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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. I didn't mention Trump - and neither should you - he's not relevant to the topic.
  2. “How do you get to the bottom of the truth? The only way Congress can do that is go to an impeachment inquiry,” McCarthy said Tuesday, stopping short of formally moving to open such a probe.
  3. This is the story. If it is true then somehow all 5 have visas of some type. The 'slave labour' reference seems to be about how so much work had to be done for such a low rate and that with the lack of promised transport and accommodation. My questions would be how can such a lousy employer be allowed to get away with this and how can these visas be apparently be secured so easily? I think there's a lot more to this story not yet told.
  4. Well you do now. One underpaid woman, along with her mom and three kids to occupy one care worker position is ridiculous.
  5. Feted for their skill. They didn't actually get caught. ???? Not like Steve Smith, who had strips of this sticking out of his pockets after a trip to B & Q.
  6. From the same story: For Terri, who was in an abusive marriage, the job was the perfect opportunity to escape with her three children. "Butterflies were going through me, it was one of the best days of my life," she says. Terri brought her mother with her to the UK, so she could look after Terri's children. Although Terri would be provided with somewhere to stay through the care company, depending on where she was asked to work, the children and their grandmother went into private rented accommodation. No wonder there is so much complaint about UK immigration numbers. One care job brings in 5 people! Insanity. Have a read. It gets madder. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66260064
  7. The reason for attacks on Biden is to highlight him as a hopeless president.
  8. I mean he is a disaster, especially with reference to the exit from Afghanistan. Nothing to do with the economy, which also a mess.
  9. No. Biden had enough time to avoid this disaster happening, whatever he "inherited".
  10. Swiftly deflected as usual. I said that Biden would be better to keep clear of commenting on Afghanistan. He can speak about perceived "UK failings" regarding Afghanistan but that doesn't absolve him. Instead, comments like that swing the spotlight back onto himself and his mess.
  11. This test is going really well for England now, who look set to make it 2-2 in the series. In this form, England can expect to retain The Ashes at The Oval, where the body of English cricket will continue to be preserved and treasured. B. Army
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