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Posts posted by Nerone

  1. 9 hours ago, Docno said:

    No causal effect, but there is a correlation... a colleague of mine, for instance, did a study that found that having three or more tattoos was a good predictor of having significant disciplinary issues ('going to the brig') in the army. It doesn't mean that everyone with lots of tattoos is a criminal or that ink-free people are all saints, but there does seem to be a correlation. And it's important to note that this correlation is probably diminishing as tattoos become more the norm in each generation...  

    what a bunch of bull@#$t

  2. THAILAND: the lack of responsibility at his best. Parents that does not give a buck about their children playing in the road, drivers that escape the scene as the most common thing to do...

    The driver deserve to go to Jail, but not because he was speeding or hit the child, because he flied that scene, and he could have done a difference in the outcoming of the health of the child.

    Mostly of these people should be back with buffalo chart growing crops, not driving Suv or Pick ups...

  3. On 4/10/2016 at 9:10 AM, Shoeless Joe said:

    Friend of mine flew into Chiang Mai yesterday (Monday) and asked the manager / owner of his condo to complete the TM30 for him to take to Immigration today. They refused to complete the TM30 and said he had to do it and it was"nothing to do with them". What does he do, go to immigration and explain to them? Then what does immigration do if the the Housemaster/Owner won't comply?






    The fine it's on the owner not on him

  4. On 10/11/2016 at 4:38 AM, Gene1960 said:

    Do not believe those experts. If they say that a Trump presidency has already increased the chances of nuclear war, than Vlad Putin cannot benefit from that. He and Russia is and will be the target.
    Nobody around Trump will allow him to nuke the Middle East.
    Isis will be dealt with conventional. Together with Russia, or not.

    What a bunch of bullseat!!! Under Obama they undermine and destabilize all the middle east. We thinked that George Bush was evil, and then it came the "nobel price" Obama... we will never knows who is behind and thwir plans...beside of that I don't know the reason all these protests in US... If they line he wants to get  is to push a sustenaibility line is not that bad...

  5. 23 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    I just don't understand how a convicted paedophile is allowed by the UK authorities to change his name and be granted a new passport so he can return to commit further offences. Get a grip <deleted> UK :angry: 

    by getting a fake passport in there, travelling to Switzerland with is id card and jumping on a plane with is "new passport"...it's a beautiful world :sick:

  6. Honestly speaking the world (Non US citizen) should focus more on what's the Us foreign policy. Under "Nobel prize" Obama we assisted at harsh times, with the destabilization of middle east and secret agreement with the saudi...I don't think Trump or Hillary will make a substantial difference. Us economic has big investment in the weapon industry, and as long as they will keep this line the face they put in the front as representative does not make any difference to the real events, be it Hitler or madre Teresa. It's just a big farse...

  7. On 8/10/2016 at 3:11 AM, Andaman Al said:

    WOW! She was 15  !



    Is 15 legal in the USA or Thailand or UK?


    I am amazed. You and the others who 'liked' your post should be on the wall of shame 'Ulysses, Naam, alfalfa19 and Falcon'.


    Gents can you enlighten us and tell us if a 15 year old is not a child then what age is a child. Is a 14 yr old ok for you or 13 yr  old .  Will you say 'well she was engaged in prostitution so she knew what she was doing? There are 10 yr old girls engaged in prostitution, are they legit bait for people like you because they are on the game? The LAW defines the parameters and often these CHILDREN have no choice. I find the post and the advocacy of it quite amazing. People have been jailed for pedophilia for having sex with 15 yr olds and put on the sex offender register for life and YOU guys actually think it's ok! Be careful where your internet journeys take you! It looks like we have rock spiders amongst us.

    People are loosing contact with reality, and morality as well...wonder if any of them had children...

  8. Freedom of speech & expression is sometimes mistaken as freedom of insult, freedom of disrespect, and freedom of desecrate.


    In this case what is concerning is that this is not only a single employed decision, but all the crew at the newspaper  agreed to publish this disrespectuful and childlish insult to the people in mourning...

  9. ....I question whether a baby's head can smash a side-window...

    PLEASE, everybody read the article again, then look the picture...there is an open ombrella in it.

    The father was driving, in the cab probably was the other son, while the mother was probably sitting on the back with the infant in her arms. There is no mention about the baby slipping out of the window. In my opinion the mother was recklessly sitting on the pick up bed...

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