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Posts posted by featography

  1. Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency just the title is funny! Thai's in space..... yeah

    :cheesy: time to change undies. That was so funny I lost my coffee.

    What does Thailand's Space Technology Development Agency do? Study rising balloons until out of sight???

  2. This is all just kid's stuff. When the inevitable happens, I fear that Thailand is in for a massive uprising similar to what we are currently seeing in the middle east. Just my humble opinion. I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

    Your not wrong, the same people backing the protests in the Mid East, Europe and Wisconsin and the previous PAD rally are basically the same. Socialist parties and labor unions.

    The only place it isn't working is against Gaddy Quaffy Kaffy how ever its spell, hence the cry from the "Obama" and Europe for a no fly zone. If the Obama was backing a people uprising against an oppressive gov't , he'd backed the Iranian people when they tried to rise up against their gov't last year.

    Not that I'm a Ghaddafi supporter or he doesn't need to go, but with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood joined in with the Union money against the brutal dictator its a tough call.

    In Thailand SEIU, AFL-CIO with other International unions are funneling money for support, those who still think this is about bringing back Taksin are sadly in error.

    I got that info from the G man. Did you? 2 of us know this, but try to convince the rest.

  3. Live with it and understand that things like your birthday (and many other Falang things) do not register on her scale of importance.

    The 'white lies' are a way of avoiding confrontation.

    Read "Thailand Fever" together - or move on.

    Bullseye on that one, Cardholder. This very subject is covered in Thailand Fever. OP, get the book and read it together. You probably wont change this habit, but you both will understand each other better. It is a non confrontational setting to make her aware of this and many other differences between farang/Thai. Its also fun to read together. Left pages, in English, right pages in Thai. I loved this book.

    BTW, take all the negative input you get here, and trash can it. Opinions are like A holes, everyone has one, most of them stink, and they only fit the one wearing them.

  4. Here we go again! Get the huddled masses out of the dried out rice fields and onto the streets of Bangkok! Dust off the old foot clappers and blare the songs for life! Don't forget a big picture in the front of the golden boy, that makes it respectable! :)

    You may need to get this idea out of your bonce that this is just about oiks from the farm. There is serious money being ploughed into this, the poor are just the foot soldiers. Dont want to get in a rant about using the poor but during the protests at Rachaprasong there was a rally being held in Khon Kaen at the same time. Every so often a cavalcade of cars would set off around the city. In that cavalcade would be a few foreign imported cars (with thaksin flags hanging out the window) that must have cost over 20,000,000 baht. Wealthy people here want a change. Businessmen gave up their premises and fed and watered the hoardes.

    Many posters need to question the media that is available to them, stop making Thaksin the issue...there is many more, not quite as wealthy as Thaksin, with money who want there turn at the trough... and the majority of reds see these people as the only option for a change in their down trodden lifestyle. Not to say they will get much, if PT get to power but if they dont PT wont get back in power.

    How many corrupt billions are hiding in the private bank accounts of corrupt officials that could be be frozen, taken back thaksin style and filtered to the poor. There is wealth in this country, the greedy b4st4rds need to start sharing it for the good of all... rant over....for now

    Good rant! :wai:

  5. Did I miss the part about proof that it is human blood they were throwing around? Go to any one of a multitude of talads and you will find animal blood sold by the litres, for cooking. Unless someone can show evidence otherwise, I give the benefit of the doubt to the Reds. They wouldn't jepordize infecting their own, with untested human blood. Think about it. Its a lot easier buying animal blood than it is drawing blood from how many hundred volunteers? I think I would be more worried about Anthrax, Hoof and Mouth, Mad Cow Disease..........

    They certainly made a big show about collecting blood, even off children. Did they just throw that blood away (I mean besides on the steps of government house and Abhisit's gate)? There was animal blood mixed with it, although that was denied by the red shirts at the time.

    I do remember reports that the blood was actually tested and shown to be HIV+. I'll have to do some searching to find that report.

    thanks, maybe I did miss something. If you find it, I would like to see it.

  6. 'In addition, Jatuporn said it is inappropriate for the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order to prohibit traffic near the prime minister's home, which he claims has troubled neighboring residence and businesses.'

    You got to love this guy, he just exposes himself more and more as a buffoon with statements like that. Like the UDD didn't and still continue to 'not' affect businesses.If the UDD leadership had more control over the thugs campaigning for 'Democracy' (do they even understand what it is?)then they wouldn't have to bar them from areas. You just know that these groups of thugs are going to turn up all over the country disrupting and barracking rival parties on the campaign trail.

    Wondering if any of Abhisit's neighboring residences and businesses were "troubled" by his Red Shirts tossing HIV+ blood around their neighborhood :

    I'm neutral, i dont care politics and colors but I think post like this are over the decent limit and must removed. Than is also derogatory for the people sick of HIV...what next make post derogatory for black, mentally ill people, handicapped?

    Thank you

    Why do you feel it's derogatory for the people with HIV?

    The blood used for dousing of Abhisit's neighborhood was untested.

    In the interest of public safety, medical protocol and standards policy dictate that ALL untested blood is presumed to be HIV+ until shown otherwise (eg. through testing).

    In the absence of testing, it is therefore presumed that the blood the Red Shirts were haphazardly sloshing around Bangkok is HIV+.

    It is in no way derogatory to those unfortunate victims of HIV to say so. Hopefully, the Red Shirts antics didn't exacerbate the plight of those infected by infecting more.

    Thank you.

    Did I miss the part about proof that it is human blood they were throwing around? Go to any one of a multitude of talads and you will find animal blood sold by the litres, for cooking. Unless someone can show evidence otherwise, I give the benefit of the doubt to the Reds. They wouldn't jepordize infecting their own, with untested human blood. Think about it. Its a lot easier buying animal blood than it is drawing blood from how many hundred volunteers? I think I would be more worried about Anthrax, Hoof and Mouth, Mad Cow Disease..........

  7. At the press conference at Chiang Mai police headquarters today Chiang Mai Governor Pannada Disakul tried to allay fears of tourists caused by the four deaths in one hotel last month by saying: "We have to admit that these deaths coming one after another, are nothing more than coincidence. We have done and will continue to do our utmost to make tourists confident in our city."

    I was hoping that they would say that they would do their utmost to find out what the tourists died of...

    2 words;

    1) Incompetence police and medical

    2) Freon cause of deaths

  8. Doesn't this guy have anything better to do. It would take hundreds of these "sweets" to have any real effect...

    How do you know? you ever have Jell-O shots?

    Guess not. Way back before jello shots became the hot party fad, my circle of jerks and I would make a pitcher of bloody mary, mix it with gelatin, fill ice trays, refrigerate, and have for breakfast after a wild night of over indulgence. We called them Blood Clots.

  9. hahaha, funny ...

    crackdown on paper, in reality = men in brown collecting their tea money and everything goes as it did before

    Maybe the so-called Public Health Ministry should be more concerned about tooth decay and obesity than about children getting drunk off of rum 'n raisin ice cream!

    Don't expect too much from the 'Public Health Ministry' , their website (my gosh it looks sooo 90s emo.gif ) has not been updated since 2007 schater.gif

    A M A Z I N G Thailand. :Thaiflag:

  10. WOW!!! Where can I buy them ?

    Like the sound of Alcohol Ice Cream partytime2.gif

    I do not think the thousands of " village shops " have a licence to sell alcohol or tobacco as you can buy these products from them at any time of day or night

    might be good, but nothing beats Kalua in milk shakes. That just anitquates the White Russian

    for the hi so times try Champaign float (with vanilla ice cream)

  11. Dutch Classic: 'Rum Beans', chocolates filled with sweetened rum, very delicious and effective as well :lol:

    The young generations prefer 'space chocolate' and 'space cake' however.



    As well in the States, around holidays, at family get togethers, one might find rum balls, or bourbon balls. They are very good, but its the liquid alcohol that knocks the men to the floor, not the rum/bourbon balls.

  12. No comment, i keep away from forums cause i get so,f***** pissed off,yes i know it's their country bla bla and so on and if we don't like it we pee off,but Christ oh mighty,people die,get injured,raped,murdered,ripped off,sexually abused, the list is endless,ahhhhhhhh...feel so f****** useless always hearing of these preventable acidents,......shit, i forgot...no comment!

    To keep your sanity here, one must adopt mai pen rai attitude. Like jimbeam said, its just another way of culling the herd. Farang must make sure that we don't get culled in the process.

  13. I've got an outbound long haul at 08:30 on Monday morning, what time would anyone advise I arrive for check-in, presumably 06:00 will be the earliest?

    Most check-in desks open 3 hours before departure. My last departure (January) was 08:25, I joined the immigration line at 06:40 and reached the desk at exactly 08:25. Luckily they held the flight as lots of people were in the same situation, but next time I'll give it the full 3 hours I think.

    Ever since 9/11 I have gotten to each airport 3 hours before take off, as they recommend,gone thru all the rigamaroll and everytime had the time to get some food, sit and eat peacefully. I also like the departure time around 6am. BKK is empty between 3-5am

  14. I haven't been able to find reliable stats, but I've heard and read from multiple sources that a lot of stray dogs (and presumably other animals) in Thailand have rabies, not just in the border areas but in the cities as well. You did the smart thing getting prompt medical attention, once the disease is established there is no cure and death by rabies is very unpleasant.

    I got attacked by a cat 2 yrs ago, went to the hospital, got the shots, and came away some new info. There is a reason why all hospitals stock Rabies vaccine. Its very common disease here. Very few people vaccinate their animals every year, and no one goes around collecting up the street cats and dogs,and vaccinate them. Add to the 4 legged population, rats and mice. The dr. and nurses moved with more a sense of urgency with me because I was bitten above the waist. They get nervous when the scratch or bite is in the upper half of body. Google this if you dont believe it, I found it to verify, but one can contract Rabies, and take up to a year to get sick and die. My findings confirm that death by rabies is a very nasty and painful way to go.

    My advice; even a minor scratch by any animal should be treated as a threat, and Rabies shots sought immediately. And I dont even have to mention monkeys

  15. You know you shouldn't consume this much mayo to be franticly hunting down different brands online? It really isn't good for and esp not in large quanitys, chuck a egg in your mouth and pour some oil down your throats, wala we have heart disease.

    and while youre at it Mr. Health Nut, get an oxygen mask, wear 24/7 cuz doctors here will tell you the entire country is polluting your lungs with dust.

  16. Disagree they do not taste the same some are much sweeter and others too much vinegar taste so consequently I have absconded with all the stock and hoarding it at my house.. It's an annual tradition for stock to run low this time of year as some may have noticed, so I bought out all the local ones I could find but still have a local Tops market that carries MY private stock!!! :P;):D Hellmans is a close, acceptable, temporary substitute..

    From the internet:

    Mayonnaise/Miracle Whip

    James Bond eats his lobster "with a good mayonnaise." (The book version of James Bond, that is.) If you've got a blender or a wire whisk w/strong arm, it's not hard to make your own. A good, homemade mayonnaise is truly worthy to dress lobster, or any other prime seafood or meat.

    I'll give a recipe later on, but meanwhile let's talk about the eternal clash between mayonnaise and Miracle Whip.

    Many people mistakenly believe they are the same thing. They are not. Bargain brands of either are also quite different than the original. The closest to homemade mayonnaise is Best Foods/Hellman's, and the next best is Kraft. Other brands differ widely in taste and texture. The cheaper you go, the farther you get from the taste of actual mayonnaise, which should be fluffy, eggy, and without noticeable vinegar. That's because you really do need to break some eggs to make real mayo, and the lesser varities tend to have less egg, and cheaper oils.

    Miracle Whip is a unique product. It does seem to start out much like mayonnaise, but has additional sugar and vinegar, which defines it as a salad dressing. (mayo has no sugar, or a tiny amount) I've tried and failed to duplicate it my own kitchen.

    I am a fellow mayo maniac. Hellmans and Best Foods are the same. In the eastern US you will find Hellmans most often, and in the western side, Best Foods. The problem arises for us farang in that in thailand most mayo is made for Thai, which love sugar. That concoction sold most, contains 22% sugar, whereas ours, right here in Thailand is more like mmm trying to remember,,,,,,something like 3%. It is correct that Tesco Lotus sells both, 22% and 3%, but in small squeeze bottles, usually mixed in with each other. Read the English ingredients, if not printed on the back labels, that is also hit and miss, have a Thai with you to read the Thai version, also on the back. I prefer Makro for mayo, you can get larger squeeze containers, and fill your own jars, and it is plainly marked on the front label, "Original Mayonaise", and easily verified on the back, showing the smaller % of sugar.

    Between Makro, Foodland, and Tops, I have found the vast majority things that Tesco doesn't carry..

    As far as Miracle Whip goes, it is not a mayonaise. It plainly states on the label it is a salad dressing. It was never intended to be a mayo, nor replace mayo. I like it on a salad, but detest it in sandwiches, or any thing else that one would use mayo for. Although MW is a salad dressing, I do prefer mayo in potato and macaroni salads, but green salads, give me Ranch Dressing, or MW. I don't know if other western countries experience this, but in the US, the 2 most common opposites among married couples is 1) one eats mayo, other eats MW and dont try to convert each other, and 2) one swears the toilet paper goes on the roller, flap over the top, the other swears it must come out from under the roll.:fight:

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