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nauseus last won the day on May 5 2019

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  1. How about a smooth tart from a sticky bar?
  2. Ukraine's contingent in Iraq formed a limited part of the coalition peace-keeping forces, authorized by a UN mandate in 2004, comprising of military elements from several countries, including Thailand. The Ukrainian involvement came after the main invasion by the USA and the UK, with support from Australia and Poland.
  3. Not quite so. It's not Mauritius but the Maldives that may have a claim to the Chagos Is. but there was no Maldivian claim nor settlement recorded, Portugal was the first European country to discover the Chagos but the French were the first European colonial power to lay claim to them. The French administered the islands from Mauritius and settled the forebears of the Chagos Islanders. Control of both Mauritius and the Chagos Islands was assumed by Great Britain from the French and confirmed by treaty after the last Napoleonic War in1815. The Chagos Is. were governed by the British from Mauritius, which was by that time also a British colony. But the (Creole) people were already on the Chagos Islands. If Britain should be dealing with and compensating anyone, it should be the Chagos Islanders themselves. The Diego Garcia base is a very important military asset and should not be given away, least of all to Mauritius.
  4. Was that after she'd done Gary?
  5. That would depend on who is doing the funding, and how and why?
  6. Good question, the father's politics may be irrelevant. However, even Starmer has called this ruling an error. This "judge" has a history of controversial rulings, with this one again using an EHCR rule, ignoring the fact that this application was made via the facility for Ukrainian refugees. I think that the problem here is that too many positions of power are allowed to be occupied by political activists.
  7. Full of it, like a Christmas turkey. If these immigrants dislike the UK then why do they elect to come - even pay to come? The Saudis you are describing are not the same and are already privileged and monied so much, that they and can afford whatever they care to buy, immigrant or not.
  8. The cost of all this property and "development" must be very high, so the source of the funds might be concerning?
  9. The problem, in this case, is the son. Another problem is how a single judge can rule in such a careless way.
  10. You sound like Lewis Hamilton .... but without the detail.
  11. Insanity. That figures!
  12. It was decisive for sure. The biggest and most decisive electoral fraud in US history.

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