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  1. Your links seem to have nothing to do with your rant. The H-2B program allows temporary legal employment is the US.
  2. Starmer seems to insist on appointing useless a-holes to high-profile jobs. Mind you, there's so many of them they are hard to avoid. Looks like it's a case of the bigger the a-hole the bigger the job, with the biggest one getting the biggest job, of course.
  3. You might be able to see that I have removed my heart emoji award from your first tree post, for obvious reasons.
  4. Looks like you lost your reading glasses too.
  5. Er, no. I didn't miss it. I even gave it a "love it" emoji. You didn't read my other post, did you? Have a coffee and relax for a bit.
  6. Here we go - Merry Christmas from Magdeburg. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c1j08p44w9kt
  7. Even if a system was developed that was viable the enormous cost would probably prohibit investment/use by most countries.
  8. There were early carbon storage (site) surveys offshore Norway about 20 years ago. Locating suitable subsurface options for storage is the easiest part but this activity has decreased because there has been little progress in the development of any effective CCS method to tackle the problems of capturing and transporting atmospheric CO2 at any meaningful scale since then. The reforestation idea is not so bad and would help stop disasters like the recent horrible mudslides around the world.
  9. Like a Crazy Train? Ozzy said Merry Christmas.
  10. I'll only comment on your last question. Only if the EU was a fair-minded economic trading bloc, then joining that would be logical. But with the EU as it is then, no - IMOO the UK would end up with even less advantage than before, especially w.r.t to our own currency, plus the pre-Brexit surviving rebates and opt-outs would all be gone. All of the previous disadvantages would still exist.
  11. I think this mess began long before the W word was first used.
  12. You must have missed these recent salty comments and criticism on screen.

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