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Posts posted by featography

  1. I am long time sufferer with back problems, compliments of 28 yr career in a very physical occupation. My Dr years ago in the States advised for long term use, stick to Sodium Naproxyn, (Aleve in the States) but also available in Th. You won't see it advertised, or offered by pharmacies or Dr.s because it cost more than Tylenol.Sodium Naproxyn is equally good at knumbing pain, but the safest on Liver and kidneys. You would probably have to ask for it,, again due to cost, hence stocking on shelf for the ocassional farang that would be willing to pay for it, not worth it to the pharmacist. I have been using it regularly for 20 yrs, 6 of them here in Th. I have to order it thru the local shop, which is not a big prob.

  2. Good, might be a good opportunity to rid the country of these pests and hopefully it might cross to the canine population and also deplete or drastically reduce these pests at the same time.

    What a small minded person you must be. If everybody would have a mindset like you we would soon have no people on this planet.

    You act as if it is the fault of the cats that there are so many (same like dogs) here in Thailand. If the Thai authorities would spend a little of their time and a little of the taxpayers' money these problems could be dealt with easily. It’s the result of years of mismanaging this country and having priorities in the wrong place.

    People like you certainly don't make a better world.

    Good, might be a good opportunity to rid the country of these pests and hopefully it might cross to the canine population and also deplete or drastically reduce these pests at the same time.

    What a small minded person you must be. If everybody would have a mindset like you we would soon have no people on this planet.

    You act as if it is the fault of the cats that there are so many (same like dogs) here in Thailand. If the Thai authorities would spend a little of their time and a little of the taxpayers' money these problems could be dealt with easily. It’s the result of years of mismanaging this country and having priorities in the wrong place.

    People like you certainly don't make a better world.

    ''small minded'' people like him, came up with big successful ideas, like spaying and neutering, something Thai dont want to spend money or time on. The laws of Nature dictate, when the numbers of any species exceeds the food source, disease and other measures come to play, and reduce the numbers so that said species can survive. Feeding them all, only reproduces more, adding to an existing problem already.


    Obama wins second term

    Washington - MSNBC and Fox News projected late Tuesday thatUS President Barack Obama has been re-elected.

    The victory came after Obama wins the Midwestern battleground of Ohio, the most hotly contested state inthe country. No candidate has won the presidency without Ohio since 1960.


    -- The Nation 2012-11-07

    as of 11;47am here, there is a 900 vote spread between them, and only 3/4ths the ballots have been counted in Ohio. It aint over til the fat lady sings.

    • Like 1
  4. Groups will always have an appellation of some form or another to differentiate outsiders from members of the group. I’m a Farang here and a Haole in Hawaii, who cares. It is short efficient and widely understood.coffee1.gif

    I agree. With a smile, I respond with ''swasdee Durian''

    The reaction has always brought a laugh.

  5. If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

    Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

    Seconded. What kind of crap taxi service refuses a fare? Have never seen this in any other country ever, it's ridiculous.

    Been my experience in Bkk, that when a taxi driver doesnt want to take me somewhere, its for one of 2 reasons; the traffic is so bad between point a and point b, he doesnt want to sit in traffic, and run a high tab for us, or he is relatively new, and not familiar with the part of town you want to go to. It can also be for getting close to his meal break and is on his way to an eaterie, or his mia noi, or wife, or.......

    Bottom line is I dont take it personal. If 3 in a row turn me down, then its a safe bet that its going to take too long to get there. They are doing us a favor under those circumstances. Next time youre turned down, ask them to take you to the sky train to make the bulk of the trip you want, then jump into another taxi to complete the trip. Wife and I make it a game; some days we will take a taxi part way, skytrain, then boat taxi, to get get from A to B. It doesnt cost any more money than a slow moving taxi stuck in rush hour traffic.

  6. OK… let’s look at the article again, this time with an ounce (just one ounce) of critical thinking at work:

    According to the NESDB, Thai mothers under 20 years old accounted for 14% of all mothers who delivered babies in 2009 and 2010. The public health survey in 2010 indicated that out of 760,000 babies born, 411,000 had died. The NESDB said that the figure shows that a number of mothers decided to have abortion.

    • So they’re citing 2009/2010 data and blaming Facebook? Just how big was FB in those years in Thailand? Big enough to cause a 54% abortion rate?

    • Did they mean there were 411,000 people who died in Thailand in the year 2010? If 411,000 babies died in 2010, that would mean 1126 babies per day dying in Thailand. If that doesn’t include the death tolls for young children, teenagers, university students, young professionals, and senior citizens’… holy crap! That’s a lot of dead people!!!

    This raises the question: are Thai people actually childlike and naive? Or is it this <deleted> reporting with little/no logic that confuses them so much that they can only listen in awe and wonderment and act like automatons to the sensationalistic d*ckh**ds?

    Neither; they cant do math, so they dont pay any mind to what they read. This is only a reading excercise for Thai.

  7. Perfectly good stretch of road is the Pitsanulok-Tak road. I will admit on a quiet Sunday afternoon to have been doing 1, 7, and 0 kph and it's not bouncy or dangerous (much). If the driver is telling the truth then it was unfortunate and not to condone the speeding but it could have been just a freak accident. Funnily enough as safe as this road is my first ever journey on it I had a cow run into the side of my car at 80kph. Cow was fine and I had 7,000 bahts worth of damage, shame I didn't know the insurance would cover it.

    RIP those unfortunate souls

    Of importance is, what shape are the tires in? Most of them run thin to bald. Could be the driver is telling the truth, and a tire just reached the end of its life. In any other country a commercial driver would be held responsible for the condition of the vehicle he drives.

  8. I wont get into a situation I found myself in with my visa and passport, but trust me, when I discovered the mess up, I knew that I would be facing jail time if I went to the airport. Im a short time retiree (5 yrs) compared to the majority of farang living here, but I know deep shit when I fall in it. I figured it cant get any worse if I go straight to the immigration office, show them the ''errors of my way'' explain that it was not intentional, and show, act, humble and apologetic over it. It worked. I got ''my hands slapped'' warned that it would be instant out of the country if it happened again. My wife got a neighbor that works with Burmese migrants on getting their visas, and that neighbor wasn't too worried about it if she were to go with us. We took her with us. She actually vouched for my character, and good standing in the village. Everything got sorted out that day, although it took a few hours, but that I didn't consider a big deal compared to what could have happened.

    You might try your consulate to see if they will accompany your friend to immigration. If not, try Sunbelt Law firm for a lawyer. Prices of lawyers here are most likely cheaper than back home, so.....

    Bottom line, fess up at immigration asap. whether it be with representation or not. It would even help if your entire group went with you with their passports. It might show/prove that you and they are in the up and up.

    Best of luck

    Happy New Year

  9. Probably more to do with what you ate your rice with.


    Bingo. White rice isnt particularly fattening. Sure if you consume it in large amounts it can be detrimental but you can say that about many foods. Like you said Asians have been consuming white rice for thousands of years and they for the most part remain in good health. They also are responsible for some of the healthiest populations in the world.

    Asians' traditional health can be explained by calorie restriction, veggies, physical work (+ walking, bicycling), and fish.

    OP, this vid explains your weight loss when you stopped eating rice. Incredibly, I've managed to persuade two overweight Thais to stop eating rice and they've also lost. :)

    Maybe wrong but don't tell me that fried this and that (using recycled cheap veg oil) is healthy for you. As I mentioned earlier, cut out the booze, sugar cakes and ice cream, get off your duff regularly and you too will lose weight. In fact, my calorie in-take is much higher now than when i was drinking beer, eating sweets and sitting on my ass but I have lost weight and it stays off.

    Bingo! Absolutely right. That was a nice video but........

    Let's get a reality check here. Do your own homework as I did, any rice is better than the potato we all grew up with in the west. Even the ''Italian'' pasta doesn't hold a candle to rice, any rice. The Asians have a long history of having far less conditions of the West, in cardio vascular and digestive tract ailments. They are doing different what the West does. The biggest medical condition I have witnessed here in Thailand is Thyroidism at 'near epidemic' levels. This, do the research, is largely caused by their love and use of soi products. Anyone that takes medications for Thyroid conditions, will vouch that their doctors have warned them not to indulge in soi. As far as storing cooked in the refrigerator, thats just not done here either because, leftovers are 'donated' to the dogs on the street. There is a bigger health issue with all the different vegetable cook oils, which let's face it, have been lobbied and pressured us into believing is healthier than palm or coconut oil. That's high profit BS. I could go on, but saying a little says a lot. Tell too much, no one reads on.

  10. i had Buppa Platinum as well for over 8 years, ( out patient only and no dental) for myself and daughter Never once had a claim

    Is there dental riders available?? I have been told Thailand has no dental insurance plans by a multitude of Thai in 5 yrs of living here.

  11. has anyone got a photo of a Gecko? i would like to see what excatly what it is. iwas staying in a village in Prackon Chai and at night i heard this sound

    forgive me but it sounded like F---k off . also at night even in the day these little creatures like small lizzards used to crawl about the ceiling and the walls catching anything that could fly. it was my entertainment at night when i had a Singha or LEO.

    Yes, I do. This is one, I think ....

    hit search bar and key in thailand gecho, and then thailand tokay. There are a lot of pics of both

  12. My cocker spaniel loves hunting lizards, geckos and other cirtters. If she sees a lizard on the ceiling, she'll sit and bark at it till it moves on and disappears. She'll sniff around for a while then go back to bark incessantly at the empty space where the lizard was last seen.

    So, my advice: take my dog, please.


    Lizards are ground creatures ,cannot climb up to a ceiling-falloff, if they tried,don't have the "correct " pads on their feet, You may have tokays, but they tend to hide behind furnishings , definitely not roof dwellers, they like bookcases,etc.,. And the males are quite noisy when looking for a mate.In the middle of the night. Not pretty, they are. Ugly heads

    Did I at least get the dog part right—Cocker Spaniels are a kind of dog, right? Or have I been taking my cat out on a leash twice a day for the past five years? :)


    I will be sure to let the gechos, both ching chokes and tokays that they cannot climb up to ceilings. I will be relieved when they know this, because I get no pleasure in cleaning kee ching choke off the ceilings and walls.

  13. You have 2 sure ways of getting the Gecko out of your house without harming the animal.

    First you could try putting down one of those rat trap cages with some food inside.

    Or buy a large net what is used for pond fish and if the see the Gecko lob him into the net and take it outside.

    if you have a cat, just wait, and the gecho will disappear. Deeeeee lissssshhhh ee us

  14. I don't get it..... why the Dummy Cop .. Why not mount the camera on a pole beside the road or somewhere ... why make a Dummy Police and then mount the Camera? Ok if they are planning to conceal the camera then i suppose this news should not have been published... so I am still confused.... But definitely not surprised - Guess why?

    Because it cost more money!!! :whistling:

  15. All politics made mistake, give her a break.

    I believe especially US people should not criticizes too much, considering what kind of president they used to have... rolleyes.gif

    Thaksin family still looks way better than Bush family if you ask me.

    You are behind the times. You should try living and working in the US with the current president.

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