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Posts posted by featography

  1. A very nice post, I wonder how bad you really are; maybe just more realistic than the rest of us.

    Here's how bad I am:

    - I've been with my wife for six years now. Even she, who should be sort of used to my bad Thai, can't understand me most of the time.

    - I have an American friend who is quite fluent in Thai. He taught Chemistry, in Thai, at the university level in Bangkok and Chiangmai in the 60's and 70's. He never understands my Thai. He has tried to help me with my pronunciation. He finally gave up and said, more or less, that I simply didn't have the ear necessary to pronounce Thai properly. He also said that my personality was unfit for learning Thai: shy, reticent and unwilling to make mistakes. I'm sure he's right.

    I've been here almost 4 yrs, and have gone thru most of what you have described. I have one question. Do you suffer from Tininitis (ringing in the ears)? I do and for me it is virtually impossible to differintiate the tones in the Thai language. I did the Pinsler cds but after the 6th cd, I realized, that only teaches textbook pronunciation, not real life dialect.No one understood me either. My daughter has been pestering to go with Rosetta Stone, so I am glad you mentioned how that worked for you. You saved me a couple hundred bucks. If you are hearing impaired my suggestion is test for hearing aids. In that case, I advise the clip over the ear type, and not the ear inserted ones. I gave up those due to the humidity here. It caused all kinds of skin irrations inside the ears. Hang in there.

  2. MIMS lists it in the class Supplements & Adjuvant Therapy, so apparently it is approved here.

    thanks for that, it seems recently added. So that puts to rest the issue of legality.

    no brand names listed in Mims so most likely no company has received permission to import it yet, but it is legal to use. So mail order away or bring it in with you.

    There are a number of GNC vitamin shops in the Bkk area. Check with them on melatonin. You can also search online in Thailand. If no results, order online from home country. Usually, if a company ships internationally, they know what can and cannot be sent into Thailand.

  3. hmmm. my son has both thai / british citizenship so does this mean he too has to forego his thai citizenship
    The son of a friend of mine got a German and Thai passport, but at the age of 18 (still plenty of years to go) he will have to decide, which citizenship he wants to keep. How old is your son?

    Germany changed that rule. Now, children born with dual citizenship do NOT need to give up their German passport upon their 18th birthday anymore (I have 3 kids with dual citizenship german/canadian).


    It is not the German or foreign country law that is relevant, it is the Thai law that states a choice must be made at age 18 or there abouts. Like most Thai laws, they are not always enforced and there are many Thais over 20 years old who have multiple passports and use them as has been mentioned above.

    So, tis the wise one that follows the infamous "Bill Clinton rule"; Don't ask, don't tell" :)

  4. That's strange.

    There a many Thais who have dual citizenship without problems, though not officially allowed by law it is also not forbidden (as far as I know).

    Mr. T. has already passports of some other countries so why was he not required to give up his Thai citizenship before.

    Though I support our PM in general I think it has something to do with the fact that the country in question is Cambodia.


    I called a friend at a western embassy here in Bkk.

    Seems that Thailand has specific agreements with some countries to mutally allow two passports, and Cambodia is not on that list, and not surprising regardless of the current political situation between Thailand and Cambodia.

    I would love to see this list, possibly also the Thai friends I have living in the States.

  5. Last Year I was on a 747 Thai Flight to Phuket which turned around and returned to Bangkok after 20 minutes in the sir. Had an oil leak. Again Thai had us sorted and on our way with only about an hour's delay on the ground. The crew were great there was no panic from them but there were a few rather hysterical ladies when we disembarked in Bangkok.

    My hat is off to Thai pilots and the airlines. 2 incidents where passengers on their way again in an hour?? That's unheard of in the US.(ie) 2 yrs ago the wife and I boarded NWA in Portland Or. USA to come home, only to discover while still at the loading gate, the plane had a computer problem. We were left sitting for 2 hours onboard, until we were finally offloaded, and told that we were on our own to find over night accomadations. NWA was unable to get a computer part until the next morning.

  6. Meanwhile the Uk is trying to dump all its HN1 drugs as .......................its all been a BIG waste of time.

    Still we know Thais likes 10 drugs just for a runny nose :):D

    Thats a fact. In 3.5 yrs living here, hospitals have given me more antibiotics than I have ever had in my whole life. I asked if they know that excess antibiotics will kill the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, and when do they give pre/probiotics to patients. First responses; strange baffled facial expression. 2nd responses; What do I know about doctoring?

  7. For what it's worth' I'll ask

    The recorded teachings of Jesus and the Buddha - socialist or capitalist?

    I cant speak for Buddha but I'm sure if Jesus was reborn today he wouldnt come back as a high society Thai politician living in Bangkok it would just be too difficult to ever get back into Heaven!

    Actually, they hid the answer to that question in the Bible. Jesus preached and taught Theocracy;God rules.. give only to Ceasar (any govt you live under as a Christian) what is due Ceasar, and give to God what is due to Him. Hence, He lived, practiced no political idealogies, but commanded his followers only to follow the laws of the land as long as they don't violate God's laws.

    Buddha followed the philosophy, follow the laws of the land, seek only peace within and teach others by example and words. Neither man got involved with politics, governments, capitalist, socialist ideas per say by todays definitions

  8. Here's the link to the wikipedia page on Thai passports and countries, but I do not know how up to date this is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_passport

    I dont see Thailand on the list, so I called my step daughter in Bangkok. She travels to many countries, representing the company she works for. She tells me, all the ASEAN countries have visa waive with each other. A little off topic, but thought I would share. Thai need no visa to travel to any ASEAN member country.

  9. "Many tourism business operators and expat residents hold Gov Wichai in high regard for his introduction of the mandatory insurance scheme aimed at ending disputes between tourists and jet-ski operators,the first of its kind in the world."

    This list of items that Thailand has given the world, been the first at, etc., must be a couple of thousand pages long by now.

    From listening to my GF and her friends, the world would not exist were it not for Thailand.

    Kinda reminds me of the many episodes of the original Star Trek series, where Chekoff would boast of all the inventions and innovations that were created in Russia in the 20th century.

  10. "He also expressed some dismay that one local blogsite chose to report his idea after he expressly asked all the reporters present at a meeting yesterday not to do so."

    He was dismayed that making a statement in front of a room full of reporters, after expressly asking all, not to report it, got leaked to the public?!?! It aint rocket science.

  11. Thailand has natural beauty, its culture and the brand image going for it.

    - Natural beauty is equal in other places, such as Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia & Malaysia - the key is how it is preserved in future!

    - Thai culture is interesting but again, is there really a big advantage over other SE nations? Nothing/little has been done to show Thai culture to visitors, e.g. a network of B&Bs

    - The Thai 'brand' is still strong. People think that they will have a more luxurious, more friendly/tastier(!), higher quality holiday in Thailand than the other SE countries, but that is changing. One thing that's keeping it high in Europe is the increase in Thai food awareness (though usually Malaysian or other SE owners), but try finding Thai in the US or middle east!

    A lot of my friends who have returned to Thailand on holiday, have not been pleased with the developments. More expensive, less quality, less friendly are the opinions I have heard.

    I certainly don't feel that Thailand is improving it's levels of service. The prices have gone up, but with no real justification.

    TAT should enforce the quality to protect the brand and that should cover all areas of Thai 'attractions'. People are prepared to spend money if they get value

    An example of a good idea that failed was the sticker with 'We speak English'. Every Taxi had the sticker but virtually none spoke English.

    A simple Gold, Silver & Bronze scheme which enabled businesses to register with TAT and be given higher status based on recommendation & meeting quality guidelines, would go a long way to maintaining/re-establishing the Thai brand. Of course, the Thais would stick up Gold stickers in every business, but if there was a call center that allowed you to check 'instantly' if it was a valid gold business, then it would quickly die out.

    The Thai paradox is places like Pattaya, which they don't want to accept, because it is against Thai values, but in the end it makes a lot of money. It might be worth them considering turning it into a special zone, where foreigners are allowed to buy land, own businesses, and laws are different, e.g. legalise gambling/prostitution/late night drinking etc.

    "One thing that's keeping it high in Europe is the increase in Thai food awareness (though usually Malaysian or other SE owners), but try finding Thai in the US or middle east!"

    As a matter of fact, there are plenty of Thai restaurants in every city in the US. For the last 10 yrs, its been the fastest spreading food in the country. I have been to several cities and had no problem finding Thai restaurants in any yellow pages. Example; Salem oregon, population 210,000 has 5 Thai restaurants.Even the small towns in the rural and farming areas have 1 to 3 Thai eateries. I ate a steady diet of Thai for 2 before I moved to Thailand. The taste and quality in the US matched that of Thailand. I can't speak for the middle east, other than my neighbor here, said that when he did contract work in Saudi Arabia, there was no where to find Thai food, some years ago.

  12. I doubt that anyone will come to Thailand when the s**t hits the fan next month with the court ruling on Thaksin. There will be blood on the streets again with Red and Yellow shirt mobs, Police and Military.

    They had better be careful with their ruling on the case. :D:) Same old tune from TAT.

    Missed something in my daily reading of the news. Whats this court ruling over, coming next month? Would it be the land sale fiasco?

  13. Of course it is the responsibility of both government and parents. Why only a or b? Also the responsibility of peers, teachers, and many others. We do live in a society, do we not, where we cooperate to maintain desired social behaviors...
    crackdown should be on all violations, not just from time to time, during holidays.

    the purpose of this law was to prevent youth from drinking

    Youth drinking is the responsibility of the parents not the government.Sure government has introduced laws so minors can not purchase alcohol, but is the parents who should be watching their kids especially on holidays

    I was going thru crackdown withdrawals this weekend. Soooo happy to see we are starting the week with another crackdown fix.

  14. I do not believe for one moment that it will increase the number of tourists. The number of tourist will probably increase but that is because the financial crisis is coming to an end and people have more discretionary income. It is however to be expected that the Thai tourism minister will claim otherwise as it increases his standing. Be especially aware when statistical figures are used to underscore statements, statistics in Thailand are even more bogus than those of Greece.

    Statistics the world over are bogus...does anyone really believe that unemployment is only 10% in the USA? It is very probably much nearer 17%. Add in all those people (around the world) who are fearful of losing their jobs, and you may have (in the US) an amount closer to 30% who are unable to indulge in any kind of tourism.

    One thing we can be reasonably certain of: the Depression is not over...it is with us, through the ignorance of bankers and politicians (see also Japan), for a good decade if not much longer.

    Also, don't blame the Thai government for a strong baht....that is entirely the fault of the British and American goveernments which have been merrily printing money like Zimbabwe in the last two years. The reckoning is not far down the road....

    does that mean the domino effect will crash the baht and we will be back to 40B to the buck??

  15. Very sad, RIP young man :)

    Could the 'bang' reported in the OP be the vehicle slipping out of gear (common in older manual boxes when on over-run), result is a vehicle that very quickly gets away from the driver, if the brakes aren't perfect you're not stopping :D

    That would be my guess too, drawing on 28yrs professional truck driving, and prior to that, owning such old trucks with manual transmissions...

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