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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. That's not what I said, although they are used more and more for super soups these days.
  2. Yes. The main issues are time and practicality. One previous story said this land bridge (not canal) would save 6-9 days but that doesn't fit. The time saved for trans-shipments (goods that do not originate or terminate in Thailand) would vary according to the geographical origin and final destination of same. Something like 5-6 days (minimum) would be required to unload and load container ships of medium size at the two ports, including loading/unloading on/off rolling stock and rail travel time. That's not even counting paperwork and customs checks. Most large ships from, say, China to India or Europe, need only about 3 days to cover the extra distance past Singapore. I can't see any economic advantage but I can see the environmental impact.
  3. No, I'm not suggesting that the ESS is an EU project. But why does is the ESS needed? I've been to the site - that's where I couldn't find the poll report - useless.
  4. Exactly. Why does this European Social Survey even count? I can't even find the relevant report.
  5. Neither of the above are formal statistical "classes" taught by a respected educational institution and science certainly does not 'depend' on statistics alone. But both are liable to bias (political, economic, or both) or other error. Major businesses use statistical data but, judging by some recent expensive losses, if stats have been sought and used to determine marketing strategies, there seems to be plenty of backfiring recently. Perhaps these methods are flawed?
  6. Yes, must have. Where is it? And why should I believe it? What have expats in Thailand got to do with it?
  7. The topic mentions "most British people" so a broad, nationwide poll is necessary, with many more than 1100 bods.
  8. Not this time of year you won't. But no harm in being early. Bon voyage then.
  9. He might bludgeon you with his hard on.
  10. Without evidence-based and reasoned statements, successful inference is impossible. Your written English composition skills are both lacking and the problem.
  11. The Brown Blunder also struck from 1999-2002 by selling 400 tons of gold, more than half held by the Treasury, at an average price of $275 an ounce. Gold hit $1920 by 2011. A loss of >$20B over 10 years. Way to go Gordon. Doh!
  12. If you had been on one of those bikes I'm sure it would "look that bad".
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