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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Looks like you just had that same recurring bad dream again. Must be a worry.
  2. Cracker. Go on, tell us another. But not too soon - I'm still in stitches!
  3. And you fail to address the topic, which is Biden.
  4. There have been killings on both sides in recent decades. I admit to not knowing the complete history of the conflict but it seems that both the Jews and Arabs each have a case. But for cases to be made, murder is a hopeless way for any progress. I don't know if a true settlement for peace and lands is achievable, but I hope so. But I do know that this problem goes back far longer than 30 years.
  5. That particular method of murder is quite popular with those who committed all of the other crimes, as we have seen elsewhere in the world. The beheading story might be propaganda but the important thing is that it could be quite easily believable.
  6. They had the right not to have to kill, rape, kidnap and cut the heads off little babies too. That kind of brutality won't get anyone near a negotiating table.
  7. There are still hundreds of EU laws on the UK statute books. As the UK is no longer in the EU, they can be removed by special acts of parliament singly or en bloc. The main problem seems to be is that the UK is still signed up to the ECHR, which is how just one judge (somewhere but not the UK) managed to stop the first intended flight to Rwanda.
  8. The statement was obviously made on the day following the incident. I said that I think this is a half-truth. That is my opinion. So sue me. There have been few "facts" given - that is one reason for my suspicion. Your supposition that I hope to blame EVs is nonsense. What I do hope is that unnecessary injury and death can be minimized by improvements. If these EV vehicle batteries continue to show this type of spontaneous and violent combustion, then the batteries need to be made much safer.
  9. Yes, I saw that. However, the chief of the same brigade was quoted as I posted. Sorry to say this but I think this is a half-truth. When interviewed, this man steered well clear of describing the fire and its causes but was giving travel advice instead - not really his job at all! If you can show what was actually burning during the initial stages of the fire then I can listen but as you have said, the fuel wasn't diesel.
  10. Andrew Hopkinson, chief fire officer for Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, said. “It’s believed to be diesel-powered, at this stage all subject to verification.” https://www.autoblog.com/2023/10/12/heres-the-car-that-sparked-a-massive-1500-vehicle-fire-at-london-airport-car-park/ Believed to be! Sounds like half-truth waffle to me. With CCTV likely to be at least at the CP entry, then the car number should be logged and the owner and vehicle type easily identified. With the VDO evidence so far, there is a high probability that it's a hybrid-diesel SDV6 IMO. No charging but looks like a big battery for a small gain by the Range Rover specs.
  11. I have had some bad experiences with fires - all were potential (fatal) catastrophes and close calls. I've only done short-course fire prevention and containment training (theory+practical - several repeats). I've worked with devices that use Li batteries for decades but these were not vehicles and were not cause of the fires, thanks be. That said, personally, I will try and stay away from EV's and lithium for as long as possible. As I see that you were a full time professional, then I respect that. A worthwhile career leading to a well-deserved pension. Good luck.
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