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Posts posted by Mario2008

  1. A visa entry of an extension of stay based on employement, it makes all the difference.

    If on an extension of stay based on employment you need to cancel both work permit and permisison to stay. You could apply at the same time for a new WP and if you manage to get it the same day cancel your permisison to stay at immirgaiton and apply for a enw extension of stay based on your new job.

    In practise it often means that you have to leave the country and apply for a new non-B visa.

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  2. There is no legal format, but normally you must clearly identify the person you invite and the company he works for. That means his name and date of birth and passport number and the name and address of the company and explain the reason for his visit (doing business with your company).

    No, there is no problem for you if he stays longer. (But of course they might take it into considaration if you write a new invitation).

  3. This should be posted as a new topic but applies to this thread. My wife got pregnant at an early age by a Thai traveling salesman who did not stay around. Wife was kicked out of the family house for disgrace so she went to an uncle and gave birth. The uncle registered the birth in his name. I have a notarized affidavit from him and his wife but that did little 30 years ago to change anything. Does Thailand now take into consideration DNA testing? What would I do if they did accept positive findings?

    Not sure what you want to know and what you hope to achieve by DNA testing.

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  4. For a 60 day extension it are only a few documents, but yes the misses must accompany you when applying for it.

    Weird, last time in 2010 I went there alone for new Marriage visa and it was okay. Something has changed.

    Thing is I have a 3 year old daughter but I dont want to take her there. It is not a holiday, probably have to leave her with my in-laws for 2-3 days.

    I am talking abotu a 60 day extension from immirgaiton.

    For a new visa (from a Thai consulate) she does not have to accompany you.

  5. With your mother identified as a Thai person on the birth certificate you are Thai. The most important thing, the Thai birth certificate, you already have.

    The problem you now might run into is proofing that you are who you say you are, but all depends on the amphur in question.

    It is now a question of turning up at the amphur and asking to be registered on a blue tabien baan and applying for a Thai ID-card. Take someone with you who can vouch that you are who you claim to be and take it from there.

    You can also contact the informaiton line of the department of provincial administration: www.dopa.go.th They also have a lot of information on their website, but in Thai.

  6. You can try with with proof that the money come from the sale.

    Note that for the conversion you need to have 15 days left on your permisison to stay, but you do not need to season the money. When you go and apply for the 1 year extension, you must have seasoned it for 2 motnhs and the extensions after that 3 months.

    An alternative might be to go for a combination of income and money in the bank.

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