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Posts posted by featography

  1. Fakes have become a major problem round the world.All the multi national companies who set up in China are sure to have a fake copy company set up as well.cambodia is fast become the place to set up fake sweat shops with close access to Thailand.Medical fakes packed as good as the real thing are available over the net from China and have been found sold in Boots chemist in London.Fake drugs like malaria tablets and insulin are killing people round the world .Its out of control and a worry.

    Eamonn Australia

    One such item is the fake Viagra that is found in many reputable pharmacies. The only way to tell the difference is the real McCoy is blue all the way thru it. The fake is only blue on the outside. My wife turned down a "distributor" that was offering her a greatly discounted Viagra. She cut it open and found it white inside. BTW, she is the owner operator of a medicine shop.

  2. I often catch the mini-bus from Victory Monument down to Hua Hin and back,but try to make sure that its the early morning bus that I catch as really you just do not know how many trips some of these drivers are doing a day!Of course you can have the best driver in the world but that doesn't mean to say it guarantees' your safety on these roads as we all know!

    Good point. Also in your travels between VM and Hua Hin, how often do you see 4 to 6 double deckers in a convoy, in the fast lane, appearing to race each other, near bumper to bumper at 110kph? I see this every day on Rama 2, If cars get between any 2 buses, its veer over one lane, pass the car, cut back into the fast lane, followed by the buses behind them. It's like, what kind of race do you call this?!?!?! Then when they approach a stop and take a break filling station, the lead bus moves lane to lane to the left to make the turn in, followed by the rest of the buses, veering lane to lane irregardless of other vehicles in their way. It looks like they are all daisy chained together. And in 4 yrs living out here, I have seen 5 double decker accidents, and they weren't minor. Bigger=heavier=more mayhem when their luck runs out. BTW, when passing through Mahachai, Samut Sakohn, waive hello to me, with all 5 fingers please. :welcomeani:

  3. Your wife's replies to your questions are a riot and so typical. When you ask them a question they're not comfortable with, they say the cutest, most irrelevant things. I'll ask her questions like that just to see what she'll say. Very funny.

    I'm sure the Thai's will love that movie. Stupid farang doind stupid things. It's a "must see." I could probably be a movie star here.

    It must be Thai wife way. Just last night, I asked mine a question. Usually she does that comical irrelevant respnse thing, but when nothing comes to mind, she will answer with a question. First time ever, I countered her question response, with "why do you answer a question with a question when you cant think of a real answer?" The startled confused look on her face told a story in itself.

  4. ]As an Englishman born and bred, whatever mix of genes that may be I would like to point out that we were in fact invaded by the Vikings more than a time or two, Those Vikings were of Nordic extraction and like their later followers the Romans the Normans and a few other motley crew of insurgents they left their genetic stamp upon us having conquered and colonised us.

    I've snipped it a bit for brevity, but not reworded anything that remains.

    It would seem that despite your attempt at including historic (though still fairly recent history) quotes, you didn't pay much attention to the history lessons at school, which tried to educate you about your roots.

    Just so you know - the Romans pre-dated the Vikings, who in turn pre-dated what is classically considered the Normans. However, the Normans were in fact Norsemen who had conquered and settled part of Gaul, and renamed it Normandy.

    You may also be interested to know that the term "English" is a derivative of "Angles" - the dominant tribe of South East England prior to the Saxon invasions that occurred between the Roman evacuation in 410AD and the start of the Viking raids in around 650AD. Prior to the Roman occupation, the dominant racial group were the Britons, from whom came the Roman-given name of Britannica for the island we now call Great Britain.

    Now I've straightened you out on that, please reread the opening post of the thread, and you will note the author correctly stated that the English speaking nations never invaded and colonised Scandinavia. This is generally true, though Nelson did once attack Denmark, conducting both a prolonged naval bombardment and simultaneously landing an army to assault the Danish capital. The British authorities of the day were making a punitive action and had no intention of retaining occupancy.

    Regarding the education minister, and whether this is a face or nationalism issue, the root of that problem goes back to the military government nationalism and nationhood programs of the 1940's and 1950's, and the wholesale rewriting of the histories of (now) Thailand from Ramkhamhaeng of Sukhothai inventing writing through to the modern mantra that Thailand has survived 700+ years without being conquered and colonised. Not bad going for a country that was only fully unified and named in 1939 AD.

    Until successive Thai governments stop rewriting their nation's and people's history to suit current expediency, there's no chance that ANY non-Thai language will be elevated to the status of second language for the country.

    .... though thinking about it, Thai IS the second language already, because Baht is the first language.

    edit: to correct a couple of typos

    "Thai IS the second language already, because Baht is the first language" :cheesy:

    Excellant insight :clap2::wai:

  5. Do you really think Thais think if they hear a foreigner refer to themselves as "khun" that he is a "tosser"?

    They would probably translate it as a kite flyer instead. :jerk:

    175 posts arguing about ONE Thai word. Only in TV. This forum is a profound example of AMAZINGGGGGG THAILAND.

    As I have always believed, TV is 90% entertainment purposes only, 10% educational.

    Worry not average educated, high opinionated, funny old wrinkled raisins, I return, I read, I chuckle, I carry on with life in my part of thailand.

    -Nong Pee Khun Featography

  6. It is a Thai thing. My wife has always told me that if she "SUSPECTED" that I had even socialised with another woman (No sex) she would cut my little fella off. Thai women can be irrational and knives are the prefered language in a dispute. Upset a Thai lady then it is run for your life.

    I got the same preaching from an American wife. I divorced her before the event happened, thank God and Buddha. A clear case of insanity for anyone to consider that option. My sincere advise to you, stranger, is pack now, get the hel_l out, and burn all bridges behind you leaving no traces where she can find you. No phone calls, no emails, no i.m. nothing. Stay with her, roll the dice each day, and take your chances. Your jewels are on the crap table. For the record, years later, I learned mine had 7 husbands, all had major battle scars on their faces. From what I have been told of others that know/knew me, I being husband #2, I am the only one with no scars from her insane, agressive, behavior No fear mongering intended to you, its here nor there to me, but I give fair advice based on experience. Take, discount it, or leave it.Up to you.

  7. A straight case of attempted Murder,

    resulting in GBH,poor guy was lucky to have woken up before he bled to death.

    Happens too often in Thailand,but I only recall 1 case in America,guy called Bobby Lovett? or something like that.

    "hel_l hath no Fury like a woman scorned" certainly takes on a new meaning with some Thai females.

    Funny. The name was Bobbit but I forget the first name. Do remember the story and follow ups after. His wife was a national heroin in her home country, in South America, dont recall at the moment which country though. Itll come to me later

  8. Mutilation like this always brings out the jokes, but i wonder if the same sort of jokes would be made were a man to disfigure a woman in a similar fashion - slicing off her parts of her breasts or sexual organs? I think the tone might be more outrage than humour.

    Agree with your comments, it is a serious crime and not a matter for joking about.

    Same kind of thing happens with cancer. If a man gets testicular cancer that results in the removal of one of his testes it's all about who can think of the best "man with one nut" joke. How many jokes however do you hear about the woman cancer sufferer with one breast? Thankfully none.

    Apples and oranges. Lose a testicle, the other ones takes up the slack and produces and performs for the 2. Its by no means a comparison to losing 1 or 2 breasts, or losing a penis. End of this story.,

  9. Brown mafia tried to do me on the way to Khon Kaen over the weekend but I just ignored 'em and drove on. TiT :jap:

    There are a pair of BIB at the bottom of the hill, as you right turn to enter the toll booths. This the closest one to the US Embassy. I nicknamed these 2 Mutt and Jeff. If youre my generation, you will remember those cartoon characters. One tall and skinny, one short and fat. These 2 BIB, twice falsely accused me of crossing a solid line. Twice I paid the tea money while the wife was doing the full verbal assault on them, scaring me into thinking we would get cuffed and dragged to jail. The 3rd time this happened, I smiled and said give me the ticket, they asked for my license, I showed them the license, but refused to give it to them. They let me go, with ticket and license. We drove straight to what the wife calls, The Big Police, department, with the dark what I call charcoal colored uniforms. The wife got a higher up officer, wearing enough medals and metals on his shirt to sink The Bismark, to talk to us. Here it gets entertaining. I showed him pictures I keep in our truck, of me in 'Browns" standing next to my 800 cubic feet cargo space, UPS truck, and we explained that I am retired from 28 yrs professional driving, and that US trafic laws are not that much different from Thai laws. This medal packing officer gets a mobile, calls Mutt or Jeff, and interogates him, then proceeds to give him an attitude adjustment. At one point, the wife had to stifle a laugh, injects a question to the officer in front of us, "does he speak English?". Turns out, BIB was claiming I admitted "responsible", meaning guilt. It got more uncomfortable for BIB over the next few minutes, then the officer hung up, looking very serious. He gave me my license, told the wife he would take care of the ticket and we were free to leave and disregard the ticket.

    I mention this story to save any American TV members the hassle if driving, to turn left at the end of Wireless road, and loop around to the highway. Dont turn right.

  10. Motion sensors on cel phones so they turn off when the phone is in motion. I can't recall all the number of Thais I see riding motorbikes with one hand while the other is holding a cel phone and the rider is talking on it.

    But, the turning signal automatically turning off after so many seconds would be easier to install.

    What about being able to locate stolen mobiles using the phone's mfr #? Or failing that, at all?? It might prevent them vanishing like the morning mist, and the visit to the police station reporting the theft a slightly less pointless exercise :huh:

    Incidentally, when my mobile "disappeared" the wife called someone, cant ask who,because she is out of the shop at the moment, and within 15 minutes they called back to say the mobile was disabled. No one could use ever. If we found it, we could call back and have it enabled later. At least we got the satisfaction that no one could ever use it, and probably wound up in the garbage.

  11. Thanks for the useful advice.

    I have never heard of tying the dead chicken to the dog before.

    Maybe I can tywrap it to his head or perhaps use a 6 inch nail.

    The only problem is now do I let the dog free to kill another chicken or what.

    Maybe I will ask my wife if we can get a fresh killed chicken rather than losing another one of ours.

    Another problem is that I am 65 and the dog can run faster than me though yesterday I caught it lying in the shade under the washing machine.

    I can still hang on for the terminal solution for a while.

    I will give my own testimonial to this method. I had a German Shepherd that got the taste of chickens, and after 4 days and 4 dead chickens belonging to the neighbors (In Utah, US) I was told that they would shoot my dog the next time a chicken is killed. I got the remains of the latest kill, and duct taped it to the back of his neck. As it began to decay, he scratched, dug at the tape to no avail. 4 days of that, until there was nothing left of the chicken remains, but tape, and one fowl smelling dog, I cut the tape off, and gave him bath with disenfectant. For the rest of his life, he not only left chickens alone, if while sleeping outside, one got close to him, he would jump up and make a wide walk around it. Good luck with your dog.

  12. I have seen suculants break the rules in thailand. It may need more water than it is getting but not as much or maybe not as often as before. You might want to try more decayed leaves in the soil,with better drainage. If you can find Perlite, (google that) and add to new soil, transplant your jade into it. If by chance you can find Perlite, let me know where you found it. I have been looking for some time here in SamutSakohn with no success. Matter of fact, I havent seen any Jades in the nurseries here either.

  13. As far as I can read is that ALL fees will go UP by 5 baht per transaction and that some will even rise by 10 Baht per transaction.Still they claim they gonna lose money.

    LMAO and at the same time said they would gain profits from the additional ATM use by customers over time with these rate changes. Not even a Thai wife can make sense of this math. Mine scoffed, and said "Thai Government"

  14. Inevitable when:-

    1) Many people start to cross before red turns to green (they are watching the light for the traffic that has a green).

    2) Many people will still keep going even after green has turned to red (the "always time for one more" mentality).

    There are 2 things I see that creates accidents in this scenario.

    1) countdown lights have no positive purpose that I can figure out, and no matter where one goes in Thailand, one common habit can be seen at every intersection with countdown lights. Motorbikes will proceed into the intersection 1-3 seconds before the light turns green for them.

    There will always be cars and trucks that try to beat the yellow light, often reaching the other side of the intersection on a changed to red, light. Countdown lights should be removed everywhere.

    2) Until (f)law enforcement makes a law that states anyone running away from the scene of an accident they are involved in, receives automatic charges for manslaughter (in the event of a death), hunted down, arrested, prosecuted when found guilty, do the same sentence one would receive for attacking, beating someone, and without prior intention, kills someone. They should also lose their license if they have one, be barred permanently from driving any commercial vehicle. If caught with no license, add to the punishment.

    I could go on, but the rest of you have covered that in this and other threads over the years.

    As a grandparent with 14 grandkids from college down to elementary grades, my heart wrenches over the loss of this student, who had a full life ahead of her.

  15. Is that a joke ??????????????? Bus drivers are totally nuts ,they often race with other buses ,they dont give a dam_n about public safety or car drivers. They very often let the people go down or up in the middle of the road.

    If you really want to have professional bus drivers, SEND THEM TO LEARN HOW TO DRIVE AND HOW TO BEHAVE AND RESPECT OTHERS..

    Everyday on my way to the office I can see those crazy bus drivers behaved like maniacs. Very often I had to put my car on the side to avoid collision with buses. Those guys are DAGNEROUS and I still dont know why the government is doing nothing specially after those accidents reports. :angry:

    LOL first make sure they have a drivers license, then after weeding all the drivers out that do not, then put the ones who do have a license, and aren't drunk or doped up, through a training period to see if they can even remember what the road rules are.

    I truly think this is a impossible task to take on, but maybe the Department of Motor Vehicles in Bangkok can achieve this major endeavorer. :jap:

    And in that endeavor, do random regular drug testing, any driver found with any chemical in their vascular system, terminated, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  16. Is that a joke ??????????????? Bus drivers are totally nuts ,they often race with other buses ,they dont give a dam_n about public safety or car drivers. They very often let the people go down or up in the middle of the road.

    If you really want to have professional bus drivers, SEND THEM TO LEARN HOW TO DRIVE AND HOW TO BEHAVE AND RESPECT OTHERS..

    Everyday on my way to the office I can see those crazy bus drivers behaved like maniacs. Very often I had to put my car on the side to avoid collision with buses. Those guys are DAGNEROUS and I still dont know why the government is doing nothing specially after those accidents reports. :angry:

    May I make a suggestion? I presume you live in Bkk, which I do not. I do see some stupid maneuvers occasionally when I do come to town. When I took my wife to US for a vacation, one of the souviners she asked for was a video camera. The price was better than in Thailand, and it has turned out to be one of the best investments Ive ever made. While driving, especially in Bkk, she records traffic. 6 times we have been pulled over by BIB and accused of doing illegal maneuvers. She displays the camera, smiles, and says "If you think so, give us a ticket. We will go to police station now" 6 times it has been dropped, no 400 baht out of my pocket, no ticket, no trouble. My suggestion is record these bus antics and send to the powers that be. A picture is worth 1000 words

  17. Regular Super Glue (nicknamed Crazy Glue in Thailand) is just as good and as easy to release as Loctite Blue, and more readily available.

    And in a pinch, over the years I have used finger nail polish as well. It works as well as super glue, or Loctite Blue and is removable, but doesnt come loose. Incidentally, in the States Loctite colors are reversed. We had to use the Red if we wanted ever remove a bolt., and the blue, well you might as well weld the bolt in.

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