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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. try checking the reports in the media. if you want to split hairs - its half way between avoidance and evasion. One land deal going through 12 nominees? and it is non-transparent, assuming you're with me on what that means. aka ''the smell test'' .
  2. yep - a visit to my village Post Office yesterday saw the entire staff glued to the TV coverage of BJ at various Buddhist ceremonies. Did you know that visiting the temple is like getting a ''get out of jail free'' card?
  3. he's trying to make up for all that tax he evaded on the Siri land deals. Now if we could only get Thaskin to repay all the tax he evaded on the sale of the satellite rights to Telemask, this country might have a chance. Nobody pays taxes here, except the salaried (and us expat peasants who have taxable income).
  4. certainly, getting ratty at me draws you into the trap of engaging with me one on one, which is irrelevant. I don't know the exact source, but at 77 yrs, and still having an open mind - learning to learn - i still follow the motto that there is nothing worse than despairing that you cannot make a change. Altho' I respect that you attend Remembrance Day.
  5. worst of the worst. You sicken me. do you know how many British soldiers (including my countrymen from Canada and Ireland) died in 2 wars, so you COULD vote. ?
  6. that is very interesting info, since there was a time when I practiced off shore tax planning for high net worth clients. those days are gone, now that I live in a country where you don't give the government any tax and they don't give you anything back (that's dark bean counter humour, of course we appreciate all of the services available to us here, as guests of the Kingdom). Currently researching what the new CRS rules will mean, now that Thailand has signed the treaty.
  7. Interesting observation. I think the developments of these apps, at least the ones Thai banks have adopted, is early stage stuff. I have to use a sophisticated facial recognition app, for my digital mail. it incorporates 3 scans - passport photo, passport chip and facial scan. works like a charm. But it is a Scandinavian Govt system. Best be patient - today was the future, yesterday.
  8. I guess you voted for Brexit to get away from ''johnny foreigner''
  9. well, if that is their thinking - they are pretty short on brain power. I have 800k in the bank and pay 10%. Ditto for my Thai source dividend and interest income. Some days, I really do want to write to the Bangkok Postbag and say, Mr. PM, you're an idiot, krub.
  10. try to get a proper ''tax receipt'' from any doctors/dentists clinic. the tax system is a joke, 555 this PM is a dangerous tax evading fool.
  11. please let me know which countries where you can have investment income, but do not need to file a domestic tax return. ?
  12. Us too. It is premature to guess what will transpire between a 'memo' and tax law passed by parliament. Thailand is notorious for this type of walking back moronic utterances by politicians. My guess, due to 28 years here and my tax background, is that there is a reasonable risk that pension income brought in will be taxed in the same year. this follows the letter of the law.That could leave a loop hole for one to manage the timing of one's remittances inwards to Thailand. I'd be p/o'd if I have to do this, but we could leave our pensions in our Canadian bank for 12 months, before remitting.
  13. assuming you receive some type of government benefits from it, in which country do you not have to file a NR tax return?
  14. After 28 years of ''you cant buy wine between 2.00 and 5.00 (incidentally, school hours) I don't care. Remember, this is a country where expats don't need a comedy tv channel. 9
  15. reminds me of the old chestnut: Henry Kissinger announced that he was investing in a new chain of restaurants, located in some of the capitols of the world. Their slogan was going to be: 'eat all you can and you'll be power hungry hours later'.
  16. yep. it's called the art of the brain fart. Thai's have always suffered from short term memory loss - even before the legalization of ganja.
  17. reminds me of the story about a Singaporean businessman, who was asked by a colleague if he was going to invest in a big project in Thailand. He said ''no way - I'd get Thai'd if I did''.
  18. The tax issue is a non-starter. It is likely that there is some serious exposure, to FX losses, for US$ borrowings by certain Thai industries & government. Remember the Thaitanic? Not exactly the brightest bunch of people in the room.
  19. Since God is a woman, I'm not sure she'd second that emotion.
  20. It'svery unlikely and if it did come about, it's not really a problem, as long as you can sell USDT crypto in exchange for TB.
  21. thanks for stating the obvious. do you have a plan for avoiding the 800k rule (400k if you're 'murried' ). the real concern for us peasants is - what with the helicopter money politics being practiced here, I'm sure the Govt would love rake in more cash, by raising the deposit limits on retirement visa extensions.
  22. I've always found it odd that even though you are no longer residing in the US, you are taxed on your world income, based on your citizenship. although of course the upside is you qualify for US social security benefits...
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