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Posts posted by featography

  1. By the way, the definition of "investment" in the Obama dictionary is spend, spend, and more spending of the US tax dollars..

    Not really sure what you're trying to say here so maybe english isn't your first language. The word "invest" normally means you spend money to get money, typically more money then you put in.

    I hope by now you realise how silly your post is.

    Silly hippo. The paranthesis around "invest" should be a clue. The point being made is Obama changed the definition of invest to; Spend, spend, and more spending of US tax dollars.

  2. Don't even equate the Thai/US Amnity Treaty with Obama. That treaty was established five years after he was born so connecting him with it is bull. If the Thais was oratory, yes, let him come. Substance, forget it.

    Yes, I am an American who is watching my country go to hell in a hand basket due to him and his Chicago type politics. The only thing he will bring is a bunch of planes and synchophants costing millions for the US taxpayer. He could care less for this part of the world other than maybe China. Possibly Indonesia due to his childhood.

    By the way, the definition of "investment" in the Obama dictionary is spend, spend, and more spending of the US tax dollars..

    :clap2: Amen Brother!!!!

  3. it's an invitation for the US investments.

    obama might know where thailand is (unlike bush), but doesn't know and care more about it

    Bush was here in 2003 for APEC but being the scholar you appear to be you wouldn't know that.

    Well at least 2 of us remember that. It was negatively noted by the media at that time, that even Bush gave a Thai greeting and a few words, and mispronounced a lot. They had to belittle him over that.

  4. Thanks for all the replies.

    I have one last question to get this task done. How does text wrapping/Line breaks work in Thai?

    This sentence (ผมมีโรคแพ้อาหารทะเลจำพวกกุ้งและปูแต่สามารถกินปลาและหอยได้) won't fit on a business card in a readable size so I need to split it into 2 or 3 lines.

    Also one comment regarding the audio file for the phone. It crossed my mind before I made this thread but my next thought was that Bangkok is probably loud in many places (this will be my first time). Phone speakers are not very loud so a food stall vendor or waiter in a busy restaurant might have trouble hearing it without you handing him the phone which then becomes a whole ordeal. Much simpler with a card. I will probably memorize the sentence as well but I will avoid using it because when you speak one sentence to someone they expect you to know more which can create confusion. I'm also a pretty good cook and I can usually tell you the ingredients in a dish, that's why I can feel comfortable just relying on the card.

    Here's the logo/pic I will put on the card in case any of you need it as well


    If I can upload the finished product I will but I may not be able to because the printer uses a online editor.

    Actually, if your phone speaker playing a recording is the same volume as when talking to someone on it, no problem with surrounding noise. I often hand mine to vendors to talk to my translater at home(wife), whenever I have difficulty communicating what I want. You might try it with the card. I'm finding more Thai have eyesight problems than hearing problems. It may in most cases be easier to hear the message than reading a card. I have never seen a Thai balk at taking a cell phone when you offer it to them. They seem used to the translating by phone for farang.

  5. Is it really such a problem? I think it is positive, that girls are allowed to show themselves off. They are not committing a crime, nor it affecting their learning ability. For gods sake, it is a bit of positive publicity that perhaps Thailand had it right by allowing their students to look nice and feel sexy. At least let them enjoy their university years. It is about expression, about growing up, and about being human whilst getting an education - maybe a better focus would be cracking down on the black african women on Nana soi 3 & 4 that wear tight clothes and harass the hell out of anyone wakling past, often physically grabbing hold of them and refusing to let go (it happens to me regularly sadly).

    A better focus would be on the highschool students out shooting and stabbing each other, or the many other far more serious issues facing the government. Having literally hundreds of crack downs on various issues each year (some repeated annually, as earlier noted) does not provide good results. Maybe the politicians should look at the concept of university - does teaching the student engineering, nursing, teaching, computing and mathematics to all students all at once make Thailand a better place? Probably not. But teaching a single student to be a star engineer, another to be a star nurse/doctor etc will. Focus energies on your biggest problems, and leave the small problems until they are big enough to be worth your time.

    Seriously Politicians of Thailand, it is time you started "cracking down" on something constructive, instead of picking on university students learning to express themselves.

    hear hear; Politicians should have a long term crack down on THEMSELVES.

    Now I wont comment on the issue at hand, due to all of you doing so well with your pros and cons. MY concern is this;

    Why do so many BIB wear skin tight uniform shirts and pants, some of which look like they brown spray painted them on? What in God and Buddha's name is their fashion statement?!?!?!:jerk:

  6. he looks scarey a young jack nickolson from the shinning even horrible man

    And look what he can do with his face, must be eating a Fisherman Friend.

    What happens to him when he has finished his stint inside.

    Deported, on a register, passport revoked?

    //edit/really bad typo

    From what I gleened from previous media reports, he was "unswirled" in Canada, or the US. One of the countries will wait for his return, and prosecute him again on home turf. There is a legal agreement between US and Thailand, I can only hope likewise with the other countries, that the laws of the state one comes from is honored by Thai law. Example being, if a man from Minnesota where one is an adult at 16, has sex with a girl 16-18, its legal in Thailand, but a man from California where adult age is 18, has sex with a 16 or 17 yr. old, he is charged with having sex with a minor. In this guys case, it was with a boy, and Canada or US will nail him regardless of the time he does in the Bangkok Hilton.

  7. If the Burmese don't like, they can always go home. The law does not prevent them to leave Thailand.

    Burmese also deserve to be paid decent wages for the work and be treated like humans, irrespective if they Burmese or Thai.

    I personally know a few Burmese in Thailand and the ones i know are hard workers, 7 days per week, 12-14 hour days. Their salary is 4000 baht, thats half of what Thai gets for half of the hours

    sounds a lot like the mexican farm laborers in the US.

    Burmese invading Thailand again, a few thousand at a time, over a very patient long period of time, without a single battle.

    Mexicans taking over the west coast again, a few thousand at a time, over a very patient long period of time, without a single battle.

  8. .....and adding an egg yolk (not fried) into the mashed tatties makes them go really fluffy if you like them that way!

    BTW while on the subject of utensils...i'm looking for a decent steel cheese grater...i have a plastic one which is almost completely useless.

    Macro i guess..

    for cheese grater, and masher, both steel, Central dept store, all locations housewares dept , Foodland, True Value,

    there are other upscale dept stores thru out Bkk that carry them

    I am still searching for cast iron skillets

  9. 3 options i reckon with this 1.get in touch with the police and see what they will do about it

    2.buy a handgun walk into their apartment and blow the sterio away dirty harry style

    3.buy some sleeping tablets

    Suggestion 2. rather irresponsible suggestion dont you think ?...

    #2 colorful, I like it. Now for #3.....buy the sleeping tablets and spike their drinks. Out like lights at 9pm

  10. A large block of good cheddar cheese.

    Freeze it, wrap it in aluminum foil, something like bubble wrap for insulation, and then put a towel around it. It will easily last for a 48 hour journey. Good cheese is extremely difficult to find here, and where it is available, it is very expensive.

    Freezing will cause it to become slightly crumbly when it thaws, but I would rather have crumbly cheese than no cheese at all. Most of the local stuff is edible, but that is about all you can say about it. There is a limited selection of imported stuff in the major cities, but the prices are astronomical.

    Other gift ideas if you don't like cheese that are well within your $25 budget:

    40 oz. container of Lawry's Seasoned Salt.

    40 oz. container of taco seasoning.

    1 gallon can of nacho cheese sauce from Costco

    Liquid smoke

    I have found all but liquid smoke, at Foodland

  11. 20lbs of Taco Bell, freeze it and pack it in dry ice.

    Assuming that the giftees drink wine, wine is the correct choice. Other good choices: tahini, peanut butter, horseraddish, balsamic vinegar, canned garbanzo beans (assuming that they like hummus), southwestern US chilli powder, hot sauce -- these are many of the things that I wish someone would bring me (other than a new Vette, which is beyond your stated budget (and tough to get into a suitcase)). Bed sheets would also be appreciated. Can you bring a few things for me? :whistling:

    sweet relish

    peanut butter everywhere here. Bring Almond Butter, refried beans, cast iron cookware.......

  12. If I am working for doctor in the USA as a transcriber (which I do over the internet) and living in Thailand, would I need a WP then. I was planning on moving to Thailand and did not think I needed it for this, but I could be wrong.

    Under the current defintions answer is yes...you need a WP...legalities aside....would you get caught not having a WP, if you kept your mouth shut about what you were upto, most likely not.

    Look at your statement...I am working and living in Thailand = WP required...:rolleyes:

    After reading all the posts, and the translation of the law, I conclude that the list of Cannot Do's without a WP would stretch from Laos to Malaysia. The list of Can Do's can be written on a matchbook cover;

    Can clean your own home

    Can chase women

    Can drink to oblivion

    Soooooo, maybe thats why there are so many guzzling, girl chasing, hang belly farangs living here. I hold the govt totally responsible.

  13. :lol: Guess they will have to rename it "Not the Pizza Company"


    but there pizza'a are a disgrace, taste horrible !! and for the price they charge you can go to an Italian restaurant and get a ' real ' pizza .............

    :cheesy: I love the suggested new name ; Circle of Krup

    :thumbsup: That gets my vote.

    In 2007 I took my wife to the US, her first trip. Upon introducing her to pizza there, she drooled while she ate and said " Deeeeliciiiious. Thai pizza is shiiiiit"

  14. Girlfriend to dj

    does my backside look big in this new dress?


    I am afraid so, yes

    Outcome: dj is looking for new girlfriend

    my ex put it another way; Does this dress make me look fat?

    my response; No, your fat makes you look fat.

    outcome; divorced and remarried to a slender Thai

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