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nauseus last won the day on May 5 2019

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  1. I largely agree with your post but some others here evidently do not. I think that is due to the fact that, I assume, from your name, your comments are written from a solely western continental European perspective. Some Americans, and others, are fairly upset that you seem to have not included the war in Vietnam into your view - just my take. Some analysts break the boomers into two stages (1 and 2), with (2) starting in 1955, so most in this latter category would likely have been spared involvement in Vietnam due their (younger) ages at draft time. Being English by birth, and growing up there, I agree that most boomers in most of the western world were lucky to have had the benefit of a mainly peaceful society, fair education and a lot of care and love from two parents, many of whom had served in WW2. My parents both served and were so relieved that they got through the war - but they wanted to make sure that their kids would not have to do the same - I think that was a natural and common feeling then and, as a result boomers got extra parental protection though childhood. Looking back, in the UK at least, this post war relief seemed to last until the end of our generation and this infected people and society in such a good way that most people were actually polite and quite nice to each other for most of two decades. For later generations to blame boomers, or anyone else, for today's problems, is naive. The direction of the masses and countries is rarely controlled by more than just a few people. These groups often cause damage but are spawned in every generation.
  2. Looks like it kept ascending, to end up on top of the old wagon? Talk about forced entry!
  3. Have they taken over from the Fortuna Flyers then?
  4. You should travel more.
  5. They were when they were in the EU.
  6. You should step in and fix everything. Or if not, just stop whining.
  7. Big job. At least somebody is trying to make a start. We'll see.
  8. Precisely. The story gives no evidence to support the claim, directly or indirectly. Typically the Trump haters accept this type of BS as Gospel.
  9. I remember and tried to check - its difficult - but the majority consensus of the reports I found agreed with your comments and I didn't laugh. I actually wish that you had been wrong but you evidently were not.
  10. The EU rules w.r.t qualification for the single market and CU are plain enough, so I do not agree that the whole of the UK thought that. The UK "leaders" should have been able to work that out - I think that Cameron did and he even declared as much - but he just jumped ship when he saw the Brussels iceberg looming large, once the referendum result was out.
  11. I'm really sick of seeing that much overused word.
  12. Not a rant. Just my long-held opinion.
  13. The EU is not keen on leaving evidence lying about.
  14. Yep, mainly a protection racket. Responsibility? Brussels? You can't seriously put them on the same plate.
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