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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. All of them. Small companies cannot absorb the costs of them as easily as corporations.
  2. I do agree that the main downside to leaving the EU would be economic - always have - but in the long-term I still think it's worth it. That is, of course, an opinion.
  3. The clips of Trump are cut short to suit this loon's twisted narrative. I'm not going back there.
  4. If you take in this kind of out of context and highly edited bs, that explains a lot. Nothing to do with Biden's spending addiction though.
  5. I know that you can't demonstrate evidence to support that rubbish.
  6. A matter of opinion, which has already been settled on a national basis.
  7. And Biden decided it was a good idea to spend trillions more after all that. But I think that you may be right about a coming recession.
  8. If the UK tries to rejoin, that will be the heaviest cost and the ultimate loss of sovereignty.
  9. Well, the EU regime always favoured the large (lobbying) corporations and for UK SME's, the unfavourable EU regulations are still there.
  10. I said not so good. Looks like this will be the start of a trend.
  11. Jobs now not so good. June unemployment back up to 3.7% (from 3.4% in May). More layoffs in the pipeline: https://www.businessinsider.com/layoffs-sweeping-the-us-these-are-the-companies-making-cuts-2023#shopify-20-of-workforce-7 Inflation is coming down in Europe too (not that can be a direct comparison).
  12. You really should apply for that Press Secretary job.
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