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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Contradict what? Just because the WH did not disclose this immediately it doesn't mean nobody else did. Did you spend all night digging this up?
  2. Not the greatest business idea to attract future customers. Oh well. TITHAI.
  3. If you "gotta wonder how often he gets to change them in the course of a busy day", then I would suspect you need a place that provides privacy and space as well. Creepy.
  4. That was part of a brief TV interview. Brandon would stumble over ozone.
  5. Just needs decrypting and an hour in the dryer first.
  6. If I had to follow Brandon I'd be laughing too much to ride....
  7. Ten years too! You can even see the Covid spike. Awesome! But I was talking about recent news and yesterday's jobless numbers: https://www.marketwatch.com/livecoverage/stock-market-today-s-p-500-futures-steady-before-gdp-report-after-again-hitting-record/card/u-s-initial-jobless-claims-up-25-000-to-214-000-in-latest-week-LFl2ywmQjVtZlkZUkqYv Likely to rise: https://mondo.com/insights/mass-layoffs-in-2022-whats-next-for-employees/
  8. You forgot the jobless claims going up and thousands of layoffs already. Never mind - the US is booming under Biden - BOOM!
  9. No news here really, except this claim about this mystery memo in November 2020, with Trump suddenly ordering this "rapid" withdrawal - something I've never heard of before - if you've a link to the document itself, that would be great. Whatever the truth of 2020, Biden had time in 2021 to alter plans to avoid this disaster of a final withdrawal.
  10. Damn! Brandon even got the card the wrong way round! Let's go Joe!
  11. Looks who's making things up now. No links too.
  12. Imo poor and lazy criticism - I wasn't actually criticizing rather pointing out a problem. The original report was indeed a few years ago but it is regularly updated - I have not been directed to or following OBR reports. The OBR advertises itself as being independent but it was set up by a UK government, is funded by HM Treasury and led by ex Treasury and BoE people, supported by the CS. I disagree. A few examples: The UK was one of the major influences in the formation of the Single Market and a strong supporter of the EU's attempts to forge trade deals - but the UK was not a major influencer of the content of these deals and foreign and defence policies are not needed by pure trading blocs, rather by nation states. It's true that with the expansion of the membership and more QMV, the influence of any one individual member state is lessened .... at least, in theory ...- and in reality? but let's not pretend all member states are equal - agree! France and Germany have more influence and power than Cyprus and Malta - er yes. When the UK was a member, it was one of the 'Big 3'. - but NOT a member of the biggest 2. Perhaps not. But the UK likes to think of itself as having a significant presence and influence on the world stage. In terms of size of the economy and population, the UK is somewhat smaller than Japan. As an individual nation, what real influence does Japan wield on the world state? I take it that you mean stage? I don't agree with your version of what the UK '"likes". When the UK joined the "Common Market" there was no aspiration to wield influence around the world. The EU as a whole has never been strong enough to influence much of anything globally, as we have seen recently with Russia and Ukraine. Imo any influence that the UK had on the world stage was dependent on our membership of the larger bloc i.e. EU. Moreover, inside the EU we were of use to the US, outside of it less so. As you must have seen from recent events, the UK is still of far more "use" to the US than the EU is. I would call that poor and lazy criticism Have a good flight.
  13. I think it is difficult to isolate what might have been separate (Brexit) effects from the effects of the recent serious events in Europe and the world. especially given, the general nature of the questions. I don't recall being "repeatedly" challenged, particularly w.r.t. OBR's but maybe that's from years ago? It's a shame that more 'Leave' voters did not realize this pre, rather than post, referendum. If they had, perhaps the result would have been different. Perhaps different in that the leave vote would have even been greater? Any influence that the UK may have had over the EEC/EU from within was always weak. With successive losses of vetoes, then more and more QMV, it weakened more. The idea of Brexit was not to try to influence the EU from the outside after we left. The quality of EU decisions that it considers to be in the best interests of its members has always been questionable IMO. A matter of opinion, but these decisions seem to be getting worse. Today, almost every EU member government seems to have some major issue with either the EU itself, or with their own people due to EU politics and policies.
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