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Posts posted by 01322521959

  1. Too true. I read an article about Thailand recently. It is believed by many that Thailand is starting its "lost decade" for economic growth, similar to Japan in the recent past. 
    What is interesting is a point made that Thailand has a reputation of not getting things done. In the 70's and 80's Thailand was investing heavily in Oil, infrastructure, transport, tourism and manufacturing growth. The work done then drove the economy for 20 years. However, Thailand has done very little since then. No serious investment and constant broken promises on work such as flood prevention (after 2011), infrastructure improvements, attracting foreign investment etc, etc,
    It is getting a reputation for a country that just can't execute plans, lots of words but nothing ever happening. 
    The article suggested that foreign investment will continue to fall as other neighbouring countries improve and specifically create policy to "attract" investment.
    After living here for some years now i do subscribe to this, Thailand just can't seem to get anything done, the roads are no exception. Thailand has the second if not the worst road death statistics in the world. And it is so easy to see why when you look at how the system works here. Until there is a complete overhaul of the driving tests, driving licence, insurance and policing it will never improve and since I have lived here i have seen zero changes being made anywhere so I won't hold my breath.
    Thailand is heading for an even tougher time I think as I cannot see what will drag it out of the current horrible position it is in.

    Well said that man! Totally agree with all you've said. We can't all be wrong, can we?

    Sent from my i-mobile_i-STYLE_219 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

  2. Honda themselves not think that all is fine. The launch of the Honda Rebel 300 was postponed... as Honda expect disappointing sales numbers for the model. Of course this are rumors, but nothing from Honda to say anything different...

    Well. I own one and there are two others at my condo. We've all had the recall carried out and neither they or myself are having any probs.
    The Honda CX 500 had a problem with the camchain tensioner on the 1978 models, it was sorted out by Honda but took a long time to get rid of the stigma. I owned a 78',model in 1983, No problems.
    Do you own a CBR 300 by the way?

    Sent from my i-mobile_i-STYLE_219 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

  3. I hope this is not a reflection of Thai society as a whole. Though I fear that in general it is especially from the attitude of drivers on the road. I've never seen them make any real effort to get out of an ambulances way. In the UK cars go up verges, drive into peoples driveways just to give the ambulance free passage.

    Sent from my i-mobile_i-STYLE_219 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

  4. Road worthy check. Isn't that what the yearly MOT is for? Oh no. That's wrong. When I go to get my motorbikes checked, they check NOTHING! I keep my bikes well but they at the MOT station don't even check lights. How many motorbikes/ cars do you see with no lights/ misaligned headlights here? That is a reflection of how sh$# the MOT test is here.
    Mini van checks? Just paying lip service. No in for cement by the BIB. No fing point!

    Sent from my i-mobile_i-STYLE_219 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

  5. I see it all the time. If you block the path of any emergency vehicle in the UK you are in deep doos doos.
    Here there's never been an information program. They could stick it on in the adverts when those crap Thai soap operas are on.
    But we all know the powers that be can't be arsed to do that.

    Sent from my i-mobile_i-STYLE_219 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

  6. How can this be put into force? Does this then mean that the right to protest is made illegal? To implement this will prove impossible. Is it going to be debated? There needs to be discussion. Christ in the UK the game of ping pong between the upper and lower houses is legend. None of that here. God has spoken. He who is almighty must be followed.

    Sent from my i-mobile_i-STYLE_219 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

  7. The only way things will change is if the people want change. In this country its all or nothing. Thing are never gradual here. In the UK you could be facing a jail term of you use your phone whilst driving. The media will show a few people being jailed and a sea of change is placed in the minds of the people. Its gradual but effective.
    Thai brains are wired very differently.

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  8. The government is the mother and father. They are just not doing their job. You need to start with the basics and from a young age. The parents must play their part in supporting a complete change in attitude. I've come to the conclusion that there is no awareness here. I'll jump on the motorbike without a helmet. I'll go the wrong way up a road. I'll turn right on the right side of the road, no problem .. Thai drivers are very forgiving when you make a mistake.
    Change will happen, but not in my lifetime.

    Sent from my i-mobile_i-STYLE_219 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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