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Posts posted by featography

  1. Up where?


    Most upper northern provinces and almost all of Isaarn have weekly Red Shirt events, from provincial level down to village meetings. But you don't read much about that.

    Dont read much about that because of the censored, govt. owned/controlled 'news media'. I don't read these rags,or listen to same case tv and radio broadcasts. I don't get my misinformation in bars or other establishments. I prefer to be out on the streets, mingling and listening to the populace. The Reds are very active around the country, and they are GROWING in numbers.

    So what number will show for each one of the three separate Red October events? You are the authority who's "out on the streets" mingling and listening to the whispers of the rebounding reds who soon will roar again. Enlighten us.

    whispers??? Who said whispers? They are quite open about their views. Authority?? I didn't even hint that I am that, and to set the record straight; I am not a volunteer, nor a paid news correspondent for thaivisa, hence don't try to obligate me to furnish details that you, yourselves can get out there. I just get off my gluteus maximus, get out, interact with the common folks, keep my eyes and ears open and learn.

  2. Up where?


    Most upper northern provinces and almost all of Isaarn have weekly Red Shirt events, from provincial level down to village meetings. But you don't read much about that.

    Dont read much about that because of the censored, govt. owned/controlled 'news media'. I don't read these rags,or listen to same case tv and radio broadcasts. I don't get my misinformation in bars or other establishments. I prefer to be out on the streets, mingling and listening to the populace. The Reds are very active around the country, and they are GROWING in numbers.

  3. I cannot load Bangkok Post anymore these days on firefox or chrome. It just won't load. I leave it loading for 10 minutes and come back, and all I see is the header. Their traffic may be down as they have problems with their web servers orsomething. I do not have this problem with any other site and have a fast connection, though in the U.S. right now.

    I concur. I live 30-40minutes s.w. of Bangkok, and with firefox and IE I have the same problem loading it. This has been going on for over a year.

    I can access any news site in US or Europe almost instantly at any time.

  4. We have strong strong winds here on Koh Samui.

    Not the normal winds this time of year. :)

    Smile... When the shit hits the fan,- smile again...

    Remember 'Life of Brian'? ALWAYS LOOK AT A BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE!!!

    When it pours, think of it being warm, not cold.

    Think of no wildfires danger.

    No dust storms.

    No drought problems.

    Plenty of rice.

    :D Don't worry. Be happy.

    This is a serious topic to many on here. Why do we have to have the likes of you drag it down and make light of it?

    People in certain areas could lose everything they need to support themselves and all you can do is make a joke of it.

    If you can't post something sensible then stay off this thread

    Which thread should he stay on, Mr. Aloomaidee??

  5. Why is everyone in Bangkok and those planning on travelling to bangkok so bloody scared? Relax people Bangkok is in the south but I guess you bangkok people have the map upside down. There is more to Thailand than Bangkok, and Pattaya.

    When did the govt move Bangkok to the south???

    Wait.Always been there?? Is my wife dumber n farang. All this time she has stuck to the claim that Bangkok is central.

  6. There doesn't seem to be a Thai word for chocolate.


    Only an english loan word - but apparently now accepted as Thai language ช็อกโกแลต. Use of loan words is pretty common for things that came to Thailand as English items, the word for pen - ปากกา bparkgar comes from the English - 'Parker Pen' according to my teacher. Even if he is wrong, it makes it easy to remember.



    Another thing I've noticed over the past few years is a quite large influx of English words into Thai conversation where there's actually a completely valid Thai word that could be used. "Meeting" as in "business meeting" comes to mind.

    Pla Choom is what locals here use for meeting. When sitting around an outside table with the locals that are socializing, if, when a passerby asks me what I am doing, and I respond "Pla choom ta ling" (bull@#$ meeting) all understand and laugh hysterically

  7. It's great to see so many replies on this thread but as KKK said what I was really looking for were examples where literally no Thai word exists and the best that a dictionary can come up with is a description.

    On another of KKKs points joining 2 words together to hazard a guess as to what the Thai word would be has worked for me on several occasions in the past much to my delight and amazement.

    Another thing I've noticed is I've become quite adept at guessing that the Thais don't have a word for something so they use the English. I mean above and beyond the usual "strawberry" "tennis" stuff. Unfortunately no examples spring to mind at the moment as my second coffee of the morning hasn't kicked in yet. :)

    I have always called this Thaiglish

  8. Smile nicely and tell them to ask your husband. Then walk away. His family, his problem :)

    But to be honest, I don't have kids, we never not planned on having kids just never felt the need to have them. So far, no kids. Sure, I could still have them but I don't want to. I'd love to tell them its none of their business but of course, I can't. So, indeed, I tell them to ask my husband and smile nicely and go find someone else to chat with.

    That is probably the best answer available. If you don't mind my imput(male,58farang) that is what I finally resorted to and it works well for me. Not sure how it works for my Thai wife, but I havent gotten any backlash yet. I got clipped years ago, the wife knew it going into the relationship/marriage, she has no kids and 3 years into our marriage, inlaws, love em to death, but, still joke about my not doing my husbandly duties. I smile, say Mai pen rai and walk away from the table the women are all sitting around. I have been opened to adoption, the wife not open to it. It just means you have to treat like water running off a ducks back. :D

  9. You are right about Jif, it is the best about. Good news is that you can now buy it at RimPing Supermarkets in Chiang Mai ... so it is available here in Thailand anyway

    And while we're at it, where can we find something that will take hard water and soap deposits of of shower glass?? I have tried every commonly sold product in Tesco, Makro, Carrefor, Big C and Central Rama2.

    Im about ready to resort to a putty knife and hammer and see if "chiseling it off" works :)

  10. ^ No, the Thai army should sit on their hands and let the Cambodian army shoot these idiots while they are on Cambodian soil.

    That would not be a very good idea. If one Thai citizen whever they ar egets shot by Cambodian troops then all hel_l will break loose with a prbably instant reply from the Thai military.

    The best thing would be for the Thai military to just prevent them reaching the border.

    That would be a good thing? Have the army prevent the yellows from doing something senseless and then they get blamed for 'taking sides' and another can of worms gets opened?

    The army is NOT the people's nanny and the silly buggers trying to make political hay out of the Preah Vihear 'reclamation' get what they deserve if they step over the border.

    I mean the yellow's made the last red governments acquiescence over this temple issue sound like 'treason'. So what is their reasoning now that they have their preferred man in charge?

    Not the peoples nanny? They are sure happy enough to babysit anything remotly red in Bangkok these days.

    Its much safer babysitting smiling amiable Red Shirts that typically make a Rally a family outing, than trying to babysit the Yellow shirts.

  11. What an irresponsible, sensationalist headline!

    From what I can see, USD fell from ~33.9 to ~33.2 (2-3%) within a day and then stabilized (presumably due to BOT measures). USD has been at the same or lower rate throughout almost all of 2007 and 2008 (down to 30 at times).

    No need to run around screaming that the sky is falling.

    I agree. Its is time to run around screaming Where's The Cafe Yenne?!?!?!

  12. "We believe the global financial market remains volatile and the baht is likely to strengthen or weaken depending on economic indicators in the US," she said.

    Right, it's really not rocket science. If the U.S. economy improves, the USD weakens thus strengthening the baht. If the U.S. economy strengthens, the USD weakens thus strengthening the baht. Got it?

    First good laugh of the day. By Jove, I think you've got it. It's called, Thai Way

  13. That's bad news for those on US Dollar retirement. Really boring, actually.

    Are we gonna see more farangs doing bank robbery in the time to come?

    So kind of you to say.

    Hope your currency of choice doesn't tank too....

    The US dollar isn't anyone's fault except Americans who keep electing corrupt governments who ignore the Constitution and drive their once great economy and country into the dirt so that the bankster political financiers and associated sycophants can get richer.

    My currency doesn't look like tanking at all, but there again we never allowed our banks to to suck the life out of our economy.

    Amen to that Brothers and sisters!! The American populace is waking up to that fact too. Come time, its going to be a very exciting election year up on Capitol Hill.

  14. Dear Boys and Girls

    Thats the Yellow firework just been lit.

    Stand back and admire the display.

    We have more to follow after this.

    Wonder which will go off with the loudest bang or just shoot off and go out in a lame puff of smoke

    as in more to follow;

    No real jail time for the yellow shirt. Melodramatics for show, end result; mai pen rai

  15. He said a recent interview by Thaksin on a radio programme had a "direct impact" on the country and could worsen the current political situation as the ex-leader made negative comments against Thailand, the Privy Council and the justice system.

    Thaksin's speach has indeed a "direct impact" on the country with his negative comments about the "justice system".

    How dares Thaiksin to question the integrity of a "Justice system" which is able to catch and punish within a few hours everything a Red Shirt does, but is unable to bring the PAD to Justice for their crimes against the nation.

    How dares Thaiksin to question the integrity of a "Justice system" which is able to catch and punish within a few hours the people behind the attack on a PAD leader, but is unable to bring the PAD leaders to Justice for their crimes against the nation.

    Cutting freee speech as well??????????

    There is little left for Absint what is damaging this country ...........



    I like the way you think. There's at least 2 us farang that see reality of whats going on here.

  16. ok, it's not the BTS, can you please share with us what it is. It seems like you know, but you're not telling, come on, tell us pleeaase!

    It is run by the SRT (State Railway of Thailand), the same company that runs all other trains in Thailand except the BTS and MRTA (not sure about the acronym MRTA, I mean the subway)


    Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand

  17. As I understand; if you are American (from U.S.A) you can own a company 100% and operate it without Thai staff. It is some special agreement between USA and Thailand.

    Sometimes I wish I was American....

    I dont mean to sound like I am challenging your statement here. Out of sincerity I ask, what do you base that comment on? I have never run across that one before. Would you happen to have access to documentation regarding this? Thank you.

    Funny thing indeed, many Americans I met don't even know about it.

    But on the other hand what do they really know about something that is not in America??

    Don't blame us, because you don't know about it.

    Actually the whole thing should be illegal according to the WTO (all the members should get the same)

    First off, you write with a chip on your shoulder. That is a rather ignorant and prejudiced comment about Americans not knowing something not in America. Mai Pen Rai, its your opinion youre entitled to it. Opinions are as we say in US, like the oriface between the gluteus maximi; everyone has one and most of them stink, and they only fit the one wearing them.

    Point 2, I blamed no one for my not being aware of the treaty. I only inquired about it.

    So with all due respect, Mr. Som Chai, kiss my opinion, Sir.

  18. This is for those of you who need to hear it. They will know who they are :) Not directed at everyone or at this specific topic....but as I say.....

    Enough is enough !!!! Wow don't you guys realise what damage you are doing to not only yourselves but foreigners who live in Thailand ? I am not sure you mean to, or really think about what you do when you write on here, but the result is so negative and damaging; constantly spreading inuendo, gossip and misinformation via this chat forum. I am not sure who of you live or do anything constructive in Thailand, but you really should go back and check your posts. Chat forums are getting a very bad reputation not only with foreigners living and working in Thailand but with Thai people too. That is not good news for us.

    The internet is a great thing and chat forums are good sites but they should not be acting as a truthful news forum telling us constantly bad and negative things. You must be very careful what you write and say. It has a result. Do you think constantly gossiping on here about things many of us know very little about, has a positive effect on foreigners in Thailand ? Do you think it is polite or nice to talk so badly and negatively about a country that many of us live and work in ? Also are you aware now that people are being prosecuted for writing on blogs and forums ? In USA and elsewhere.

    How would you like it if Thai's came to your countries and gossiped and spread rumours all over the internet about your country. I know in the USA and Europe, the reaction from us would be....Kick them out !!! The authorities would also look into it for sure too. Is that what you want ? It is not our country and most of you speak or write no Thai at all. Many do not live here and many do not work or have business here. So how do you know what the Thai's think or say. How do you know what governments are doing ? Ohhhhh you heard from the truth machine; the chat forum news snippet......oh dear please get a life. Then there is a translation issue too.

    The Thai's are very tolerant but I don't blame them for getting upset. If I was Thai and read this forum my reaction would be "YOU are anti Thai and anti Thailand. For God's sake leave them alone and shut up. If it is so bad, then go back home ! Leave us in peace. You are getting really boring and belive me when I say not just me but all the business community and people I know who live and work here are sick to death of these news snippets and constant digs at the Thai's. Leave it alone why don't you. How weird that people who spend every day talking about Thailand need to do so in such a negative and rude away. If it is so bad why are you so obssessed with it. Find a life somewhere else but leave us alone please.

    The Thai's Have every right to look at land deals that are illegal. But there are alot that are not. I have never in all my time here (over ten years) had a problem with anything from visa's to work permits, businesses to having a house built. NEVER ! I am married to a Thai and we have a lovely life here and both of us are very happy. But to hear the mindless trivial and inaccurate information spread around like manure on this site is just so pathetic and upsetting alot of people who live here. You got to stop it lads or you will cause so much damage to foreigners reputation and lives here. Also are your countries any better ? Guess not or you would not be on here all the time.

    What are you talking about witch hunts and so on. What a load of rubbish. And if it ever did happen you lot would be a part of the cause due to your constant negative gossip and unkind comments about a country you seem all addicted to and obssessed with. If you dislike it so much why do you come to a forum and constantly gossip about it. Surely if you dislike it, stop talking about it and move away.Thousands of foreigners are married to Thai's and live in a house here. They are happy. Do you think your comments are pleasing them or giving stability to their situations. They are getting cheesed of with this kind of thing. Why do you do it ? Are you bored ? Don't have lives ? Hate Thailand ? What is it ?

    If you walk across a road and some guys spits at you every time, day in and day out. You don't cross the road. So if you don't like it here and its so awful: There's the airport....fly home and leave us all alone.

    I know alot of people in Thailand and they are all saying how cheesed off they are with chat forums and the people who are really now causing us to be brought into bad light in Thailand. Opinions are one thing but gossip and constant digs at the Thai people and their country is not. Even if there are unproductive things happening or things we do not like, who are we to change it. It is not our country. They have every right to develop in the way they wish to or how it naturally occurs.

    My advice is sound: You got to stop lads as it is getting really boring and upsetting a lot of people. Advertisers soon walk away and you are causing those of us (the majority) who live in Thailand to be looked at badly. Also why don't you go on about your own countries; they are hardly bastions of perfection !!! Are they not all nearly bankrupt, both financially, socially and morally ? Guess there must be a reason why we are here. something good.

    Enough said. I am sure you do not think maybe when you write stuff and we are all guilty of that. But time for a wake up call.

    Or you can ignore this and just write bad comments back. But I think many of you will know I am right in what I say. I don't say this because I want to upset anyone or cause an argument. I am sure you are all good guys and nice people. I am saying it, because someone needs to. This latest land thing and constant over the top panic is crazy and immature, misinformed and causes damage to all us thousands who work here, live here and have chosen Thailand to be our home. So please for all of us and anyone who lives here....stop. Chat about it but don't be so negative, try to be honest and not so unkind to a country that we all love. Opinion is one thing but prejudice is another. Have a great day :D

    Amen Brother. A salute to the one with balls enough to voice the sentiments of the more quiet farang populace in Thailand.

  19. As I understand; if you are American (from U.S.A) you can own a company 100% and operate it without Thai staff. It is some special agreement between USA and Thailand.

    Sometimes I wish I was American....

    I dont mean to sound like I am challenging your statement here. Out of sincerity I ask, what do you base that comment on? I have never run across that one before. Would you happen to have access to documentation regarding this? Thank you.

  20. was fingerprinted in Indonesia, Bali for my extension. Every month, new appl and photos.

    I have a question for you all with retirement visas. I needed to show up for 90 day check-in with address, etc on the 10th, totally forgot, now today is closed for Queen's Birthday. Will I have to pay a fine for late reporting?

    Been there done that! "twice" 1st time didn't realise had to have stamp every 90 days and was 5 months overdue, ended up buying every one a bottle of water to drink "about 6 i think"and just a warning don't do it again because i could be fined up to 5,000 baht . 2nd time 2 weeks over the clerk just commented i don't look old enough to have memory loss, "don't do it again"no fine.

    also one time let my bank slip below 800,000 but once again let me off with a warning, must like my face i guess

    too funny. You got off cheap with 6 bottles of water and a slap on the wrist.

    In response to the 90 day question falling on a holiday. You will probably learn the answer before you read this, but I'll share anyway. More than once my 90 day appearance was on national holidays. They seem to waive the fine if you go in the very following workday. I have even been scheduled to go in on one Saturday and I believe its been 2 Sundays in the past. They count exactly 90 days, and it doesnt seem to matter to them if the 90th day falls on weekends or holidays. So far, they have never even batted an eye over it.

  21. I am so (not) looking forward to getting my Retirement Visa when I 'hit' 50 y.old in 3 years time.......digi photos and 'prints - great.

    Being married to a Thai National, plus our 2 kids (5.5 and 2.5 y.old), will the Marriage Visa be a better option?

    Any input welcomed.



    Ill try to make this short. I've been here 3 yrs on a mariage visa. 3 times, officers in Bkk have said its easier to get a retirement visa. Up til this year, I have gone into Bkk to extend my marriage visa although I live in another province, due to our local Imm. office having a very, how shall I put it, unforgiving officer that comes across as a person that hates their job. With the change in law, I was forced to file for extension in our local Imm office. The wife and I went in with the paperwork for the marriage visa, and this time I took paperwork for a retirement visa. My thought was, allow the officer to pick which paperwork they are in the mood to do. I might add here, that we never walk into an Imm office in shorts and tee. polo, or any other pull over shirts. Dress sharp and you get respect. Last week, when this occured, I was wearing dress slacks and a long sleeve dress shirt, the wife in a business type outfit. We saw the officer, wearing a medical face mask, so we immediately put ours on. When the officer called us up, we laid down all we had, and we were then asked why the 2 sets of forms. Upon mentioning that I really wanted the retirment visa if that would be no problem to the officer. The marriage visa forms were pushed back to us, and in 6 minutes, I got my passport back with a retirement visa stamp inside. YESSSSS, a retirement visa is a whole lot easier, if you can show proof that you make the annual income required.

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