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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. Soccer football, Rugby football, Cricket, ...perhaps England should go back beating the Germans at their national sport (Thatcher's best line) - or just go back to Jousting ?
  2. I'm not falling for that trick - where I post a photo off 3,700 (and counting) blown up Palestinian children to make a point. That is a facile form of debating. I don't argue with the facts you describe. they were horrific and never to be forgotten. look at the map of Gaza, relative to the whole region. It takes a warmonger, like Netanyahu (desperately trying to stay out of jail on multiple counts of corruption) to invent an offer which is impossible to accept.this is probably not too bright an idea. But the Israeli army is probably the greatest, well equipped fight force on the planet. That,, plus some of its 300,000 reservists are quite capable of invading the Gaza strip and kill all of the Hamas followers there, without carpet bombing the whole region.
  3. read it, previously - thank you ! - one of my favourite, reasonably unbiased sources. This is a very moving Interview (podcast) with a truly extraordinary Israeli - who shows his commitment to peace, despite Hamas murdering his daughter. I wish more people would read some of the positive thinking that is available to read or listen to, on news sites like Haaretz.com - and not just the hatred. https://www.haaretz.com/.../0000018b-861f-df47-a3df... I was quite surprised to the article on the Indiatoday, but I have not evaluated its objectivity yet.
  4. 267 pages and i just joined the thread. Best to just ignore me if I'm adding nothing extra. 55
  5. quite true that ''some Palestinians'' hate Israel. But a slim majority do not support Hamas, altho' it misleads many into terrorism. Eradicate Hamas (but how?) but don't destroy a civilization that has been subjected to colonialism and apartheid for a century. That is not even the main issue, which is the little known fact about why Netanyahu helped fund Hamas. I suggest, with respect, that you inform yourself about something has been censored by most of the western press (excepting the Guardian). If you wish, here are 2 pro-Israeli news sites that : Haazar.com and <https://www.indiatoday.in/world/story/israel-helped-funnel-qatar-money-to-fund-hamas-netanyahu-palestinian-state-gaza-war-2456157-2023-11-01> .
  6. I've lost complete faith in the objectivity of the BBC, CNN etc. . The Guardian actually has a very good record of investigative journalism (international scandals/corruption: British Covid/ NHS/ Panama Papers). Try Hazara News. It's liberal Israeli - has a world class editorial room.
  7. so, Aseannow classifies you as an ''advanced''member''. that is really really sad.
  8. so, there's hope 555. Unfortunately - you can smile at ignorant posts - it is the cranky posters who are more annoying.
  9. thanks Barry, I've decided to minimize the sources of news like this. so Im loggin off.
  10. i didn't know that part of the news. even after 28 years living here, that blows me away.
  11. First, RIP to the deceased and it must be heart breaking for the mother to watch the video. why in God's name (or Buddha's for that matter) do they film stuff like this and post it. ? the only way to consider this, is that we're living in SE Asia, yet we still bring our values, our login, our way of thinking with us - and are horrified by news like this.
  12. you wrote ''small be good'' ?? that must be some good dope youre smoking 55
  13. yes, it is. and with a Goodgle ad coming up, every time you post, Aseannow is getting to not be worth the price of admission.
  14. you have trouble following the general discussion, unless everyone attaches a quote?. I will try harder to please you - not.
  15. judging by some of today's xenophobiac posts, Aseannow is going downhill fast.
  16. it's the old addage - ''don't judge the book by its cover''. in this case, feel free to judge this particular poster by his lack of intelligence.
  17. enough of that kind of thing. some of my best friends are from a few of those countries. speaking of which -there's a fair representation of foreign mafia on Phuket from Britain. stupid is as stupid does.
  18. RIP. nobody deserves to go out, that way. Thailand can a dangerous place to visit, esp on your own, if your aim is to ''drink heavily''. However the pubs are crowded with expats who do just that - without ending up dead in suspicious circumstances. I mean, if you suffer from depression, would you book a trip half way around the world so you can off yourself? Hopefully this will make the front page of the Daily Mail, and result in single tourists being more careful. RIP
  19. unless you are a HI-So travelling abroad and run into another Thai who gives you the finger. LOVED that story.
  20. i didnt notice any censure, either, by Thailand over its nationals who died from the conditions they worked under, building the Qatar world cup facilities.
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