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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. no wars? the 2 Bush's started the last couple of wars. a steady economy? yes, and.... and.... and.... OH! you forgot, Biden is POTUS for the past 3.5 years. which village are you from, so that we can let them know that we have located their idiot.
  2. you're certanly not going to find many signs of intelligent life in the GOP these days. The best the GOP can do as a response to the SOTU address by Biden.....https://www.foxnews.com/video/6348665612112
  3. yes indeed. to the rest of the world, especially here in Canada....he is an <deleted>
  4. only reason, I was looking to repeat a bargain buy. really high quality cotton towels 70% discounted . Looks like they went out of business 🙂
  5. Thanks to Transam's post - it is really easy to find old orders. The plus is that i buy expensive dog meds. by working my way back, I can compare prices and find the best deal. Only from a Bangkok source - I don't trust other suppliers.
  6. I watched Trump at one of his recent rallies, on Fox (courtesy of Youtube). To quote him: 'the last election was stolen from us and we're not going to let the 2024 election get stolen again'. This is a con man speaking, a circus ring master. He ADMITTED that he lost the 2020 election ( to a man you call senile). But his personality disorder is so screwed up, he cannot 'man up' as you Americans say, and admit it, in public, to his fans. It is difficult to understand how sane people can consider him a safe pair of hands to look after the future of the USA, in a world where the main players include Putin, Kim, Xi. I love them...they love me. As the frmer intelligence officer described Trump, at CIA headquarters - ''me-me-me-me-me-me-me ''.
  7. I bet you can tell a joke or two, at a party, eh? nudge-nudge wink wink. say no more.
  8. Thanks for the answers. Before you all leave this thread - is there another thread where members discuss difficulties accessing their Lazada wallet? tia
  9. Yes, silly me, indeed. my investment strategy is to invest Thai 100%; no capital gains tax here. Excluding investment property, my Portfolio is approx 90% for dividend income and 10% for small cap equities. I have a good track record, cashing in dividend earning stocks for short term investment in IPO's The comment I made was in reference to one '550k hit' that I took,. In that incident, my broker (& others) did not disclose the lack of transparency in their research notes. The IPO was BTG, at 40 baht.. Research notes given to me privately by my broker's research department valued it at ranges between 50-64 baht. so i plowed 3 mill in to the IPO. Unfortunately, I did not keep that email attachment. Later, after the IPO flopped, the research notes changed, with an addendum, disclaiming responsibility and disclosing that the research/valuation was prepared by the company and not by the researcher dept. Yep, I i thought about suing. Then, this being Thailand, I dropped the idea, trashed my records. A lesson learned - the only time I did not do my own DD,, instead getting lazy and relying on what I thought was an independent source.
  10. I'm hoping this is not an off-topic question. I am looking into buying a new phone for my wife - one that is 99% hassle free. to define that - a phone you open up and the phone icon is on screen, always. i have located the Jitterbug phone. Looks perfect, but it's advertised as needing a connection to Verison or other US/UK provider, plus a monthly fee. Can this product be used in Thailand, assuming you can get it unlocked and insert a Thai sim? tia.
  11. LINE is great. Thai friends and business contacts love it
  12. agreed - cant use those apps to call your home bank, government, and so on. I was on hold for several extra long waiting times (Denmark. Canada) esp when my online Canadian bank app was blocked. My AIS mobile plan is less than 400 . no joy when I got a couple of 1,000 baht bills, in recent months. (despite using the 003 facility) .
  13. The best I can find is my orders - for the calendar year 2023. I need to reorder some items that I ordered previously, in 2022. Is there any way to access this info.? Tia.
  14. 'a start 'and 'the bottom of the ocean' comes to mind. 🙂
  15. In hindsight, you're right - the OP was a weird post. i'd have been better posting my question on the Motors forum.
  16. My 2014 Escape is still in excellent shape, obviously long past warranty time. I have bought genuine Ford parts online, via the FB Escape Owners site. would appreciate learning where you buy spare parts. tia
  17. the odds are stacked against you - you might as well go to Las Vegas.
  18. I agree. A good example is quantitative analysis, invented by Bob Mercer. His billions (which he used to finance Trump's win, right wing media & the Brexit disaster) comes from secret computer science/speech translation programs, using pattern recognition). In short, these practitioners of 'the dark arts' can discover obscure patters in the financial markets and make enormous fortunes (up to 80% per year) from nothing. What I call 'Smoke and Mirrors'
  19. interesting.Our Canadian, Irish and Danish banks have not indicated they will do this. 2 interesting side issues: Danish banks receiving only pension payments now charge a monthly flat fee. They call it something ridiculous, along the lines of a 'citizens benefit fee' (seriously!). Most Irish and Canadian bank provide ''golden age'' (ie over 65) services - zero fees. The expat Danes we know have voted with their feet - arranged for the Danish Govt to send the pension payments to their home country bank. We know several US expats here, who have the misfortune to bank at Wells Fargo. One just flew back to the US to switch banking arrangements for SS payments.
  20. its not what the broker tells you when you sign up & hand over you dosh, its what the insurance company tells you, when you submit a claim.
  21. you're my man! I have heard from within the industry that part of their sales pitch is - ''don't worry about pre-existing conditions''. which is out and out fraudulent marketing. not only that, but completely immoral. If true, can you imagine the heartbreak of one of us submitting a claim for a pre-exisiting condition you did not disclose.? My wife disclosed floaters in the eyes, on her app. 20 years ago. Claims for 2 eye procedures for floaters have been denied - rightly.
  22. the side benefit would be that the Dept. of Correction would have to call him MISTER.
  23. Mike, I have spent the last 1 1/2 hours trolling through AN, reading as many HEATH Ins related posts as I can. AN does provide an invaluable service - but one is often referred back to posts going back to 2020.. On one one older forum, a moderator wrote - 'moved to INSURANCE''. what we need, respectfully, is a Health Insurance forum. id say its a minority that want to know about life ins. but everybody living here wants to know the latest on health ins. expecially since there is a new player in town, with (from what I am hearing from many sources ) has a hazy corporate background. I believe that AN would be doing a major service if it set up a separate forum topic...and it would attract a lot of new members who are lost for advice (the raison dêtre for AN) and why I subscribed in 1998 . thanks in advance
  24. how are you eligible for ins. in Canada, unless you are covered and paying premiums under a provincial insurance plan AND you qualify under the residency rules. once we (Canuck couple) left, after 6 months, we did not qualify for BC Ins.
  25. be fair, they're all (wealthy) clowns.
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