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Posts posted by nauseus

  1. 1 hour ago, bobbin said:

    It is truly amazing the amount of support this man enjoys among members of the American electorate.


    But cognitive skills are not a requirement for citizenship..


    You just have to look at them at their Trump rallies.. it's obvious that they are not America's finest.


    And his supporters here on AN?  Laughable in their incoherence..



    At least Trump ralies are actually attended.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    Odd comment.


    Admittedly, to take advantage of the Booming Biden Economy, one needs a good education as well as skills and talents. That leaves out the vast majority of trumpers. The world has left them behind. Obviated them. They are redundant. They do themselves and their spawn no favor by reproducing, because they will pass on their lack of skills and talents to their kids. It's a vicious downward spiral of Darwinian Reality, and it will only be made worse by AI.


    They grasp on to the lies and false promises of trump, because if they didn't have false hopes, they would have no hope at all. Sucks to be them.


    For those with education, skills and talents, things are fantastic. 4th Quarter GDP was just adjusted up. The stock market continues to do well. The US economy is beating all other developed nations, and US inflation is also lower than most developed nations.


    Thanks to the bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, all Americans will benefit from improved roads, bridges, airports, electric grid, communications, etc. It's so good that even Repubs who voted against the Bill are going to their home districts trying to take credit for the improvements they voted against.


    And what does loser trump offer? "I am your retribution".


    As for who is working for whom, I don't think Biden got the infrastructure deal done just for his family. Same with the Chips Act, which is resulting in the construction of the first new chip plants in the US in decades. trump's goobers, if they are working at all, and not just parasiting off the Taxpayer with their SSDI and SNAP, are working for trump, sending money to his PAC so he can skim it to pay his legal bills.


    Odd comment as Biden spends trillions of $ that don't exist to push the USA into a world of eternal debt - but who's shocked?

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  3. 3 hours ago, Tug said:

    Ahhh the dems didn’t put 91 indictments on trump the justice department did at the behest of through investigations especially in the case of an ex president I hope that helps you being a foreigner perhaps you don’t fully understand how our system is set up…….sarcasm alert…….stop twisting stuf up to fit your narrative.as far as president Biden is concerned yup he’s old no doubt about it he sure gets results all within our system of government…….


    Anyone can now see how "our" system is set up and how it is a set up.


    Have to agree. Biden is certainly getting results - a shame for him that most are bad, unwanted or unintended.

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  4. On 4/6/2024 at 8:39 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

    My goodness where to start:



    Netflix ‘leftist Lib woke’?

    Nancy Pelosi [putting aside your customary vitriol] is now an actor?

    ‘Borderline paedo flick Cuties’?

    ’I bet’?

    ’Another thing Netflix and the BBC have in common’??


    A bag of flush face bulging vein nonsense spiced with snide innuendo.


    You’re on a roll Jonny.





    I see your favourite "bulging vein" is on show again.

  5. 10 hours ago, morrobay said:

    Same problem in the US : these saps voted in are taking countries to ruin with their multicultural invasions. Maybe this (high) time the Right will prevail: the Le Pens and the Trumps. Fascism isn't all bad


    This Merriam Webster defintion of fascism  does not include reference to left or right:


    a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.



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  6. 14 hours ago, Tug said:

    Really?how so?humiliating that war criminal putin and exposing the paper tiger that is Russia without spilling American blood and supporting an ally democracy and the European people?or is it adding 2 more top tier extremely well placed new nato members?perhaps it’s the booming stock market or the 50 year low in unemployment perhaps it’s the meaningfull legislation accomplished for the American people?perhaps you could be a bit more specific it might help tho I doubt it…….china needs to respect boundaries they won’t unless it’s enforced……..they are what they are


    What was truly humiliating was the disastrous exit  from Afghanistan.


    Putin spilled plenty of Ukrainian blood by invading that country while most of the world looked on. Sweden and Finland have reluctantly given up decades of neutraility due to the new threat from Putin/Russia but not  due to any action from Biden.


    The "booming" stock market has been enabled with easy money (printing) and low interest rates for most  of the last 16 years. That is all coming to an end now. US unemployment stats are figured differently than in the past, so that anyone with any kind of job is counted as employed, even if it is a few hourse a week. Those who stop actively seeking work are simply not counted as unemployed. It's a complete sham.


    And sending anything more than the odd allied warship into the Taiwan Strait will invite distater. It is a relatively confining area, very busy and under the cover of Chinese land-based missile systems as well as their huge new navy and air force. 


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  7. 15 hours ago, TorquayFan said:

    Nauseus -  I'm not sure where you are coming from but this - "Funny, this court says that Trump overvalued property values but then impose impossibly overinflated fines."


    I'm afraid those penalties imposed are typical and standard of the crazy amounts, it's the culture in litigious USA.


    So Trump is not singled out in anyway in fact he has been favoured.


    It escapes my memory but can you tell me how many criminal charges Trump is facing? A witch hunt? Or justice at last . . . .


    And you support him ? Is that a good idea for you ?




    No those penalties are not typical. How do you work out  that  Trump has been "favoUred"?


    I support justce. Not  political lawfare.


    Oh and I'll have one of those hot dogs with everything. Nice van.

    • Confused 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, eisfeld said:


    I don't know what you are trying to say. Your answer to my question doesn't make sense. The question was also rhetorical.


    Ah well. That might be because you tried two questions in one line. Sadly, it's not happy hour here. 

    • Confused 5
  9. 3 minutes ago, eisfeld said:


    People with far more knowledge (compared to?) of real estate values would trust Trumps word on real estate values? Makes no sense. If they have the knowledge then they would evaluate the value themselves.

    People with far more knowledge of real estate than these corrupt judges.

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  10. 1 hour ago, eisfeld said:

    So even the strongly reduced amount he wasn't able to cover with cash even though he claimed he could with the full amount. He's borrowing a lot of money secured against his properties. Pretty sure he didn't get great rates because the very topic of his case is that he inflated the values of his properties so who would trust him on that when granting him the bond.


    People with far more knowledge of real estate values is who.


    Funny, this court says that Trump overvalued property values but then impose impossibly overinflated fines.


    He's right, it's an overt witchhunt and now everyone can see that.  

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  11. On 3/31/2024 at 8:46 PM, Tug said:

    Joe Biden isn’t on the retreat like trump was during his(administration) the United States under competent leadership is NOT going to leave a vacuum for the like of Putin/xi/or little Kim to fill……..we need to show strength not weakness now


    A bit late for that now. Biden has been a disaster.

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  12. On 3/29/2024 at 2:22 PM, DaLa said:

    Here's a thought on the subject seeing as we are picking dates to suit the rhetoric on the effect of 1 event.


    In December 1971 the £ was trading at $2.43. We joined the EU in January 1972 and from then until the UK left the organisation the £ sterling really did plummet , halved in value to £1.27.


    What does that say regarding  the membership of the EU?  Apply the same logic please.


    EEC Jan 73!!!!!

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