphap's idea was a green planet shape with a Thai prajamyam design, while Parin won the logo competition with a Thai kinnaree: a female angel-like figure representing feminine beauty and grace."

    Again, Thailand enforcing the xenophobic, ultra Nationalistic Superiority complex, displaying their concept of Thailand being the Hub of the existence. The Earth revolves on its axis to support Thailand and the other countries are along for the ride. How self centered, and arrogant can the governing bodies get??

    "Over the past 10 years, Thailand has never hosted any really global events, except Royal Flora five years ago. If we are able to run the World Expo, it would help the entire economy," Chanin said.

    Notice he prioritized economy (money) and no mention of Thai image in the eyes of the world?

    "Piyaman Tejapaibul, president of the Tourism Council of Thailand, said Thailand had been the most popular destination in the region for many years."

    Kune Piyaman should spend 10 days during TET, or any other month during the West's winter months, in Ho Chi Mihn City, and count farang tourists.

  13. The government and government agencies hate competition and is only interested in their own benefits. Government and government agencies are NOT interested in what is best for the people.

    CAT and TOT should be closed down - they are absolutely useless - always have been. Substandard service - totally overpriced! Let real foreign competition in and they will be out of business within only a few years - the Thai consumers will benefit - better service and lower prices will be the result of real competition.

    Currently traveling in Europe I am amazed what deals are on offer here for the consumers - "all in one" rates for mobile communication , wireless internet, real high-speed internet - real "cable" digital HD TV at incredible low prices for far more superior products than CAT or TOT or True can ever dream about!

    While they are still trying to protect their monopolies here in Thailand and arguing over 3G licenses - the rest of the world is already considering 3G an out-dated technology – when will the Thai people ever wake up and find out that they are constantly taken to the cleaners by not standing up to the out-dated xenophobic policies of out-dated corrupt leaders.

    By the way – I almost spit out my coffee this morning when I saw Thailand's latest advert on CNN - the phrase " Thailand – where reliability is a tradition!" was to much to take in early in the morning!

    post or send me in email that link please. I want to email that all over the place to my friends. :P

  14. There were three helicopters, those from the Agricultural Ministry & Environment Ministry turned back when the weather got worse. Not unknown for military pilots to take risks that civilian pilots do not. Seem to recall that Korean Airways stopped employing ex-military jocks for that very reason. Doesn't help either when you have others further up the chain of command than the pilot aboard as well as was the case here, another factor that can cause wrong decisions. It was believed to be such a scenario that led to the crash of the Polish flight in Russia, once again in bad weather, that was carrying most of the Polish cabinet.

    To add support to your comments, some years ago I interviewed for a civilian helicopter training school. The first question asked of me was,

    "did you fly in Nam?" My answer was no, I have no flying experience to date. They informed me that was a good thing for me, and that prospective employers will not hire Helo pilots from the military for the same reasons you mentioned.

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