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Posts posted by featography

  1. I just see the usuall hotheads that where screaming "FRAUD" about a certain cambodian spu tape now suddenly take a piece of news hook, sink and bait. Totally uncritical and making jokes that would make a kindergarden 5 year old blush in shame.

    So how do the denial from Thaksin (as posted on Bangkok Post, and most likely on Nation too if that page would ever load here in farangland). Could it really be the shocking truth that the whole "news" is a piece of slander produced by someone trying to please their puppet masters?

    I doubt it was ever news but it got repeated on tv as if it were genuine.

    The name was shown yesterday as a clever anagram as I and other posters pointed out. It allows Taksin bashing but in other threads they are closed pending official conformation from a relaible source.

    Its entertaining as H#@L how many members got hooked and reeled in on this one.

  2. "Two people answered the door but did not let the officers in until an hour later, when the team leader contacted the provincial police chief and learned that Ruamnakhon was inside.

    Ruamnakhon eventually agreed to cooperate on condition that the CSD team only conduct the search in the presence of local police officers. A number of documents were seized, and several others were photographed."

    Seriously, what a joke! :D The cops wait for an hour while upstairs the shredder goes into overdrive and then the alleged bad guy says he'll cooperate on HIS terms so they can only take the documents he supplies them and for sure only lets them take pictures of the ones he knows are OK to show them. OMG TIT!

    Don't know too many other police forces that ask permission, is it OK if we come in and raid your house please, with a smile! :D Sure we'll give you some time to hide anything that may be incriminating. Policeman turned tycoon :) ! Oh gosh this is a funny place to be!

    Ahh but this is it the crackdown to end all crackdowns-well at least until tomorrow! Don't you just love Thailand?!

    Yes, most of these crackdowns are real crackups!

  3. This piss's me off to no end. I like spicy food, I usually pick spicy food that is clearly marked as spicy on the menu, Almost always it comes not spicy. I've tried telling them that I like spicy, that in English the menu says spicy. Most just say OK, then the food arrives bland. Some will tell me that Farang can't eat spicy, not make spicy. I get up and walk on those now. I've tried dealing with it several ways. Complaining don't work because they will just say "stupid farang, not know farang can not eat spicy". Usually I'll send it back saying that it isn't what I ordered. They will bring me the menu and show me, at that point I point out that it say in English "spicy soup" and this not spicy soup. Typically they will take it back and the cook will throw a few chilies on top, witch isn't the same as being cooked with the chilies in it. When I pay the bill, I'll tell the woman to tell the cook I not leave tip because the spicy salad, not spicy. I know it's the waitress that wrote "farang" on the ticket, blaming it on the cook does not make her lose face. I'm usually remembered after that and get what I order the next time.

    Now I have something that works great. My Thai girlfriend doesn't like spicy food. We will look at the menu, then send the waitress to get us drinks, so that they won't hear our plan. I tell the girlfriend what I want, she then orders it for herself, and then tells them that I want what she is going to order. When the food arrives, we switch plates. The waitress usually frerks out when she sees that. I've even had them try to take the plate back saying it's to spicy for me. We are both happy that way. If we don't trick them, the girlfriend will get food that is to hot for her to eat, and I am unhappy with my dish. Dealing with Thai's is hard sometimes. They have some preconceived ideas that they just won't let loose of.

    I have to share that my wife and I have the same situations you have expressed. My wife doesn't eat spicy, unless its Papaya salad, and I don't eat bland to mild food. We also will order the others food, then switch plates. It is entertaining looking at the facial expressions on the servers. If any dish comes less spicy than I prefer, I bury it with the table chiles on the table, and I'm happy. Interesting observation I have made; I find most Thai can't handle Tobasco sauce, which I think is medium spicy and sweet. They cry its too hot. Go figure.

  4. Walking down sois to local shops in jim jams (uni age girls) wearing face packs and walking to same local 7 - 11 or similar...

    When it rains 2 things.... 7 -11 plastic bag on ya noggin to protect against the polluted rain...

    using leafs stuck under the rear number plate to stop the spray....

    Ladies sitting side saddle on motorcycles

    Wear your best shoes to walk/travel to work then putting on office slippers when at work :)

    Ladyboys selling wedding photographs/studios in department stores :D

    Shop workers following you around!! gggrrrrrrhhhhhhhaaaaahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaggggryyyyyrrrrrgggrrraaa Number 1 pet hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    shop workers following....OMG I hate that too. I could easily get mad about it, but I turn it into a game that discourages them all. When I see one tailing me, I walk a circle around the aisle, do an abrupt u turn, walk past them, make another circle and repeat until they stop following me. I keep or adjust the pace to keep them the same distance from me. My game is how many times do I have to do this before they get the idea and go back to standing with their collegues and continue their nose picking and gossiping.

  5. Hello All,

    i told myself a long time ago not to comment on poilitical threats on thaivisa anymore, as i felt it would not change my mind and certainly not the minds of others. Whatever side i am on or whatever side they are on and so it will only lead to flamings. So this will be my final post on things concerning yellow/red, Thaksin/Military.

    I am somewhat puzzeled how foreigners, wherever they originate from, but i suspect from free democratic countries, can be blinded by propaganda and deny the obvious. It seems many have the standpoint here that there was no violence caused by the yellow shirts. Please refer to be being blinded above. You only have to listen to many of the interviews given by leaders of the yellows and you can see the semi-fascist ( i come from a country that had its fair share of fascims) and war - mongering attitude.

    I am no Fan of Thaksin, so you know it. But i am a true democrat and i mean it like in the dictionary, not a name a certain party gives itself here. Thaksin may have his use as a catalysator on a way to something new. One thing is for sure. Yellow does not want new, for obvious reasons. I cannot force any of the in my opinion blinded people to read more( read at the right places, as there are good blogs who are relatvely balanced) but i hope to encourgage them.

    Just to make it clear again, i do not indulge violence from any side, neither the red one, but sometimes change does not come like in my homecountry, peacefully and quiet.

    And change it what this country, i fell in love with a long time ago, desperately needs.

    Sorry for any misspelling or grammatical errors. i am not a native speaker.

    Yet again everyone is entitled to their opinion, that a basic foundation of democracy, but one has to be careful not to be used to destroy the last remainder of thai democracy.

    respecful regards


    Maybe not a native speaker, but none the less, well said! You're right, in that memories of reality fade quickly, when propaganda is fed a steady diet to the ears. Napolean taught us that "if you tell a lie often enough, it will become a truth in the minds of the people".

  6. Given today's so-called PAD rally, let me add a slightly different perspective

    >It could be argued that this is in fact a Democrat Party rally. But who really knows. The PAD and that Party are so intertwined. I do know that the organizers went to Government House to do some rally planning with Abhisit. And I read on this board that many participants arrived from the South via train. The south being the epicentre of the narrowly regional Democrat Party.

    >The bigger political event of this weekend occurred in Khao Yai. It was a fundraising concert for the UDD. I understand that the participation was so huge, that there was traffic backed up from Rangsit to Pak Chong. Apparently over 150,000 were in attendance. Compare that to the group in BKK this weekend. If anything, this contrast speaks to the electoral majority/minority thing.

    I don't see the comparison. One event is a music concert/festival where the proceeds are donated. Another is a rally. People go to concerts to see the artists and musicians live. People go to rallies to support a cause.


  7. The PAD so-called rally is not the primary political event this weekend...far from it.

    This PAD activity is a logical extension of the Govts. stoking the nationalist sentiment. An age-old practice when Govts. and/or dictators feel insecure.

    Fabricating an external threat and creating a crisis atmosphere has been the tactic for centuries. For the ploy to seem credible however, there needs to be some sort of visible public support. That is where the PAD activity of this weekend fits in.

    The major and only noteworthy event of this weekend is occurring in Khao Yai. It is anticipated that in excess of 100,000 will be gathering there for a fund raising concert to support the Democracy activities of the UDD.

    It is doubtful that the domestic media will mention this however, as their sympathies are strongly with the PAD. It would also be embarrassing to see well over 100,000 gathering in Khao Yai, and less than 10,000 in BKK.

    These two events and attendance numbers are a reflection of the electorate in Thailand.

    It is not by accident that elections will be avoided at all costs by the current Administration.

    A couple of fascinating points about Khao Yai event; It sure looked like more than 100,000 people. Elbow to elbow in the whole valley where it was held. Several tent "cities" everywhere. I've been to some major sporting, political, concert, religious, events back home, and this was the largest gathering I have ever witnessed. To call it peaceful, would be an understatement. Tens of Thousands of Thai men with their families, SOBER, happy, ejoying common ideals. That in itself should nominate the event for Guiness Book of World Records(tongue in cheek). It was the largest family campout I've ever seen. For the record, I don't wear red, yellow, blue or any other political color. For me, I am farang and have no business in Thai political involvement, and thats just me, and have no opinions, pro or con, about other farang that choose to be involved. For the wise guy that posts, 'why I was there if I am not red shirt?', the answer is; I'm retired, work no job and run no business. My activities are influenced by my curiosity with Thai life, and the sights that Thailand offers. I was invited by a few good neighbors that I enjoy and respect, to drive a load of them up. As of yet, I have not been invited by any Yellow shirt neighbors to ride up with them to any of their rallies.

  8. Strange to me that they not allowed the plane of a convicted fugitive to pass through thai airspace.In other country's they would just hope on an opportunity like this so they could send some jets into the sky and make the plane land.Am I missing something?

    you didnt miss it. I guess 1% of the members thought of it, but you get to be first to mention it. Gold star to you.

  9. The laws are there -they just need to be enforced.

    Start at the schools -half of the motorcycles parked there are driven in by underage kids, permitted to drive by their parents, allowed to park by the teachers, and assisted entry by the morning traffic police. PUT A STOP TO IT

    Realistic fines for other offences such as driving against traffic flow, no helmet or more than 1 passenger. Never mind the inability to pay by the poor. If you don't break the law you don't pay. If you do, pay or the bike is confiscated until you do!

    Absolutely. I witness this daily; school kids operating motorbikes as if they are invincible. My neighbor's teen son has dumped the family bike 3 times so far, and survived, so far. Another kid, app. 13, races up and down the street, comes up to the T intersection, leans bike over for his left turn, not so much as tap on the brake, with parked cars at curb, visibility nil for oncoming vehicles. One more day, his luck still on his side. Some day though, it will run out. The "it only happens to the other kid" mentality matches that of the young American teens with cars.

  10. One of the biggest scratch head conundrums for me is a gay Thai guy I know whose "wife" is a post-op tranny. I still can't figure out if that makes him heterosexual. :)

    Oh thanks alot mca. Now I'm scratching my head like a serious case of lice infestation. Don't make me lose sleep tonight!! Somebody give us the answer. Is he straight or gay?????

  11. Awesome!

    Any particular reason you seem compelled to repeat this word in every post you make?

    If you are trying to be sarcastic, fine, but could you at least vary it up a bit.

    ohh, i talked with an other member about the etymological origin of a certain britisch english word. he said it's norse, my position was it is more likley that the norse word in question is just a Cognate.

    i wrote also a more abstrac entry and to demonstrate cultural difference in historiography and histories of histories i worte a little bit about the history of historical linguistics studies and the use of different term for the same thing. indo-european languages vs. indo-germanic languages and so on.

    but than came the '76 peacecorps and declared everything for BS. after this i just let a tumbleweed roll through the intellectual defoliated steppe.

    in an other case i stumbled across the following line: Thai culture and civilization are utterly incapable of producing ... an Obama. posted by a board member.

    my reply using the word hubris got deleted. okay hubris is of greek origin an not british english. i ask members of the super team for an advice and what what would be the appropriate choice of words for a reply and their answer was somewhat Zen, oracularly and quickly.

    i conclude i should rely more on the optimistic branch of Bokononism.

    and i think awesome is a good choice. it has something rabelaisian in it, almost. it is a fell good message. it is awesome. it is also US-american. and the US-american viewpoint, attitude is never wrong at this webforum. the risk of a delete for whatever reason is less.it will be never off topic. if i write more than 3 lines the risk that it goes off-topic is much higher.

    so what is your problem with that? other forum characters spend their whole time with posting repetitive and redundant comments since years. 4,5,6 sometimes words and a smiley. knee-jerk reactions. unamusing. the usual.

    i still offer a mixture in the style of my comments. that Abhisit is awesome is the mainstream opinion here, so i cheer a lot of people up.

    what the H#$$ he say?!?!?!

  12. If you go by the laws on the books, the government IS legitimate.

    Hi animatic

    This has become one of your favorite themes here .... but one with which I must disagree.

    The lack of legitimacy of the current government comes not from the coalition they formed to achieve power (however unsavory) .... but rather from the circumstances created to allow them to actually do so!!

    After failing to secure power in elections in 2001, again in 2005 and watching in relief as a coup prevented yet another rout in 2006 (only weeks before scheduled national elections) The Democrats once again faced the electorate after every possible road-block had been placed in front of their oponents by the Junta ... and in December 2007 ...... oh well .. you know........ Shock !! Horror !!

    Remembering that in this election the PPP was (I think) 14 seats short of an outright majority and after yet another electoral slaughter of the Democrats I find it pretty difficult to describe The Democrats as a "legitimate" Government of anywhere. The PPP had won against all the odds (and expectations of their enemies) then had to endure the non-righteous indignation of the perennial losers --- this -- with some help from their powerful and desperate friends----- drove the truly legitimately elected Government into the wilderness.

    Now the Democrats-- who have not won an election in living memory ----- were able to finally grasp power.

    Legitimate ????? :)

    Doing it in ways that help the 'N. & N.E. people' is a good idea ANYWAY,

    It is the right thing to do whatever the reasons.

    Be nice if they helped the Hill Tribe peoples too.

    Hear ! Hear !!

    By the way .... doesn't this statement look classy when compared to something like this:

    the government should throw money at the peasants of the North until they forget about Thaksin.

    Greetings Tig28. What you wrote is exactly what my wife has been saying all along. I am bewildered as to why so many have forgotten this or are unaware of the reality.

  13. 'Course I usually don't drink it on my own- but there are social necessities and marketing has made this 'the thing' in many clubs for the moment... sigh...

    Yes it was quite disappointing for me on my first time to a Thai nightclub that they didn't offer gin and tonic or something other than whisky to drink . :)

    AND, I would just be beside myself if I could find Black Velvet Bourbon somewhere

  14. How sad that he feels he should apoligise for this non story.

    Your bloomin absolutly correct ! The Brittish should never apologize to anyone for anything after all we are the BRITTISH !!! God save the Queen !!! :)

    Not to stir any pots, or throw poo in the fan, but I have been curious for some time now.

    Thailand says, "Long Live the King"

    Brits say "God Save the Queen"

    Curiousity compels me to ask, "God Save the Queen" from what?

  15. Landmark Hotel - never been there but saw the sign saying "Probably the Best Steak in Bangkok" haha

    I've eaten there a couple of times and thought the steaks were excellent. It is expensive though.

    When I popped into the place last month they were selling Wagyu fillet for 4000 baht. I can buy the same steak for a quarter of the price at my local steak house in Samui. Had to content myself with a G&T at 400 baht. Criminal markups....no wonder the restaurant was empty!

    Oh and thats just the steak folks...potato and salad/veg extra if you can afford it. :)

    That sucks out loud.

    Central Plaza Rama 2 has steak house called Sante Fe, If I remember right, on the 4th floor. Good steaks. They even have an Ostrich steak that is also good. I grade Sante Fe way above Sizzler. The wife and I were in another mall which I don't recall the name of, closer to Bangkok proper, and there is a Sante Fe there too, and it was as good as the rama 2 Central plaza location.

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