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Posts posted by wensiensheng

  1. 19 minutes ago, Classic Ray said:

    This might just be reminder raids to ensure that the right people are rewarded tomorrow.


    Also possible that the right payments are being made and the occasional raid like this one is so that the correct appearance of the application of the law exists.


    I mean, they did a raid only in February and already they have to do another one. So tedious having to do 3 raids a year on a store 100 meters from the police station. Don’t crims know the BIB is seriously over worked!/s

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  2. 26 minutes ago, wazzupnow said:

    and all this commotion because of 1 idiot who decriminalised it in the first place

    what was this idiot thinking 

    all cities are stinking now because chief Crazy Eyes and his tribe are allowed to smoke every where

    yes please behave like a normal country for once and ban smoking in public

    legalise space cake and any other form off use that does not stink up environment

    but get this filth from the streets

    I think it’s banned from public consumption already. But you know what that means in Thailand. Sweet FA.

  3. 13 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    Pro-weed groups have been given no right to put forward their views. There was a ''public forum" where only the anti dope side was allowed to participate. The pro dope people want regulation not criminalisation. This is the correct way to go IMO and it's an opinion I have posted previously. There is absolutely no logic to take money out of the local market and push it back into the black market. The arguments coming from the govt. have not been supported by evidence, and what the impact of recriminalistion will be have, either not been studied or not been released to the public. Like something else we all know only one side of the narrative is being pushed.

    I couldn’t care less whether people choose to use cannabis or not, their choice.


    but I do object to my having to put up with the smell these shops generate. Riding down the road on my motorbike I know when I am passing a cannabis shop simply by the smell wafting across the road. And a couple of restaurants I like are now out of bounds due to the smell from newly opened cannabis shops next door. 

    I can’t speak for other areas in Thailand, but in Phuket most cannabis shops seems to have outside seating areas where patrons can smoke and socialize. The smell generated is very unpleasant for those around them.


    it’s all very reminiscent of the days when going to a pub or even in an office would leave one’s clothes reeking of cigarette smoke.


    Individuals can do what they want to themselves, but why should others suffer?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. I feel sorry for the Thai people who lose money at the casinos. I guess it can be said that they would gamble and lose money anyway, but giving another avenue for that to happen seems irresponsible of the government.


    More noxious is the way that the government uses the fig leaf of “integrated resorts” to deflect from the gambling aspect. That may work in a well regulated environment like Singapore but in Thailand? Let’s just say that there will be a few bars rammed with hookers and the rest will resemble Macao prior to hand back to the Chinese.

  5. 2 hours ago, Dudscar said:

    Expats should not have attitudes, how do you think this would have gone down if it was in the UK and a Thai man did this 

    might have made a local paper. Certainly not national and international, assuming AN and Thaiger count as that. Very much doubt the nationality of the assailant would be a big deal.


    of course the assailant would be arrested, bailed and would appear in court on assault charges. 

    it seems this guy hasn’t been arrested yet?

  6. 3 hours ago, soi3eddie said:


    ...but gave no specific details in the story. Other than the business must not have more than 49% foreign ownership. A very greay area as to what is "fraudulent" or "bogus". The companies were formed as per the rules by all accounts (or they wouldn'y have been formed) but the authorities don't like it. OK the Thai lady has interests in 270 companies. Maybe she's just very successful. It is clear that "authorities" do not like what is happening but to call it "fraud" is a stretch. Who is actaullay being defrauded and losing their money? As usual the story is light on specifics.


    I think that the companies did no actual business other than holding a condo in which the Russian resided. And yet the Russian obtained a work permit via the company so as to be able to stay in Thailand.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Will B Good said:

    If you buy an item in the UK and it is repackaged and posted to you as a gift, no receipt,.......what then?....who decides its value and what tax is due?

    I believe that if they happen to open the package, they then look up the value of the contents online. 

    that’s what happened to my nephew when he had a drone sent over from the UK. He had to go to customs to collect it because they intercepted it and was arguing it had a low value. The customs officer just opened his computer browser and looked up the retail value.

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