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Posts posted by featography

  1. Sad news.

    Can someone makes sense of this article what actually happened? Wouldn't the stand be earthed?

    Every 10th pole should have a copper wire from power cables to an 8ft copper rod buried at the base of the pole. I doubt that Thailand really does that. To answer your question, the article said the boys took cover from the rain. Water is an electricity conductor. Electricity, not properly earthed will go down a pole in rain water and earth that way. I have read safety reports in the States of workers being electrocuted touching the down guys anchoring the end of pole lines because of Static electricity built up and released during a rain storm.

  2. Wyoming and Montana have the best steaks in the world!!!

    hate to break it to you but American beef is probably the lowest quality meat in the developed world. Raised in squalid factories, on a relentless daily cocktail of growth hormones and multiple antibiotics - many of which are banned in the more sophisticated farming countries. Even 'organic' meat in the US has more crap in it than more developed places. I love visiting the US, but certainly wouldn't list the food as a reason to go there :-)

    Hate to break it to you, but you obviously have never been to Montana or Wyoming, and probably never been out of a big city. Neversure is correct, although I would add while in that part of the country, hit a restaurant that serves buffalo (bison). THAT is the best meat in the country.

    I correct myself, BrianP was correct about the steaks in Montana and Wyoming.

  3. Wyoming and Montana have the best steaks in the world!!!

    hate to break it to you but American beef is probably the lowest quality meat in the developed world. Raised in squalid factories, on a relentless daily cocktail of growth hormones and multiple antibiotics - many of which are banned in the more sophisticated farming countries. Even 'organic' meat in the US has more crap in it than more developed places. I love visiting the US, but certainly wouldn't list the food as a reason to go there :-)

    Hate to break it to you, but you obviously have never been to Montana or Wyoming, and probably never been out of a big city. Neversure is correct, although I would add while in that part of the country, hit a restaurant that serves buffalo (bison). THAT is the best meat in the country.

  4. Possibly the reactionary idea of passing the accused over to the victims family might well be an innovative idea, one would no doubt see a dramatic drop in the crime of rape if this course of judgemental action was to be followed..

    As a parent, and grandparent, I have always thought this a good idea, with no reprecussions to family when done with the guilty one.

  5. I have found that the road block have been for the sole purpose of checking vehicles for tax, I have been stopped 3 times in a few days, I was not singled out as a farang and once they saw my tax was in order I was waved through in all cases.

    It is reasonable to check for tax I think.

    After reading all the posts, I guess I married a smart woman. At her advise years ago, I keep a photo copy of passport pages, TDL, my yellow house book, ownership papers on both bike and car, in or on each vehicle, current tax sticker, ins. co. covering each vehicle, as well as my actual TDL in wallet. Should I ever lose my wallet, I still have a TDL copy in vehicle.

    I have been stopped only a few times, giving a smile, a swadee kruhp, sobaidee mai kruhp, show all the copies with TDL and typically the policeman or military will smile, joke a little with me, and then thank me and send me on. Only once was I tagged because that day, I had taken my copy of green book out of saddle bag of motorcycle, for some reason and not put it back. He had me there. As it turned out, he wanted B400. I opened my wallet and showed him I only had B120. He took it and sent me on my way. Lesson learned; keep less than 200B in wallet, the rest stuffed in a pocket.

    Worth mentioning, I was wearing a helmet, i ride a Lifan 250, modified to look like a harley (without the badges and stickers). That day, I saw them looking at me while stopped for red on the other side of intersection. Sure enough light turns green, I proceed thru intersection and one of them waves me over. I stopped, he walked up, froze mid step, stared at the tank and said in English, ''Oi, Lifan!'' Surprised look on his face. I smiled, wai'd and said, ''Mai Harley. Pang mak''. He looked rather disappointed.

  6. Icing or castor sugar and plaster of Paris, the first thing a dying cockroach does when it has been poisoned is lay it's egg(s) which contain some extraordinary amount of offspring. The plaster of Paris solidifies in their gut preventing this and kills them, thus stopping the cycle. Even if you eradicate them now they will be back in 3 months when the new born's hatch. It takes a while but it is non toxic. Some of the big ones fly and you can't do much about it except keep them under control, but the German ones are the worse, they are disease carrying MoFo's. Once they get a hold it's VERY difficult to get rid of them, unless you can break the cycle. I think we used to use 50/50.

    Surface spray helps usually in the short term.

    What's 50/50?

    From reading the only other thread I found about Borax on here it seems nigh on impossible to find it in Bangkok, perhaps I'll have to purchase something else.

    Check True Value Hardware

  7. I had a friend send me Borax powder from the U.S. It is used to soften water in the washing machine there.

    I remember my parents using Borax when I was a kid, but thought all these years it was just a laundry soap option. I need a water softener in the washing machine. Do you live in or around Bangkok? I am curious to know if True Value Hardware stocks that. When living south of Bkk, I would go into True Value for American products unavailable anywhere else.

  8. All of you Americans on TV should be ashamed of your country. Execution of murderers is something that went out 30 years ago in civilized countries . Add to that your gun carrying fixation from the days of the Wild West and one starts to understand why when you criticize how the rest of the world should behave, no one listens.

    Just as no one listens to you.

    BTW would you go get your *brother and take him home please. We are sick and tired of the pompous arrogant blow hard.

    *Piers Morgan

    • Like 2
  9. So many opinions, so many criticisms, so many ''Xspurts''. I.ve raised and trained many dogs in my illustrious life, had only 1 dog that was intent on killing any and all chickens he could catch. Neighbors threatened to shoot him, the next time he killed one of their chickens. I had a lot of money tied up in this animal, so I did the grotesque and ''inhumane''thing. I took the last chicken he killed, and duct taped it to the back of his neck. I used enough duct tape to stick to him without being tight and come off. When the chicken had rotted, smelled so bad you couldnt get near the dog, and he had exhausted himself, daily trying to get that off of himself, and chicken parts were falling off, I finally cut the tape, wearing a mask and gloves, gave him baths with baking soda, vinegar, and shampoo. That dog, not only never went near a chicken again, if one just wandered in his direction, he would circle wide to avoid it. End of story.

  10. I'd really enjoy an evening of fine whiskeys (or bourbon), cigars and scintillating conversation myself.

    Once, in Central Th, I discovered a fifth of Black Velvet for 999B. at a Foodland. If youre familiar with that brand, Canadian blended bourbon, I thought it very good. I know its in the country, so now you make me wonder if Rimping or Tops can order it. I havent asked because I figure they would want me to buy the whole case. If there are 2 or 3 other members that want that particular brand, we should inquire about ordering a case and splitting the cost.

    Any takers, send me a message

  11. I was born in the UK where, as I'm sure you know, the gun culture isnt much in evidence. I spent a few years in HM forces where I did the gun thing and found it did nothing for me, not even an erection. Never have understood the fascination with them.

    For some it's a sickness, an obsession of sorts.

    People need to live with the times. Once upon a time a firearm was a necessity, so was the need to have railings to tie once horse to, when we entered the shops and so forth. Of corse these railings are long gone but for some reason some people seem to believe they still need the guns.

    There's no shortage of Guns in this world.

    There's no shortage of Whackos in this world.

    Sadly, too often these two groups combine and the results are often devastating. What occurs on the streets of the USA on almost a daily, perhaps weekly basis is sickening, yet sadly the whackos with guns still try to justify a document that was drawn up a long time ago as a right and somehow that right is more important than the right to live safely without the fear of being gunned down at the, school, shops, government building, workplace or whatever.

    Stupidity at its best. You reap what you sow, kind of comes to mind. I do feel for the victims but these days I change the channel or turn the page when another shooting or massacre happens, it seems not to be worth upsetting myself when the obvious solution is constantly ignored or voted down.

    Anyway, no doubt the cowboys and gun spinners will be in to sprout off about their religion, or as I would rather call it, their sickness.

    As for the Thais, I believe they carry guns for a whole different range of reasons, just as dangerous.

    An armed society is a polite society. For all your liberal indoctrination, I dare say I was much more comfortable and feeling safe being armed on the streets of America than I would be on the streets of London, Paris, am in Chiang Mai, Samutsakohn, or Bangkok....................

    • Like 1
  12. I can't imagine anyone on this planet who loves guns more than Americans. Not all Americans, of course, but a good number. It's truly part of the culture. If you want to upset certain Americans, suggest taking away his guns. Them is fightin' words!

    As for Thais, I've only met one or two who even own guns. And it's almost never talked about with most Thais that I run into. Maybe it's different out in the country, but in the urban areas, not really a big topic of discussion.

    As much as Americans and their guns, I would add Israel and Switzerland. Israel, Jewish nation surrounded by Muslim countries, and Switzerland, where not even Hitler would invade because every household had guns.

  13. Americans are required to own firearms by law--its actually in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or something.

    Can our Thai "brothers-in-arms" make that claim?

    BTW, only 25 posts and you are already fishing the big waters with a topic like this.

    I see a bright future ahead ;-)

    The ''something'' is called the Amendments to the Constitution, and much as 20 million Americans wish it were true, it IS NOT required to own firearms. Switzerland it is required that every household have firearms, and the govt. issues the ammo for each weapon.

  14. Americans are required to own firearms by law--its actually in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or something.

    Can our Thai "brothers-in-arms" make that claim?

    BTW, only 25 posts and you are already fishing the big waters with a topic like this.

    I see a bright future ahead ;-)

    The ''something'' is called the Amendments to the Constitution, and much as 20 million Americans wish it were true, it IS NOT required to own firearms. Switzerland it is required that every household have firearms, and the govt. issues the ammo for each weapon.

  15. SA-8 laundry soap, AMWAY

    No perfume, or additives, just cleaning soap/detergent. Run the washer with this 2 times, thru its cycles and it will take off the caked on layer of detergent perfume stuck to the tub. If you dont, it will loosen and remove the purfume on the tub and mix it with the laundry being washed.

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