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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Yes. That's because people have become far too used to low interest rates.
  2. People have become far too used to low interest rates. This "shocking" 5% can't be far of the historic average.
  3. Because it was not confirmed that the sound source was the sub at that time.
  4. Seems like it's all over now. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-us-canada-65967464 RIP.
  5. The vessel Atalante (carrying the 6000m capable ROV) has been stationary, approximately above the Titanic for about 2-3 hours, after going past the site to rendezvous with another support vessel early in the day first. There are 3 support vessels in line going ENE from the Atalante (ringed on chart) and one other support boat close by - these may be trying to fix the sub location if there is any acoustic data available to be processed but I'm not sure. As the Atalante is stationary, I can only assume and hope that the ROV has been deployed. I don't have any other news. This is very difficult and a long shot but we can only pray that the rescuers have enough luck and success to recover these guys in time. Map from Marine Traffic: https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-49.943/centery:41.736/zoom:15
  6. Blinken touts ‘progress’ made in highly-anticipated Beijing meetings https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/18/china/blinken-china-visit-wang-yi-meeting-intl-hnk/index.html
  7. You are not paying attention, as usual. I am not in favour of most of China's policies (foreign and domestic). However, for Biden to say what he said, only a day after a reportedly hopeful visit to China by his senior foreign representative, is quite moronic and any goodwill restored will be shattered.
  8. Good question but that doesn't change the idiocy of this.
  9. Your man Joe is the proven tripping expert. Now he's using his mouth as well as his feet.
  10. Do you think Biden might have told Blinken about what he was going to say at the fundraiser before Blinken wasted his time going to China? First appeasement, then insult, Biden is a dangerous fool.
  11. No. You are wrong. It was in place but reduced. Blair gave back a big chunk in 2005. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/6516753/Tony-Blairs-decision-to-cut-the-EU-rebate-cost-9.3billion-report-shows.html
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