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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. See above. And if Biden is allowed free rein now inflation will go back up again.
  2. You conveniently omit the complete story as well as the costliest pandemic ever.
  3. Manufactured by successive administrations. You seem to think that the Democrats are free from blame, even as they try to inflate the already grossly inflated. I do think that this is a major concern for the American electorate - it certainly should be.
  4. The Fed says interest rates are up to try to curb inflation. Higher interest rates are also making the debt harder and more expensive to pay off. The Republicans want a compromise and less spending to help lower inflation. Biden wants to spend trillions more, which will push inflation even higher and cannot be good at this time. They will compromise and have time to get some kind of deal. Biden can't win the WH again with a default round his neck.
  5. I love Mozzers - those doughnuts are better than Lewis Hamilton's.
  6. Two supermarkets? Fresh food? You were lucky! In my day we had half a corner shop t'ween twenty villages. There'd be a lottery but even after that they'd put shop at bottom of pit of winning village!
  7. No straws. The comparison started as a UK/G7 comparison and that's it. No need to expand and confuse this with an additional non G7 (Eurozone) reference.
  8. Ahem 2019 UK 1.6% Eurozone 1.58% 2018 UK 1.7% Eurozone 1.78%
  9. You are mixing G7 with Eurozone. "Eurozone is not a G7 nation. Naughty naughty!
  10. But but how did that EU stuff get in?
  11. Like Chomper & Choo Choo ????????
  12. Very confusing - most of this seems to be from Boris in 2020 - 4 years after the referendum.
  13. Like an old, flawed 78 from a jumble sale.
  14. Sabotaged at the outset by a Tory (May) Government with a wobbly majority. Whatever might have been promised was by various individuals who were not in power. Perhaps you should consider this, what actually was promised (please include unicorn references)? and what were these so-called foundations of Brexit??? Brexit has not failed - were out. It is the process of leaving that has been a shambles. I do so hate you saying ‘I told you so’. It's so boring.
  15. I would rather say that it was sabotaged from the start.
  16. Yet despite that Farage's "involvement" was a major factor pressuring Cameron to offer the referendum. Then, after May was finally done for, he collapsed the Brexit Party and handed Boris his 80-seat majority in the following GE. Not bad going for a loser. The exit negotiations under May were weak and farcical from the off. Then it appeared that Boris's oven was on the blink and so the deal/dinner came out rather lumpy and cold. Twits mismanaging the country all the way through.
  17. Yet, something seems to have influenced the FBI enough too act unusually hastily on "raw and unconfirmed intelligence" when it started the Russia-Trump investigation(s). Cover-ups will be hard to prove if elements of the FBI itself are possibly involved.
  18. No. What is more likely is that if the U.K re-joined the E.U we would have to drop the Pound and use the Euro.
  19. What Durham says in his report is: That the FBI probe was “seriously flawed” with no grounding evidence and that FBI officials “discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia.” And that: “(Hillary) Clinton allegedly approved a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to tie Trump to Russia as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server,”. In other words it was a hoax, likely instigated by Clinton and the DNC, which had far-reaching detrimental effects for Trump, and was, having begun in mid 2016, an attempt at election interference.
  20. To shut people up! That didn't work did it?
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