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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Apparently afloat no longer. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61114843
  2. But in your biased haste you omit to say that the British carriers were successfully protected in the Falklands. And it's Royal Navy ... not British navy.
  3. Probably detrain near the border and drive 'em across in small groups at night. There are quite a few road crossings.
  4. I thought it was like that expensive hi-tech dental flossing technique. Oh well.
  5. Oh please! A bit late for kangaroo courts without any recognized jurisdiction. The small Baltic states are already in NATO anyway.
  6. Western governments will pay. It is in all their interests to pay and far cheaper than direct military conflict. Individual tax payers pay tax without ever knowing in advance what their money will eventually provide for.
  7. They can fly and fight Polish AF MiG 29s immediately. Please get off the beach and up to speed. The Poles were to receive F16s to offset the transfer of their ex Soviet fighters (above) from the USA, of which they have 32 already (and probably more by now).
  8. Long long time. Shipments are increasing. For peace to occur, what's left of the Russian army needs to go home.
  9. If Zelensky is a drug addict what, then, is Putin? From the BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-60856533 President Volodymyr Zelensky says Ukraine has inflicted "powerful blows" and "significant losses" on the Russians Ukrainian officials say Russia's Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu suffered a heart attack Russia's army says the first phase of its military campaign in Ukraine is over, and it will now focus on the eastern Donbas regiion. I take point 3 as meaning: Looks like plan A failed. Doh. So now we'll try B.
  10. Yep. Second ship probably caught some burning debris blown out from the first one on its deck. Dockside ship ablaze looks like it was carrying at least a partial cargo of munitions. Nasty. Time to get the flock out of Dodge.
  11. Oh good. It's just that tgw's linked poster had some descriptions that looked like some of these actions could have been cyber attacks.
  12. Some reports say there is also hacking from Ukraine and elsewhere. However some of these failures concern hardware problems - maybe the rail system itself isn't so great?
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