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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Davis is only guilty of trusting May. His job was undermined from the start.
  2. France and Germany effectively run the whole show and that has always been a big part of the problem.
  3. An impossible question to answer as the details were never made pubic. It is also impossible for you to say that "the deal she got was as good as it could have been". However, in order to get a better deal then a tougher stance should have been taken from the off; May pretended to be doing this but that was all mush.
  4. Maybe we should ask the former Confederate states and get their reaction?
  5. Someone cannot not say to them "let me understand, you are claiming that it's not Brexit that failed, but that you are incompetent?" because these people were not in a position of power to do anything differently. The mismanagement of Brexit is down to Theresa (Lino) May and her beloved Ollie Robbins KCMG CB. The negotiations were weak to start with and then went south from there. Even Johnson knew that to "get Brexit done" there could be few deviations made from the useless so-called Chequers Agreement, else there would be another 5 more years of pissing about.
  6. Because we'd be trying to rejoin, Sweden is already in. Previous membership would not make a difference. The EU has always wanted all members to use the Euro since its inception and I think that is a condition of any new memberships now.
  7. An occasional slip is forgivable but Biden's regular blunders instill doubts and low confidence.
  8. Most of these "fantastic optouts", rebates and vetoes had disappeared before we left. But, yes, going back in would be much, much worse.
  9. What Barnier announced does not matter. He is no longer an officer of the EU.
  10. If the UK rejoins the EU the Pound will be dead. Be careful what you wish for.....
  11. Inane cobblers. Treason would have been a word to use if the vote to leave had been ignored.
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