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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. Yep, done and dusty. thanks guys. does everybody get that reminder to join the AN newsletter, every time they update the tab they are on for new messages? its becoming annoying
  2. THANKS. I'm in a bit of bother here, as Ive scrolled though my saved emails and cannot find any from IO which provides the log on. fortunately, I do have my password. i'll get off my ass and locate where to log in to. again, appreciate the advice, it seems so logical - must have missed doing that, due to living here too long 🙂
  3. 555 but,but,but says the Ministry of Tourism (currenty undergoing a 'renovation' in leadership) 'Thailand doesn't have prostitution'
  4. there are days when I wish I had taken up the offer of a Thai wife, upon arriving at the airport, in the 1990's 🙂
  5. should i worry? 90 day is due May 4. neither wife nor I have received our email notifications. (I just turned off my vpn, which is on, 24/7). the travel issue: same problem for us, its a 250 km round trip and if I have to attend personally, my wife is disabled and unable to attend. I imagine if I have her passport and form signed, that will be accepted. tia for any updates on the system.
  6. i agree. apparently you have to go through the ''Thaksin model'' to be able to take the mickey out of the System.
  7. We have a hint-hint company, requiri8ng an audit each year. The auditor takes care of our tax filings. worth the money.
  8. Lacessit, you have prompted me to think of something which may have been considered in the overall thread; which I may have missed.. You write that you will not be (re)patriating your pension income to Thailand. Jolly good for your circumstances. Excuse me all, for pointing out the elephant in the room, at IO. and not at TRD. There must be a decent sized minority, (like me with an expat wife) will need to report 800+k pension income when filing for an extension of retirement. There are some bright beans at IO, who will ask for extra proof of pension income, as reported on a tax return. Based on my experience this past Jan, I guarantee it. The senior IO question who processed our applications asked why the bank certified statement for the 800k is post dated 4 months earlier (the deposit term renewal date) . She said very directly that we could have cheated the system. It took a emergency trip to a local branch with the term deposit book, obtain a bank officers phone number, hand that to the IO. IO calls bank and realizes that the certified statement is dated todays date. This was guaranteed to be a simple process, as we brought the wife of the tassabaan who is a mutual friend of ours (18 years) and the IO. Cost us 10k plus 10k more - all to the Thai friend spending most of her day with us.
  9. World wide, that is a WIP for tax authorities in most countries. Even the SEC hasn't managed to come to grips with crypto (excepting fraud). I plan on keeping some funds in crypto for 2 reasons, one is to protect part of my retirement capital (since it is in USD) from a devaluation in the Thai baht. The other is the total uncertainty about tax-ability of gains.
  10. I'd equate not filing as the equivalent to doing 120 on the hi-way. enjoyable and minimal risk (except for keeping one foot near the brake).
  11. 🙂 in NST IO that would get you a ''dark influence'' warning. seriously, that is waaay to confrontational for Thailand, don't you think?
  12. This particular essay may be of interest to some: (transparency of their funding is questionable) - but I subscribe to & find useful their military assessment reports: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/special-report-assessing-putin’s-implicit-nuclear-threats-after-annexation
  13. good question, especially as I'm the ''gun shy guy'' from Nakohn Si. in my situation (where my application in Feb 2024 to switch from capital to income got rejected) the rules I was quoted (using your example of 40k/month) was this: i had the total income for the 2023 year, but it was deposited in 11 of the 12 calendar months - i.e. January to December, excluding May, which was credited on the 1st of June. Consequently, I had 2 pension deposits in June/none in May. That's fair enough - no argument with their ruling. My experience seems to imply that IO will look at the period from Jan - Dec for you. Then again, maybe not. my advice is - go to IO and ask them for what their ruling will be based on.
  14. thanks you for clarifying. I got sidetracked by the Thai spouse extension, which I have no interest in, since I am married to a Canadian. It wont happen again I promise, and, for Heavens' sake, please don't report me to a moderator. You must have been a headmaster in a previous life? :)
  15. absolutely. I may go off topic a bit, but that's my preogative. its a big world out there. yet some of the comments on the 18 pages pf this thread are infantile. ''it is. it is not, no, it is,'' ad nauseum.
  16. now there you go again. The ''small picture'' brigade. You are so fascinated with the single news item in the OP that you cannot see the bigger picture (which news outlets publish photos of protestors with anti-war signs). Thanks to Qatar's interventions, and none other, Hamas has so far released four hostages. Hamas, whom I abhor, has called for a grand prisoner exchange to release the rest. Israel says no such deal is on the table. Yet a recent Israeli opinion poll found nearly two-thirds of Israelis surveyed support a prisoner exchange. But that is whataboutery is it not? . so it does not suit the 18 pages of narrative in this topic.
  17. very curious to know, since there are 2 types of extensions, do the restrictions on working apply to both types of extensions?
  18. Thanks!! both responses to my post are correct. My problem is, I forgot to collect my Thai wife, when I arrived at the airport 26 years.ago. 🙂
  19. one further thought: not everyone here is using some perspective: Hamas killed a lot of Israelis (not necessarily all Jewish) in a horrible fashion. Now, it is pretty obvious that the Israeli government wants revenge, to the extent of what? 35,000 dead Muslims? This is a separate agenda from what many Jews around the world want - they want security. and rightly so. But not at the horrendous loss of lives that continues today and tomorrow. Do not disenfranchise those of us who are against war and genocide, specially by the very people who suffered their own genocide. Savagely Ironic is it not? .
  20. So, you might as well be asking us how many angels can dance on the head of a needle. Your interpretation is so tenuous, it's painful. This whole thread has been hijacked by the pro-semite, anti-semite groups, with the exception of a few moderate posters. I'd back the judgement of the police, (despite how non PC their warning was, to this guy). Any reasonable person would assume that he was there for the sole purpose of antagonizing an anti-war demonstration.
  21. yep. I'm going to take my deposit book to IO next month (the 3 months anniversary of my extension application date) and seek approval for a draw-down to 400,100 baht (just to be safe)
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