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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Oops, 58% of that one million have died during the present administration, even after it inherited the vaccines that did not start to become available until November 2020.
  2. If this is to be a true hearing, rather than an outright prosecution, for a semblance if balance if course. Pelosi & Co are certainly not Trump fans are they?
  3. I'm already out of shape! Looked at links but neither matches what I understood which was that the Republicans wanted to nominate their own people, plus broaden the scope of the hearing. No agreement about this, so Pelosi Inc formed their own committee with 7 Dems and 2 RINOS. The big problem with that is that there will be no cross-examination and witness/testimony selection to give any kind of balance.
  4. sun and eggs work - sunny side up?
  5. The ratings today are relevant to the conversation I was having with someone else. I didn't mention poll results. Try your luck at the next beat.
  6. Your point of view but, looking at all approval polls, that view is not shared by the majority of Americans.
  7. You mean that Trump wasn't a career politician. As far as "general incompetence" goes, it looks like this undisputed title belongs to Joe Biden.
  8. She is still officially a Democrat but I wouldn't be surprised if she jumped.
  9. I doubt that he will be running against Trump somehow. But if Biden does run, he won't beat anyone.
  10. Looking back at the last six or seven years, it looks like it's the Democrats who are the champions of never-ending harassment.
  11. I was referring to what seems to be an overriding single issue occupying all of the Dems time right now. Nothing to do with the right or Republicans, or whatever you're on about.
  12. The single issue problem right now is consuming the left, not the right.
  13. Here you go. I'm not convinced by their regular use of the word 'improvements' though. https://www.bls.gov/cpi/additional-resources/historical-changes.htm
  14. And what do you think is being done to the USA right now that isn't damaging?
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