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About monkfish

  • Birthday 01/24/1924

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  1. Told the Mrs and she said a big load NOOOO way and refuses to take me to the revenue department so I think I'm gonna wait until they somehow officially inform me about it. Will put the money aside though just in case I have to back pay.
  2. Oh yea I think you sussed out Srhetta's plan !
  3. Srettha is a Real Estate Tycoon he must know this is going to be bad for his bizzz !!
  4. They are all corrupt as each other and if Pheu Thai wins the upcoming election it would be revenge time.
  5. Elections coming up soon so expect more of these jumped up charges against the Shinawatra family. Like the last charges against her they will be thrown out later but it makes for bad PR for them.
  6. The government still needs him to stay in power so he thinks he can do as he pleases.
  7. Funny Thaiembassy.com isn't actually a Thai embassy or even any official site as might seem The law says 1.Taxable Person Taxpayers are classified into “resident” and “non-resident”. “Resident” means any person residing in Thailand for a period or periods aggregating more than 180 days in any tax (calendar) year. A resident of Thailand is liable to pay tax on income from sources in Thailand as well as on the portion of income from foreign sources that is brought into Thailand. A non-resident is, however, subject to tax only on income from sources in Thailand. https://www.rd.go.th/english/6045.html
  8. By law if you live more than 6 months a year in Thailand then you are required to pay tax on any income brought into Thailand but at the moment the law as with many isn't being enforced. The same goes for digital Nomads they can't pay Tax because there's no system in place for them to do so. I only mention it because another Member is accusing people of avoiding to pay income tax.
  9. You talk about avoiding paying Taxes do you think retired Expats should be paying their income Tax in Thailand? Because I think probably 100% don't.
  10. I can imagine there are probably more foreigners working online aka Digital Nomads i.e. programmers, web designers and graphic designers using Paypal services than those doing ecommerce. If they close the doors on them to receive payment they will probably just leave Thailand for more Digital Namad friendlier countries. Thailand will just loose income they bring into the country and spend here. In any case ecommerce will now require a Business account in Thailand even for Thai's so there's no point to prevent foreigners having a personal Paypal account.
  11. Exactly sitting on the fence makes Thailand look weak and without opinions, playing all sides for benifit.
  12. He's supposed to be Wooing China into letting tourists return but Xi not having any of it. First time I ever felt sorry for Prayut! Really NOOOOOO!
  13. What are you talking about 99% where did you get that number? Do you have some source or just like judging others? Next time look in the mirror and judge yourself.
  14. It's not really a good idea to pay for online goods by Bank Transfer as you get Zero buyer protection and Wise doesn't issue Debit Cards to users in Thailand and most companies don't accept BT. Anyway why even use Wise you can just use a Thai Credit Card or Bank to transfer but I think you miss the point as to why Paypal is just more convenient but never mind. P.s a lot of criminals are using Wise to launder cash so I expect Thailand will crack down on that soon.
  15. I don't know any company which accept payment through Wise could please you educate me as to which online companies do accept payment through wise so I don't look like a fool again thank you?
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