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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Your looking at the world through farang eyes.Maybe it's not so rosy for the Thais.No excuse of course but if you were poor with not much education and no future and you see farangs drink in an hour what they take all day to earn,then maybe you would be a bit angry as well' These lads are full of testosterone  and they have no where to release it and sometimes it bubbles over very quickly.They don't know that  we work 50 weeks of the year to get our holiday and we have bills to pay as well.All they see is 2 week millionaires.We have labour laws to protect us in our pay rates but most Thais have nothing like this and get screw over by there own people .It all adds to the frustration.Youth unemployment is a big problem in most countries around the world and it will be coming to us in the next 10 years as robots take over the mundane jobs.Everybody can't have a uni degree and even then there is not enough jobs to go around.They are well educated but can't get a job,frustration sets in.Contract work is bad as they can't get steady jobs to save money for car and house,this is a big problem in Aust.Uni graduates working in hospitality and very soon at 25 you are too old to get the job in your field,Big biz chasing big profits and the following bonus's are to blame,no moral conscience at all .And they have govts in their pocket,so nothing changes.In the next 10 years i predict the have nots will rise up and there will be civil unrest in many western countries,The army and police will be used against us,but once it starts it wont stop.Romania is a prime example,dodgy laws put through in the early hours but the good people stood up.China and India have the same problem,very well educated youth with no jobs.The elites are from old school families and don't give a rat's.The west is too soft and complacent but the time is coming.Trump was a symbol of pent up frustration but definately not the answer,but his supporters couldn't care less,they were sick of the status quo and don'care if they bring it all crashing to the ground.Dark times ahead lads.

    Absolutely spot on post.

    Sent from my iris 750 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

  2. Many medics will tell you a high triglycerides count is worse than a high Cholesterol count.tryglycerides are fatty deposits in the liver that can be lowered by juicing raw pumpkin in a blender (100g) then adding water to make a smoothy .Take in the morning 20 mins. before food.Take for 3 months and then go back for a Cholesterol/trygliceride reading... Better than pill popping.imo.

    Sent from my iris 750 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

  3. My Doc says I must take a 10 mg Satins thing at night because I'm fat and lazy ,I like the truth,but don't know if it's the exercise I've started Or the Satins causing stiffer joints,the first 10 days were fine,any ideas ?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Doctor I went to said my cholesterol was high and he wanted me to take statins but that I should come back every month to check that my liver was OK.when I asked why my liver might not be OK I was told that statins block an enzyme in the liver that produces cholesterol...Good cholesterol that is.I declined the statins.

    Sent from my iris 750 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

  4. Fair of face, nice of figure, soft of voice, moderately dressed, a "model", in a younger demographic, respectful, kind, giving to the community, able to keep good relations with others, work tirelessly for the community whilst expecting nothing in return?
    You sound like a massive pain in the arse.  Perhaps that is why men don't like you.

    Why do you care?

    Great reply
  5. I currently have a thai motor vehicle driving licence valid till 2019.In May i will be returning to australia for an indeterminate period.Was thinking of applying for a thai international driving licence before i go.


    Anyone know where i have to apply to receive one.

    Am thinking,with such a licence i would be ok for at least 3 months to drive on it in australia.Any thoughts appreciated.

  6. Most of the rubbish shown in the pics.is from the monsoonal weather and has come in from the sea.


    Having said that rubbish all over thailand is a problem.


    Many villages are actually pretty clean as more and more families take care and pride to clean up around them,and if the local tessaban has a pick up programme then everything is made easier.


    Tourist areas are a bigger problem,as most thais in these locations are not local and dont care,the local authorities dont place rubbish bins on the beach...dont think it would be so much of a problem if bins were plentiful.


    And finally..education in the schools about not throwing litter on the ground would be a good idea.

  7. How long is a piece of string?

    Seriously go to the area you want to buy and check it out .

    You want residential it'll be more than a farming land.

    If its in a crap village no amenities it'll be cheaper than in a nice village with good roads,maybe have a 711 etc.

    Your question is impossible to answer.

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