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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. There has been a few mules arrested with drugs inside them coming from Ethiopia , before the Covid thing, starting up again, with nearly 1.5 Kg of Cocaine inside him I am sure he looked a bit uncomfortable. regards Worgeordie
  2. There were too many shopping malls in Chiang Mai ,this is the second one to close after Promenade ,not enough business for them all, I used to visit Kad suan Kaew when it first opened, as it was the only mall at the time,but have not been there for years. regards Worgeordie
  3. I believe it will activate automatically , as information in in the computer regards worgeordie
  4. Don't use A/C ,because I don't like it, just use fans, but last couple of weeks don't even use them , just sleep with the windows open. the air up in Chiang Mai this year has been good,due to the rain, when it should not have been raining, now it's the rainy season , it's not raining so much ...... regards worgeordie
  5. He signed the contract on his last day in office , it was a bad deal, but good for him I expect, so if the Courts can extract anything from his family ,who would have benefited , good for the Thai tax payer. regards worgeordie P.S. I wonder if the fire engines are till rusting away in a field somewhere ?
  6. 5-7 business days is not nearly a couple of weeks, with the problems they are having in China, plus the volume of stuff they are moving from there, it's understandable , why can you not wait a while, everybody seems to want their stuff yesterday.... regards Worgeordie
  7. Bit too late of a warning , the horse has already bolted. regards worgeordie
  8. But not Thailand , what are they waiting for , regards worgeordie
  9. Then the price of all street food goes up ,or smaller portions, everything going up except wages ,the poorest having to tighten their belts again , although they must be on the last hole now....... regards Worgeordie
  10. He will be lucky , nobody takes responsibility for anything its always somebody or somethings fault . wires , wires , hanging wires ,we know nothing about wires...... regards worgeordie
  11. They forgot to mention debt ,of the potential buyers .... regards worgeordie
  12. cancelling the 90 day report will not win him many votes from Thais as I am sure not many know about it, but would be a winner if Farangs could vote ....... regards worgeordie
  13. Just heard that Promenada Mall has closed permanently , it's been on the cards for quite some time ,there were too many malls here so no big loss. regards Worgeordie
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