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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Checked. Your link is the YoY rate (Dec to Dec), which does not reveal the period of highest inflation. The highest recent US monthly inflation rate was in July '22. Above 5% for >18 months - not particularly "temporary" and it may not be done yet. https://www.statista.com/statistics/273418/unadjusted-monthly-inflation-rate-in-the-us/
  2. Looks like your inflation comments are about one year out. Peak US inflation was July 22, after which it improved to June 23. Now it's edging up again due to high energy prices plus effects of higher wages.
  3. Well thanks for the reply and some agreement. I'm not celebrating the state of UK politics at all but that's a different issue. Theresa May? Remember when she was summoned to Berlin by Mutti Merkel and had to leave Downing St about 3 in the morning to make the meeting? Just before the great Chequers Agreement was revealed. Well I agree with your criteria and requirements, I am afraid that many EU Commissioners (past and present) have appeared to be neither competent nor on top of their respective briefs. Unfortunately the same might be said of several UK cabinet ministers (and "Prime" Ministers). ????
  4. Looks like most of them are back on duty now: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66909729
  5. EU member states are ruled by their own governments but the EU itself assumes much of the power that would otherwise be solely held and applied by these individual governments, if they were not EU members. EU Law is proposed only by the Commission, which is comprised of commissioners from various member states. The main problem with this is that the EU now has 27 member states. The best interests of all members are different can rarely best served by one body (commission) making laws for all. This was one of the reasons for Brexit. The EU Commissioners themselves, are nominated for selection and approval, rather than being purely and openly elected. This system seems to rely more on closed-door bartering, rather than democratic process and has produced some poor results in the past, and more today. Here, I'm particularly thinking of the EU Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, who had a poor record as German defence minister, no experience at all within the EU and was criticized by her own compatriots: “the Bundeswehr’s condition is catastrophic,” wrote Rupert Scholz, former German defense minister, who added. “The entire defense capability of the Federal Republic is suffering, which is totally irresponsible.” After that, von der Leyen magically emerged as EU President but only after an overnight intervention by Angela Merkel (who also seemed keen on overnight trips for Theresa May). This event confirmed who really was running the EU for so long. I wonder how many Europeans (apart from Germans) knew who Ursula von der Leyen even was before she became the boss? Single digit % I would bet.
  6. I will answer with a no. But these repeated Qs are rather Dandemanesqueish.
  7. All the British TV chefs seem to use some green top squid-based stuff, which I detest and can ruin many Thai dishes. I like what must be the most popular Thai fish sauce, which has to be Tiparos, made from fermented anchovies, which I have consumed gallons of over the years without problem and which should be good for you too, given that the anchovy is a source of omega-3 and selenium.
  8. But witnesses claimed the driver ignored police requests to give himself up and when he attempted to ram his way out of the roadblock, officers opened fire.
  9. My post was a reply with reference to the Covid issue and management of same but w.r.t. population density. Regarding pristine democracies as described by the Economist, my question did not target Canada. That said it seems evident that Trudeau is a failure as a leader but it seems that he and his government were unaware of the Hunka link to the SS and Nazism? The biggest worry is how Trudeau and similar morons manage to get themselves elected.
  10. Well in the Great White North of Canada there far fewer few large cities and a lot more people living in remote areas, plus a far lower overall population density, so social distancing is a lot more achievable. Does the Economist list any pristine democracies?
  11. So you think you're a master of precis too? I was replying to someone else. Your "specific" issue has no bearing on what I was talking about so, no, I would not like.
  12. Looks like you just jumped in without following the sub thread. So how can you claim to have made an argument with any semblance of intelligence?
  13. If you can't see how ridiculous all that is then that's a good example of how blind people have become. Tell you what, if the US economy is still as strong as you believe in 12 months, then I will accept your mealy-mouthed accusation and also concede defeat.
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